
Rex Curry #conspiracy rexcurry.net

A new specialty car tag touts the elimination of car tags. As with many specialty tags, the funds raised through the sale of the tag (below) will go to a good cause - and in this rare case, a good LIBERTARIAN cause -ending government car tags and other police-state developments.
The government publicly humiliates everyone as if every car and driver is tattooed by the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. License plates are an invasion of privacy and provide socialist slave numbers (and through driver license records etc) as they help to track everyone in the police state. Another url below exposes the reality of the government’s modus operandi. Government car tags have been used by cops and criminals to select victims and to victimize out-of-towners. The number of murders, robberies, and rapes that have been aided by license plates are impossible to count.
The free-market economy provides better security than the government. Anyone who wishes can voluntarily participate in private registration and marking of his vehicle in ways that do not involve the open humiliation of the owner, and the invasion of his/her privacy. It’s voluntary and flexible and respects privacy and liberty.
Thanks to the free-market, transponders are available by choice, and can be disabled or turned off by owners. Transponders have turned government police into gophers (go fors) for the Onstar transponder service and other providers. Transponder commercials use actual recordings of drivers phoning transponder firms to report a stolen vehicle, and the vehicle is immediately located, still moving with the thieves inside, while the police are phoned and told where to fetch the car.
Bruce Benson’s book “To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice” states that there is much more private security than government security. Whether public officials ever try to privatize any police function, privatization is occurring, even without official comprehension. Law enforcement is one of many examples of how citizens achieve privatization without government cooperation. Consumers allocate more money to private security and resist tax increases for the public sector, and eventually demand tax cuts, as they continue to privatize on their own.
Restore a libertarian heritage. Use these car tags to end car tags. Reduce government and end government license plates.

Rex Curry #conspiracy rexcurry.net

As an attorney, Dr. Rex Curry is consulted by people fighting handicapped-parking laws and other violations of private property rights. The disabled lobbied for laws that force others to provide special parking spaces. They lobbied for police powers, to patrol private property like the Gestapo, issuing written citations to parking offenders, even the property owner. Some disabled people are so obnoxious about parking spaces that they are like storm troopers.

In her article "The Fascist New Frontier," the capitalist philosopher Ayn Rand condemned fascism, saying, "under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds power over its use and disposal." The authoritarian frontier now includes the handicapped. Disabled Nazis control private property wherever the notorious wheelchair symbols are posted, the stick-figure swastikas of the disabled elite. Their authoritarian attitude inspired a scornful sticker at and the scornful term "handicrap laws."

Disabled authoritarians owe a debt of gratitude (which they will never pay) to the free market. Free enterprise creates affordable automobiles, machine control devices and lift technology. Capitalism creates affordable aluminum, nylon, rubber and lightweight technology used in modern wheelchairs. Handicapped statists do not pay or persuade people to build spaces. They say “thanks” by demanding ramps and special parking spaces. Free enterprise liberates people who respond with control and regulation.

Rows of empty handicapped spaces can always be found in crowded parking garages and lots. Spaces and ramps can be found at businesses that were forced to build them at great cost, only to watch the expended resources lay idle. The physically handicapped cripple the financially handicapped.

Anyone who complains is tagged "uncharitable" or "rude." Bowing to compulsory regulations is not charity. Interfering with another person's property is rude. There is nothing wrong with the voluntary provision of handicap facilities, but it is wrong when it is required. Such laws do not liberate the disabled. The laws proclaims that the disabled are dependent upon government to achieve their goals.

Not all handicapped persons support handicap regulations or their enforcement. Some handicapped persons are libertarians or objectivists or otherwise support private property rights and non-interference in the lives of others. They are handicapitalists. The only purpose of law should be to protect people and their property from interference by others. When people make laws that stray from this purpose, they are violators of rights.