
Shockawenow #fundie #homophobia shockawenow.com

It appears on youtube you can say the F word. You can cuss and even do many sins. But you can't call Homosexuality sin. Christians believe that homosexuality is sin as it clearly states it throughout the bible. However youtubes policies say you can't call homosexuality a sin. This is what I did in this video. This is why I was banned. Everybody would agree that Youtube is more "Anti-Christian" than Christian. You can tell by going to atheist channels where they can say the F word and bad mouth Jesus Christ, even calling Jesus Christ a homosexual. Youtube allows that. This is pure Christian discrimination on YOUTUBES part. Youtube as you know doesn't believe homosexuality is sin. I do. So this was destined to happen. Here is the email below youtube sent me. You guys don't try to reactivate me I need a vacation anyways lol. I will be back again. My entire channel was backed up as we all knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I am surprised I lasted this long with youtube being more on the "Godless side". God bless you all it was a blast! Oh also very important. As you know the wiccans and pagans and atheists and satanists and homosexuals lol, did I leave anybody out? we all had our differences. They in no way were responsible for getting me banned. You guys know I strongly disagree with those lifestyles and believe in Jesus Christ instead but I want all my Christian brothers and sisters to NOT harbor any resentment to these groups as they were not responsible nor have they caused it.

[Note: Shockawenow didn't get his youtube account suspended because he called homosexuality a sin, he got suspended for setting up his official website to phish other youtube accounts.]