
Highbeam #racist uselessjunk.net

I scream "bullshit". The white people I know both in my professional and personal lives do not have the power. The minorities have the power because they are the ones running around threatening to call Al and Jesse on every little thing the white man does. and the white people are so damned afraid that someone is going to call them racists for standing up for themselves. They let every minority walk all over them.
Look at the government, It's the same way. You can not tell me that someone in the congress thinks that white people don't deserve a white month, or day, or their own college, or their own clubs just because it cultural and not racist. I know many anglo-americans that would like to get together with others like them and have a drink, learn an education, or just celebrate whatever. No it would be racist.
Just like Al Bundy said. "Shhhh. If she hears us laughing, She will think we are having fun. she wanna come in and ruin it".