
violetdanger #fundie violetdanger.tumblr.com

(Anonymous: I'm really disappointed because you post great positivity posts for bi girls like me, but you also reblog horribly aphobic things. I'm not asexual but the current trend of trying to exclude aces is basically a rehash of when people were trying to exclude bisexuals, and pretty much every aphobe is a biphobe as well. Knowing what it's like, how could I do anything but support my ace brothers, sisters and siblings? I'm sorry but I'm disappointed.)

Be disappointed then

(Anonymous: As a bi woman myself, if you're not gonna support all bi women--including those who are ace/aro, and those aspects of their identities (and yes, willfully engaging in aphobic behavior is not supporting them)--then you're not actually supporting or uplifting us. It makes me sad when people like you make "positivity" spaces that only act to estrange our own.)

So unfollow