
Ironsides #racist voxday.blogspot.co.at

What these moronic "People of Color" don't understand is that they're trying to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.

If they manage to wreck the white countries, they will be unable to sustain themselves, and they will die in the hundreds of millions, passing like the horde of brainless locusts that they are.

If the traitors, (((eskimos))), and googles succeed in destroying the white race, the Chinese will inherit the Earth. And they will not show the slightest bit of sensitivity, compassion, or gentleness to the small-brained kraal trash or the ragheads. Think that the cold minds behind those slanty eyes will waste one rice grain feeding worthless hordes of googles? They'll watch them starve without a flicker of compassion, while extracting whatever resources they need from Africa or wherever else they want.