Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut creators.com

I believe I've come up with a game-changer: an idea that has the power to save America from destruction and collapse at the hands of our enemies (domestic and foreign), an idea so powerful that if former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump adopts it as a centerpiece of his campaign, it will catapult him to reelection as the 47th president of the United States.

This idea is like kryptonite to the deep state. It threatens the power structure of the entire American political system and U.S. government.

Because it will prove virtually the entire D.C. swamp, deep state, Democrat Party, U.S. government and even large swaths of the GOP are traitors to the American people.

How do I know this idea is that good, that powerful?

First, because I unveiled it recently at my speech in front of over 1,200 attendees at Club 47, the world's largest Trump fan club, in Palm Beach, Florida. My speech ended with a standing ovation — and this idea received the wildest ovation of the night.

After the event, there was a one-hour line for my book signing. This was the idea everyone would not stop talking about!

Second, days ago I laid out this idea for the first time as a guest on a YouTube show aimed at military veterans. This show was INSTANTLY banned and deleted by YouTube. This has never happened in the history of this YouTube show. That's how powerful this idea is.

The idea is simple. If we want to save America, we must demand politicians and government officials take periodic, random...


I believe our politicians and government officials have sold us out. They're on the take. They're bribed and blackmailed. They're playing for the other side. They're traitors. All the bad things happening to our country are happening because we've been sold out.

I believe I know who has bought our politicians and government officials. They are owned lock, stock and barrel by either China, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), the Mexican drug cartels, multinational corporate interests or Big Pharma.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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