Daniel Ben Hillel #fundie ynetnews.com

[In response to an article concerning Bentzi Gophstein's recorded comments concerning whether the burning of churches is permissible under Jewish law]

It is sad that the "Israeli" media is making so hard a campaign, so full of hate just because they lose the elections and because they know they will lose again and again!
The problem here is that a very small group of ultra left homosexuals living in Tel Aviv are in war with the fact that the people of Israel are slowly coming back to their roots and opening their minds to religion.
The problem is that this pseudo intelectuals who don't serve in the army nor dirty their hands know that they are doomed and they are trying hard to find ways to attack Jewish morals and religion!
Buy, they are losing and losing!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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