Torture-Device #racist

That's the harsh reality. Despite your biggest wishes, the modern civilization didn't follow African design. It was never borne there, as you can see that we aren't living in mud-huts and curing AIDS with shamanic rituals. It didn't follow Asian design, either, for the most part - instead, it's asians that submitted to our ways and copied the success. They've caught on the fancy machines, the advanced rifles, the technology. Visit modern Asia and see how it desperately wants to be white.
Our civilization wasn't built on the high wave of Mayan, Inka, or even Egyptian advances - those reached a stage and went "ah fuck it, we figured how to built pyramids, time to revert to cannibalism and stall the development".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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