Linds Anthony #fundie

Ah, you’re comparing God with a human. You’re saying “well, I forgive people if they commit a crime! I don’t wreak revenge on them! That’s because I’m good and God’s bad.”

But you’re a human. You’re flawed yourself, so you may cut your kids a lot of slack. (“I know I told him not to do that…but hey, I was worse when I was his age!”) Or you’re aware your rules may not be fair (“I said I’d ground her if she was out after 10…but maybe I was being a bit too strict…maybe I’ll let her off…or check what other parents are doing…”)

Whereas God isnt flawed. He doesnt have to doubt His judgements (and He spells everything out VERY clearly upfront. Eve knew PRECISELY what would happen if she ate the fruit.) So people going against Him shows theyre pitting themselves against God. And while God showed huge mercy in the OT (have you READ the story of the Israelites in wilderness, endlessly disobeying, squabbling, making idols…) He wasnt going to be mocked. Because God isnt like your soppy old Dad (where kids smirk “oh, he SAYS all this stuff but I can wind him round my little finger!”) but is the Almighty. And would we WANT a soppy old God who said one thing but…it never happened? You wouldnt know where you were. There wouldnt BE any Law (“I know it SAYS not to steal but God’ll shrug and look the other way if I smile at Him”)

God is there to be treated with reverence and love. We HAVE to follow His word. It’s not a matter for debate. You deciding that “I don’t approve of God so I’m ignoring His EVERY WORD” isnt like deciding youre not voting for a politician or shopping in a certain business. God wil prevail. Makes more sense to work with Him than try to fight, when it’s all set in stone…



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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