AryanPolska #racist

OK, let's summarize Obama's racist policies against whites since we may be getting a third Obama term in the form of Hillary Clinton. The federal agencies have been infiltrated with obama-ites and will need to be purged. The purpose of the post is to is help turn the light on for white democrats who are still in the dark regarding their racial awareness or stuck in self-hate cuck mode.
Obama's assault against whites:
2. Syrian (other Muslims) refugees (ISIS infiltrated since no vetting)
3. Open southern border illegals from mexico
4. Dreamers from central america (inc. MS-13 drug gangs)
5. Expired visas who overstay
6. Chinese anchor baby hotels in california (anchored babies in general)
7. Expanding H1B visas which take jobs from whites for cheaper foreigners
8. White vets who die too early from useless ME wars and excessive doc wait times



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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