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On 7 April 2017, Trump's CIA and other assets would appear to have carried out a false flag terror event in Sweden?

In connection with the attack, police arrested a 39-year-old Uzbek who, online, had allegedly expressed support for the CIA's ISIS.


During the US election campaign, Trump highlighted the negative effects of mass migration in Sweden.

The CIA's MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD is influential in SWEDEN.

The Prime Minister of Sweden is Kjell Stefan Löfven.

Löfven was placed in an orphanage 10 months after his birth.

Löfven was later looked after by a foster family.

Löfven did his compulsory military service in the Swedish Air Force.

Mind control?

Allegedly, Sweden is run by right wing pedophile rings.

The film 'Call Girl' includes scenes that 'clearly convey' that the late Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme paid for sex with a 14-year-old prostitute.

Family of late Swedish minister sues over 'slanderous' film

In October 2011, in Sweden, 23 women were convicted of child pornography offenses.

The material included girls and boys of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers.

23 women convicted of child pornography in Sweden - CBS News



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