
Max #wingnut voxday.blogspot.co.uk

You know, when VD suggested crucifixion for progressives, I assumed he was joking - and that if he wasn't, he must be a bit mentally unhinged. The idea struck me as crazy - absurd. The ravings of a lunatic or madman. That was twelve days ago.

Today, if a proposal to crucify every person belonging to left-of-center parties were put on the ballot, I would with great regret pull the lever for it. I have friends and family members who belong to left-of-center parties; I just don't see another solution. Leftism is nothing but concentrated evil, and the only way to defeat evil is completely. It must be utterly destroyed, or it will simply dust itself off and rise again.

They want to FUCK our CHILDREN. Not all of them - not yet. Today, they're only pushing for "gay marriage" (plus polygamy and incest in a few isolated places), but we know where this is going. These things (I cannot in good conscience call them human) want to create a world where parents are prevented from protecting their children, because to do so would deny kids their right to fornicate with fifty-year-old men, and only a horrible pedophobe could be against such a beautiful act of love...

I am so filled with loathing and disgust. This is an abomination. They need to die. Enablers and all.

Ain #fundie voxday.blogspot.co.uk

[On the song "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen]

Satanists / Luciferians turn everything upside down. In their world view, God enslaved the human race by keeping them ignorant, and eating from the Tree of Knowledge broke them free of His control. To them, this is what breaking the chains means. In the music video I posted earlier, "It's my time", and "Now's my time to shine", is basically Lucifer's rebellion in a nutshell. This is put into context with the goat heads on the walls.

Another major theme of the video was the sexualization of children. In or near the line "I'll take everything that comes my way, there's no highs without the lows", the back mask, if the Youtuber is correct, is "looks like there's some hoes in this...", and then one of the male's back mask is "..gets the money.." Not much to go on by itself, especially if one doesn't agree that that's what's really being said when played backwards. However, context is everything. The background of the video is replete with dots inside circles, which represents sexual copulation. It also lines up with the allegations against certain producers.

Vox Day #racist voxday.blogspot.co.uk

What all this whining indicates is that the ruthless, relentless meming of the Alt-Right is effective. When they cry racist, send them King Kong and field hand memes. When they cry anti-Semitism, send them swastika and oven memes. The reason they are attempting to ban memes from social media is because it is powerfully effective rhetoric. It is rhetoric that resonates and persuades.

White nationalism and white identity politics are the future for whites. The inescapable future. There is no future for "I don't see color" posing anymore, because even if you want to pretend you don't - and we all know you do, because you make such a particular point of your faux moral preening - every single black, Muslim, Jew, Japanese, Han, Mexican, and Pakistani most certainly does. They see more than color, they see culture and creed too. Even if you're unwilling to accept that your color, culture, and creed is your uniform, all of those things will be their target.

And if we're lucky, you will be what you'll superficially pass for.

I understand this is difficult to accept for those with mixed blood or mixed families. It doesn't matter. Human nature has not changed. The patterns of history have not changed. Ethnic conflict and ethnic cleansing are going to happen in the United States just as they have happened in almost every other polity that allowed itself to become seriously mixed. Homogeneous societies do not appear ex nihilo, they are born from heterogeneous societies.

Guess how?

In fact, the primary reason the ethnic conflict now taking place in the USA is happening at a relatively low level is because the ethnic cleansing is still voluntary. We call it "white flight" and "Hispanization", but the effect is still the same. Don't delude yourself. The socio-political disintegration of the USA is already underway. By the time the mainstream notices and is willing to admit what it is and why it is happening, it will be far late to even slow the process down.

Meng Greenleef #fundie voxday.blogspot.co.uk

[On Disney's Frozen]

The first time I saw Elsa waltz out of her ice palace onto her balcony my jaw fell open. It was shocking to imagine children were watching this. They overtly flung open the overton window regarding child sexuality. Now I see so called professors suggesting prostitution may be taught at University. It's disgusting.

Trimegistus #fundie voxday.blogspot.co.uk

I have a theory: they won't condemn pedophilia because they have sensed that it's on the calendar as the next big Fundamental Human Freedom They've Always Supported. They've got gay marriage, they've got legally-enforced cuckoldry, they've got their fucking legal weed, they've got Federally-funded abortions. Kid-fucking is the obvious next step. (I used to think it would be polygamy, but I've come to realize that after shoving gay marriage up our collective asses, polygamy just doesn't have that pervy transgressive thrill they're addicted to.)

I don't keep up with upcoming film releases, but I'd be willing to bet the price of a movie ticket that there will be one "brave" and critically-acclaimed film about an attractive and high-status person having a sexual relationship with a child. (Probably adult lesbian and teenage girl, so anyone who objects can be called a homophobe who hates women.) I also wouldn't put it past Obama to give Roman Polanski a Presidential pardon before heading off on his post-Presidential bribe-collection tour of the Middle East.

Vox Day #racist voxday.blogspot.co.uk

The evil myth of racial equality in America could only survive so long as vibrants were a mostly segregated minority, whose predilections and general dyscivicism were hidden from the white college students who only ever came across the vibrant best and brightest. The Civil Rights movement, which some conservatives still foolishly lionize, was a disaster for the USA; not as historically cataclysmic as the Immigration Act of 1965 or the combination of no-fault divorce and legal abortion, but a disaster nonetheless.

England is beginning to come to terms with the fact that Enoch Powell was right. I expect that America will eventually come to terms with the fact that Bull Connor and George Wallace were right as well. But the segregationists made one serious mistake. "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" is just a rhetoric. The more convincing argument, and the historical reality, is this: "Segregation now or elimination tomorrow."

Vox Day #fundie voxday.blogspot.co.uk

[Responding to a description of a child molestation incident]

I suspect that Lynch was infested with what the Bible describes as "unclean spirits" and that he passed them off to the boys with whom he came in contact, whether he managed to molest them or not. The fact that he used to "hypnotise" them indicates his involvement with the occult; both hypnotism and drugs can serve as opening a spiritual door to the affected mind. I recommend that the reader, regardless of what he believes, behave as if the Bible's account of Jesus Christ and demons are true, meditate on the Word of God, thank God for his deliverence, and pray daily for continued restoration for himself and the other victims.

As to why the reader got better despite his lack of belief, perhaps someone was praying for him, perhaps the unclean spirit got bored - they are varying degrees of intelligent, you see - or perhaps it was simply God's will that he be cleansed of the spiritual filth. But his experience, and the inability of the average person to even begin to believe what he and the other victims were experiencing at the time, demonstrates how Lynch, and how people like the Podestas, are able to get away with their evil practices in full sight of a world that does not believe in evil.

If you think this all sounds stupid or ridiculous, that's fine. You're not the first to feel that way, and if one day you change your mind upon actually encountering the spiritual world, you won't be the first to do that either.

Krul #fundie voxday.blogspot.co.uk

Back in college when I first started paying attention, I noticed something bizarre.

The popular perception is that feminists hate men. This is not perfectly accurate. Feminists envy men. In reality, the thing that feminists hate and wish to see utterly annihilated and forgotten is... women.

I came to this conclusion after observing that feminists do not only seek to see traditional "manly" pursuits made available to women. They also wish to prevent women from engaging in traditional "womanly" pursuits, e.g. homemaking and childbirth. Anything that smacks of a distinctive "female" identity is viciously attacked, while "male" pursuits are lauded as worthy "empowering" ambitions. Their ideal world is one composed entirely of creatures which are masculine in appearance, ability, and appetite.

In my opinion, those who say that feminism is a "war against men" have it exactly backwards. Feminism is a war against woman kind.

From this perspective, the well known alliance between feminists and male gays takes on a suggestive new context.

scoobius dubious #racist voxday.blogspot.co.uk

"Why should one group of people assume that their best interests will be taken into account by, essentially, elitists who assume their intellect is superior compared to the masses? Why should women and blacks and gays and other groups be beholden to such governance?"

Okay, I've got an offer on that. We'll do a little experiment. We'll send women and blacks and gays and Latinos to some undeveloped wilderness part of the world (some steppe or mountainous stretch of Central Asia, for example), and if they manage to fight off the locals, husband the resources properly, form a just and functioning government, and then build a civilization that's so awesome and fantastically rich that everyone else in the world wants to move there, then if and when the white males show up as supplicant immigrants, they'll just have to agree to be governed by blacks and gays and women, who will have shown that they in fact know what's best.

Do we have a deal?

(I don't even want to know about the results of this awesome imaginary country, no matter how awesome it turns out. I just want blacks and gays and feminists and Latinos to leave America, and move someplace that they'll doubtless all like so much better wifout de ebil raciss whiteboys holding em down, mon.)

Vox Day #fundie voxday.blogspot.co.uk

Do you remember hearing how Disney loved the song "Let It Go" so much that they created an entire movie to go around it? Did you ever ask yourself what it was they loved so much about it?

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know!

It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free!

Disney is run by literal satanists preaching Alastair Crowley's "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" to children. They are one of the primary engine's of the West's degeneracy and decline. It is not an accident that everything they touch, in every industry, turns into morally radioactive slime.

Goy Rogers #conspiracy voxday.blogspot.co.uk


There's a lot of evil in that "marketing" pic for Comet Pizza - and there are very few "accidents" in marketing.
1) the size differences in the three men, combined with the facial hair, suggest two men and a boy
2) the "boy" wears a gray shirt and presents a pizza to the men, with a "pleasers" smile on his face
3) the men stare at the pizza, presented on a white square of parchment paper, with surprised/shocked disbelief
4) one "man" wears a light blue shirt, the other dark blue
5) the hand-written announcement in the upper right says, "tiramisu proline"
6) there is a yellow square sticky note directly below the announcement
7) Urban dictionary includes a definition for "tiramisu" as "a foursome with partners of different races. The two "men" are of different races, implying that the viewer could be the fourth.
8) the yellow square is code for "water play" and the pizza has a slice of lemon on it...a slice of yellow
9) there is another slice of yellow on the counter visible between "light blue man" and "gray boy"
10) the background is awash in yellow light...there's lots of yellow to be had in the play area to the rear.
11) the "Comet logo" is positioned over the "blue man's" crotch like a stylized ejaculation
12) the logo doesn't look like a comet. It looks like the upper right butterfly wing (the boy corner), in virginal white

Evil hiding in plain sight. DOTR can't come soon enough...

Discard #racist voxday.blogspot.co.uk

The good reason for anti-Black miscegenation laws is that Black DNA is effectively a genetic pollutant. Blacks are a blight on society and a drain on the economy. The fewer the better. Diluting their presence by mixing it with White genes is simply spreading the problem around. And I believe no more in the right to breed with whoever you wish than I do the right to shit in a drinking fountain.