
dripgrind #conspiracy boingboing.net

[In response to an article about a man who claims that he has not had food or water for 70 years]

I can't believe you are being so close-minded about this! Sure, a lot of breatharians have proven to be hoaxers, but perhaps this man is getting nutrition from a secret government ray that is being tested by the military.

It's well established that breatharians are more likely to occur near top secret UK army bases (if you filter out the hoax breatharians). Furthermore, in recent years, armies have openly demonstrated food-based technology like the US MRE program, which only makes my "food ray" hypothesis more likely.

A highly respected government lab in France has done some tests on this man's hair, and found nodes! Nodes! Do you realise the implications?

What's more, this research has been replicated by other top labs (Cal Tech, Nobel Institute University of Science, Oxon University etc.) so you can't simply dismiss the weight of evidence. Plus, I have personally interviewed a top physicist who witnessed an unexplained ray and then didn't feel hungry for over ten hours.

Don't get me wrong, I welcome respectful inquiry into the exact nature of this man's amazing powers. But what I don't welcome is name-calling, or any suggestion that he might not have amazing powers. That is beyond the realm of reasonable debate.

It's fascinating that certain "forbidden" topics, dismissed in academia, are also dismissed in cyberspace!

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