
montrosse #racist eteamrevolution.net

You are allowing a philosophical UNREASONED bias into the conversation by ASSUMING that you have a right to declare the owning of slaves, the slaughter of infants, and the butchery of innocent women and children, to be morally evil. Who told you those things were evil? Or do you just run off of your gut instincts? Who is being the unreasonable one here? Bear in mind, I am not saying they are good things necessarily but since my morality is based on scripture, I take those acts to have a meaning beyond just what my gut tells me.

trinity4me #fundie eteamrevolution.net

['my friend wants to go to church really, really bad, but her mom won't let her because she thinks all things that involve God is bad.']

try inviting her 2 youth group tell her that you play games talk and stuff like that but leave out the kpart about god, that what i do and it works

['Doesn't that amount to deception?']

not really because u do do all of those things at yg ur just not teling them all of it if u want to call it that go ahead but it might be the only way to get the friend there

['There is such a thing as "lying by omission". deception is the only way to get someone to go to a Christian youth group. Nice. Please tell me you see the irony in that.']

ya i do but do u see any other way to get that friend their?

Skittlesrock628 #fundie eteamrevolution.net

Here's a good way to make sure you don't hold someone's hand, or kiss them-your husband is down the line somewhere. How do you think he would feel if he knew you were kissing someone else, holding someone elses hand? Giving what is his away. I mean, how would you feel if you knew your husband had already given his kiss away, or even his entire purity? We all dream of a guy who hasn't done anything with another girl right? It goes both ways. And also, that guy you kiss is someone elses future husband. So I also had to repent of not only not staying faithful to my future husband and giving away something that was rightfully his, but taking away his first kiss aswell. A first kiss that rightfully belonged to someone else. But I've repented, and I've made a promise, a vow to God, to wait.

ericfoy #fundie eteamrevolution.net

Yes, I do in fact suppose that the atheists believe my God exists, and simply ignore Him. Thus, that the person is an atheist is your premise, not mine. If atheists by definition do not believe that God exists, then I am asserting that atheists are not what they think they are. You have defined yourself, but you are incorrect in your definition.

TaCo7 #fundie eteamrevolution.net

of course the Story of Jesus Christ is told in my World History book at school, along with david and goliath and many other stories in the bible, why, because they are fact, unless you want to believe that nothing in my history book is correct. thats right, world war 1 and 2 never happend the Roman empire was a myth and there was no king ceasar

G-Ike-O D #fundie eteamrevolution.net

[Paragraph breaks inserted because the author forgot to add them himself.]

About 3 months ago I wrote a later to one of my Jewish friends which I had planned to witness to for a long time. she read it and got mad at me for doing it, she said I didn’t have the right to convict people. so I said I would drop the subject. for the next 2 weeks several people called me a nati or asked me how Hitler was doing. one guy when I said Hi he said " I hate your ****ing guts" then he went into CSO. This guy calls himself a Christian and a few days later he was telling me how mad he was that I would say that to my Jewish friend. I was feeling really down already so I left, One of my Christian friends spoke to him and basically said he was a hypocrite for saying he was a Christian and yelling at me for witnessing.

so that day at lunch my Jewish friend starts yelling at me cuz we ( my friend and I) " Ganged up" on this guy, I got fed up with her yelling and said " this conversation is going nowhere, So Good bye" and I left, cuz she wouldn’t listen to me. yea 2 days later I got called down to the office and told that I was harassing her and that it is illegal to witness at school, I explained that separation of church and state only applies to adults and not students. I also said that she had brought it up the second time.

yea so she is still mad at me and hasn’t spoken to me since, I still get called names and yelled at because of it.

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