
Panzer Schreck #fundie fimfiction.net

I am a major Constitution guy; I firmly believe that it works...but only in a homogeneous society whose culture has a history of utilizing its (the Constitution's) rules and systems fairly. The Founding Fathers specifically claimed that the government that they were establishing was "for themselves and their posterity", which means them and their descendants, specifically white people. The system they crafted was utilized based on the assumption that the people of America would have a common cultural respect for the Constitution since much of it was based off of the old documents and theories of law present in the Old World of Europe.
And as we can see, the clash of cultures that has grown from the fertile ground of immigration (particularly the near-unfettered influx of the last few decades) has resulted in every group in America screeching about how the Constitution (by which term I am also including the laws of the land) needs to change to suit their needs/wants/points-of-view, often at the expense of those whom it was originally meant to serve.
If this country is going to remain culturally-diverse (and I see no end to that in sight; whether that is good or ill, I leave up to you), then the Constitution, based off of the concepts of Liberal Democracy, is rendered ineffective; again, as demographics within the country change, then the laws and mores of the State will as well, which means that the largest group (or the group where the most public sympathy lies, or the group that has the most lobbyists, etc) will be able to craft a bank of laws and lawmakers that will benefit them them most, usually at the cost of everyone else.
A more culturally-diverse society needs something stronger, stricter, more iron-clad than Liberal Democracy...and that is where many on the Right are now looking at Fascism as the ideal way forward.
I do not agree, for the very simple fact that I love my personal freedoms, and I refuse to let my society hang by a single thread.
The old Fascist regimes were very successful economically, militarily, and socially. Italy and Germany were literally yanked into the mid-20th century thanks to the fact that their respective peoples were united in a single cause. The root term of Fascist refers to a bundle of sticks, which is borrowed from a metaphor about a bundle of sticks being stronger and less easy to break than single sticks on their own, and this proved true.
Art, music, architecture, personal health, business...all were boosted thanks to the people being united in their energies and efforts!

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Now, the problem with multicultural Liberal Democracy is the fact that it automatically assumes that everyone is the same or at least mostly similar, with a similar thought process, similar wants and needs, etc.
However, the sciences (anthropology, evolutionary biology, psychology, etc) tell us a very different story; all of humankind is not the same. You cannot take a native African shaman and have him switch places with a native Chinese Shaolin monk and expect them to thrive; the culture clash, the language barrier, the IQ level, the acclimation to climate, and even more will play a factor in how they survive...if at all.
Essentially, Liberal Democracy assumes that everyone in the world is merely different colors of the same kind of LEGO brick; they look different at first glance, but they still fit together the same way.
This is simply not so, and to assume it would be completely unscientific and unrealistic.
However, if Marxsm (including all of its derivatives) and Fascism (ditto) don't work, and Liberal Democracy only works under certain conditions (and we know that Anarchy doesn't work; everything goes back to a hierarchy eventually), then what would work at least most, if not all the time?
Russian political theorist Aleksandr Dugin advocates for the development of a fourth political theory, one that would take the best from the three previous models and incorporate them into something new, something that would both unite the people under it while preserving the population from what each advocates, which is the abolition of individuality and culture.
Granted, Dugin does not give us an outline of this theory; he merely provides skeleton parameters for the issues it must address and how it might come to be.
That said, one cannot deny the possibilities that a "Fourth Way" might present us with.
Marxism has failed, Fascism is dead, and Liberal Democracy is faltering. What is left to us is either tribal rule, autocracy, or ethnostatism; we don't want to go back to intertribal warfare, having a king would suck just as bad as the first three, and there is no way in hell that the globalist elite would allow any more ethnostates than already exist.
The problem is this; Fascism was beaten by Marxism in 1945. Marxism fell to Liberal Democracy in 1989. Liberal Democracy then spread around what parts of the world that it hadn't yet touched.
Westerners, the longest practitioners of Liberal Democracy, have been utilizing it for so long that now we think everyone either has it or wants it, and anyone who doesn't is either insane or just stupid, leaving it vulnerable to attack from within by those who hate it or want to use it for personal gain.
There are also those who do not want it, those of us who are seeing its failings and wanting to replace the system before it collapses and takes Western Civilization, what may as well be our world, with it. Naturally, we will be seen as evil and/or crazy as well.
Anyways, so while I hate Leftism, dislike Fascism, and am a Constitutionalist, I also realize that perhaps Liberal Democracy has played itself out, and not necessarily for the better. However, I have little clue where to proceed myself, and so I sit and think and research.

VariusMayhem #conspiracy fimfiction.net

I wouldn't go that far to name specific groups, but a shadow government does exist in fact See all that American presidents since Kennedy's death? Puppets, no matter who it was. Kennedy tried to audit the fed and return money printing away from the Federal Reserve and back to the government. By signing the executive order he signed his own execution. Think this is a conspiracy theory? Then explain to me why the guy after him repealed that very executive order as his first thing in office.

A president doesn't have to lead a battalion into battle like Washington did, he only has to sell war to the public. Obama is a used car salesman. He has that nice smile that makes you want to like him, but in fact, things have gotten worse under him. The first black president ever and the black folks in America are suffering more than before. Odd, right?
To solve a problem one must first see the problem and the problem in America is that the system is rigged against the people unless the people see it for the rigged garbage it is. America is robbed in broad daylight and no one is the wiser. That's why so many people are waking up and start to support Trump.

Why Trump? Because he's an outsider. Since him being the nominee, the republicans haven't spend a single dime in advertisement to aid him. Yes, you've read that right. Zero. Nada. Nothing. At. All.
Another thing which is strange is the oddity that, whenever there is someone saying something bad about Hillary Clinton on CNN, there seems to be technical difficulties of some sorts or the moderator is rudely interrupting for some far fetched reason. It never happens if something bad is said about Trump though. What a convenient coincidence... Or is it?
Bottom Line is: The Mainstream Media are rigged altogether and you would do best to turn them off. I myself have stopped to watch television years ago. And frankly? I don't miss it. If the narrative is the same where ever you zap to... May it be CNN, MSNBC, or Mainstream Media there is... And Trump is always the evil and bad guy and Hillary a saint, you can bet your ass you can spell that shit P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A.

Politicians are groomed for their seat of power nowadays. Why else is so much Trump bashing from all over the world? The pope bitching about Trump's proposal with a wall... And that coming from a dude with his own army inside a city with huge city WALLS. Obama campaigning for Clinton... Doesn't he still have a job to do? Like being president? Why is he campaigning for anyone? Shouldn't concern him in the slightest. Come November 8th, Obama will be kicked out of the White House either way. He should spend his time with his job and looking for a new place to live in.
But back on track on THIS topic. I can relate to both sides, yours and OPs. Getting rid of communists is one thing and probably good for society. But the way we get rid of them determines what kind of society we have. However, these unhappy few thrown out of helicopters will serve as a warning for others to think twice before attempting the same thing again.

Now, enough of my blabber, I already typed too much into this post.

RealityCheck #fundie fimfiction.net

If you're going to have your HiE tell Celestia all about humanity, take the time to GET IT RIGHT. And not just the abridged whiny disaffected teen version of world history.

A few damn highlights:

1)America was not the only nation to own slaves. It was however the first (and thus far only) nation where the slave-owning class went to war to FREE the slaves. And as far as that goes, the Civil War was a hell of a lot more complicated than just Free vs Slave, too. (almost unknown factoid: while the North was chastising the south for owning slaves, it was whalloping the south with taxes and tariffs on the cotton trade--- most of the government revenue came from taxes on the South, and was spent mostly on the North. The north ALSO conspired to deny them representation, by declaring black people only worth 2/3 a white person in the Census... which decided how many Representatives the south got. LITTLE THINGS LIKE THAT.) Muslims and africans, btw, still have slavery.

2)The crusades were not "Christian oppression," they were responses by the Christian nations to a massive, continent wide invasion of conquest by the Muslim nations. The trigger to the first Crusade was pleas for help from Christian cities in the Middle East that were being overrun by Muslim invaders.

3)Blather about "religious wars" should be followed up by a little reminder of what the humanist and atheist regimes got up to in the French Revolution, National Socialist Germany, the Soviet Union and Red China--- where more civilians were killed by their own governments (many of them for the counterrevolutionary crime of being religious) than were killed by all the holy wars in prior human history combined. Oh, and while you're at it--- Don't call religious people stupid for believing in a God, unless you're willing to spend equal time on the fact that its stupid to assume ponies worship Celestia as a goddess when she's had her ass handed to her at least three times already right in front of them.

4)Yes, America has fought in most every major war since its founding. Largely because the rest of you tossers won't leave us the hell alone. Had to fight a revolution just to get the brits to leave us alone. then 1812, we had to fight them again to get them to stop boarding our ships and kidnapping our sailors. then in the early 20th the kaiser started attacking our trade ships. Then in 1941 the japanese bomb our harbor. Then the soviets start trying to swallow up the world, so there we were in Korea and Vietnam, and posting OUR troops to protect everyone ELSE'S country. THAT goes by the wayside and the Arabs start flying planes into our buildings! Yes, we're warlike, because people keep waging WAR on us!

5)And in broader terms--- quit having Celestia act shocked that humans have wars. No ruler keeps a standing army around her castle just because she likes the pretty armor.

6)Setting aside the fact that witch trials aren't going to be really shocking to a species who lives in a world where genuine evil enchantresses exist, Salem was not the only place in the world where witches were tried and executed. For that matter, Christendom was late to the game in that regard--- and witch trials still take place in many pagan corners of the world. Quit getting your history from websites by pouty neopagan goth teenagers who think they're reincarnations of dark faeries from the Burning Times.

Just for once try and remember that for every unjust tyrant, cruel regime, hateful fanatic and evil person there were other people who opposed them, who stood in the light, who sacrificed themselves for other men's life and liberty. Humanity is not "Teh Suck," Okay? At least PRETEND to give your own nation, culture, race and species the benefit of the doubt!

The idiot who praises with enthusiastic tone

every century but this and every culture but his own

Oh I've got a little list, I've got a little list.... The Mikado

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