
Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

Over half the Jews we help with tefillin at the Kotel initially refuse. So how do we get them? Each time is different and has to be made to fit the Jew we are reaching out to. The more experienced you get the more you succeed.

Some of the things that I have found worked are;

Do not ask them if they want to put on tefillin because they don't. Instead say, 'Come put on tefillin.'

They often refuse so we respond with whatever we think will work, but to the one who says he does not believe, I answer. 'You don't need belief to do it. The Torah says, 'we will do it then we will understand'. Doing it brings the understanding,' and I gently pull their arm or bring the straps to their hand and see if they let me continue as they often do. "Assumed consent" is an old sales technique.

Anonymous #fundie mpaths.com

[On Women of the Wall:]

MOST IMPORTANTLY! This is all part of an agenda! The undoing of Judaism in the Jewish Land. Those who are perpetrating this pure evil are most likely not even Jews themselves. The Reform movement has been a thorn in the side of the Jewish people for the last couple of centuries. Their goal is to water down every aspect of Torah until they (think, of course) finish the job. They can conspire all they want, but it will not help them; this is their war against G-D Almighty! They should think first at what they are doing and cease before the unleashing of H's Wrath. Those who are Jewish amongst these fools should do teshuvah for their own sakes. No one can win a war against our Creator. Most of the Jews in Israel are against them, and they are a minority who are forcing their will upon the people of Israel. The rabbis must keep up their fight against these radicals!

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

[Women of the Wall won a court case granting them a separate area of the Kotel to pray.]

Why is the religious community objecting so vigorously to giving the Reform and such an area of the Kotel? There is the great fear that this will be a foot in the door to the government recognizing the "traditions" of the non-Orthodox.

What is so wrong with their ideas? To cite just a few of the more obvious problems; the Reform movement teaches that if a person does not have a Jewish mother but does have a Jewish father that person is a Jew. The Torah specifically teaches that the person must have a Jewish mother. What would happen if this became rampant in Israel? It would mean Israel "legalizing" mixed marriages! And the Conservative movement, what is their opinion on this? They have recently "removed their strong objection to inter-dating"!

This, plus these movements allowing men to marry men, women to marry women, and rabbis to be homosexual...etc... all which the Torah condemns in the most vigorous language will never be acceptable to the Jews who follow the Torah.

The religious community does not want these and all of the other problems that would come to Israel by recognizing deviant "Jewish" movements. [...] [T]he government must be extremely careful not to recognize their religion and then to go on to allow them to have authority in such matters as determining what is Kosher and what is not.

Reb Akiva #fundie mpaths.com

Israel has extreme Western liberal movements and trends. Israel frequently "gives peace a chance", allowing terrorists to return from abroad (Yasser Arafat and crew), ceding land to those openly declaring their intention to destroy Israel (Gaza and Hamas), even giving work permits to 'Palestinians' so they have economic opportunity...between periodic spurts of terror attacks (including rounds of car bombings, bus bombings, suicide bombings, and the most recent stabbing spree).

Israel also has an extreme feminism movement, demanding the "right" to perform any and all religious rituals at the holiest sites in the world that are restricted by gender, an extreme gay rights movement that has even convinced the government to give asylum to gay 'Palestinians' that flee areas under PLO or Hamas control to avoid being murdered for their preferences, etc etc.

Yet all of these movements and trends in Israel quickly get smacked in the face by aspects of reality. Give peace a chance has repeatedly ended with threats, attacks and innocent deaths. Ceded land is turned into rocket and attack launch pads. Work permits turn into pathways of entry for attackers, and more dead innocents. The feminists push their demands on Jewish sites, but never on Muslim or even Christian ones - for their lives would immediately be at risk from Arab worshippers. (At Jewish sites, the Jewish 'extremists' might yell at them - or even throw a plastic chair! Oh my. The Arabs will start throwing cinder blocks and work up from there.) The gays will march to their hearts content in Tel Aviv, and sometimes in the Jewish sections of Jerusalem - but never even consider marching near, and certainly not in, Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem - their lives would be at risk.

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

At one farbrengen the Rebbe explained:

The only way to guarantee that people should follow the straight and just path is to instill in them a faith in the Creator of the world.


And for absurd reasons, mentioning the Creator and Conductor of the world is not allowed in school! As a result, hundreds of thousands of Jewish children and millions of non-Jewish children who are enrolled in public schools do not hear or know anything about the Creator! The only solution to this is to institute a moment of silence at the beginning of the school day, which is designated to thinking about the Creator. This, the Rebbe assured the critics, would influence the rest of the day.

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

For good reason Hashem calls homosexual relations an abomination. [...] The perverting of sexual desire does not produce a family. A perverted relationship comes merely to satisfy lusts. The Torah tells us not to follow our hearts and our eyes as they will lead us astray. Our intellect must rule our heart.

The US Supreme Court's decision comes to satisfy the hearts of a very small twisted minority. But the real problem is that their immoral decision has spread to the entire nation. The law-abiding children in America will be raised believing that homosexuality is normal! This is a huge error.

The fact is, as all will see in the end, the US Supreme Court is not really the Supreme Court. On the day of our true judgment we will stand before the Supreme Judge. And guess what? He is going to judge us according to His Torah and not according to the US Supreme Court's perverted ruling.

Anonymous #fundie mpaths.com

[One of the main contributors to the blog received this in an email and disagreed with it.]

With the summer approaching, the women have begun worshipping the 'sun gods' again by taking off their clothing and revealing themselves in public. Unfortunately, many good Jewish women have fallen captive into the influences of the 70 Nations and are also copying their way of dress and immodest behavior.


At least if you want to be brazen and uncovered like an animal, do it in the privacy of your own home, but when you go outside like that, you are burning up souls. How can you expect to have a carefree life while you are wrecking other peoples lives and children who are forced to have to see your nakedness in the streets. Do not think that this world is a free for all. There is a G-d and there is reward and punishment!

Do you really think that short tight and stretchy clothing which reveals the shape of your body is modest!? Do you really need some Posek or Rabbi to tell you this? Is it not obvious enough to anyone with a head or heart.

Do you wonder why there are so many deaths, diseases and accidents in Am Yisrael (lo aleinu)? Don't be shocked, to find in the World of Truth that it was YOU who caused it all!! When there is ervat davar (lewdness), the Shechina runs away. Without the Shechina, there is no protection. In the world of truth, the immoral and immodest women will find out that they are the real terrorists and murderers of am Yisrael (see Isaiah end of ch. 3).

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

A small group of Jewish teens from England came to the Kotel last week. They didn't want to put on tefillin, scorning them, but I pulled just hard enough to get them. They were not at all interested in Judaism, to put it mildly. They were really immature. They had nose rings, their eyebrows were pierced and they had a couple of earrings hanging from their ears. When I saw that one of the boys had a black fingernail I asked him if he hit it with a hammer. He showed me his hands. He had painted the nails dark purple!

"What in the world did you do that for?"

"It's nice. It makes my hands look nice."

"Painted nails, earrings, nose rings...all these are girl's garments!"

"Who said?"

"The Torah says. A man is supposed to dress like a man and a girl like a girl. We want you to take the male role and marry a Jewish girl."

"What's wrong with marrying a boy?"

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with smoking cigarettes?"

"They kill you."

"Cigarettes cause you to die ten years earlier than someone who doesn't smoke. Homosexuals die twenty earlier than normal people! It's a disease."

He almost fell on the floor laughing. "That's insane!"

"Oh, yeah! Search on the internet "homosexual life expectancy" and you will see for yourself.

"Oh, baloney!"

"Okay, I'll make a deal with you. If what I am saying is true, you promise that you will marry only a Jewish girl."

He was so sure that I was making it up that he agreed.

I said, "Okay. I got you! Check it out and if it is like I said, you have to keep your promise and marry a Jewish girl."

Will he change his life from one short conversation? I don't know. But I know that we have to try.

Reb Akiva #fundie mpaths.com

It's a well understood principle of civil rights that no one should be denied service by any business due to the color of their skin, ethnicity, national origin, age, etc.

Now the gender-confused community came along and said we have to add gender preference to that list, which most such laws did. And that's perfectly reasonable, though of course the question becomes how would anyone know one's gender preference unless one enters establishments and performs private acts in public?


The same gender community, represented by the famous intellectual Hollywood stars listed above [Miley Cyrus, Ashton Kutcher, and George Takei], is screaming that their RIGHTS will be violated by this new law, and are screaming for a boycott of the State of Indiana.

My question is... do religious people no longer have any rights to hold by their beliefs? And while I acknowledge there is great room for abuse, isn't the problem at the moment that it's the religious citizens that are having THEIR rights abused?

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

["What's wrong with intermarriage? My dad is Jewish and my mom isn't, and they've been happily married for 32 years. So why shouldn't they have ever married? Seems to me like you need to mind your own business and let People love who they love."]

The Creator of the Universe has made a gorgeous rainbow. Each color has its own beauty, its own characteristics, its own unique place in creation.


If we mix all the colors of the rainbow we will be left with a single murky, grayish, greenish color instead of the vivid, individual beautiful colors that were intended.


As for me minding my own business; when someone loses an object, we are obligated to return that object to its proper owner. So that lost Jewish boy who was thinking about marrying a non Jewish girl had lost his way, and it was my obligation to return him to his Owner.

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

On my well to the Kotel yesterday afternoon, I saw a large group of young Jewish tourists. I scanned the crowd to see which one to target. There was a young man sitting in the middle of a group of his friends. I walked over and pointed my finger at him. (Remember, this kid did not know me from Adam. He just saw some old, Jewish man with a gray beard walk up out of the blue and point his finger at him.)

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"Los Angeles," he answered, looking curious as to why a completely stranger would walk up to him and ask him a question.

I pointed my finger toward his face and said, "You better marry a Jewish girl!"

His mouth dropped open. He quickly glanced at his friends sitting next to him, and looking a bit frightened, he said, "How... how did he know?"

I pointed to the sky and said, "G-d." Then, I pointed back toward his face, shook my finger, and walked away.

He was stunned. I left him staring at me with his mouth hanging open.

I don't know if I will ever hear what happened to him, but I bet that he is going to think twice before he marries that non-Jewish girl. When he thinks about it, he might even close his eyes and see this old Jewish man with a white beard, pointing his finger, and saying, "G-d."

S.H. and Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

[S.H. writes in to Reb Gutman Locks.]

S.H.: I take my 9 year-old grandson who has ADHD and related issues to an after school "chug" (club) of Kapuera hoping to build confidence and control impulsive behavior. He is in a special education class in Talmud Torah.

Today, while sitting outside the classroom during his third lesson, I heard drum beating Kapuera music with men singing. The music made me uncomfortable. I remember hearing in a shiur (Torah class) that non Jewish music has negative effects on a Jewish neshama (soul).

I would like to know if I should stop sending my grandson to this chug, and if learning Kapuera and hearing its music permitted. The instructor, a young bachur (teen Torah student) from Brazil who seems to be shomer mitzvoth (keeps commandments) says there is no problem but I would like to have a Torah perspective.

Reb Gutman Locks: That Brazilian slave music has an entirely non-Jewish tradition, both physically and spiritually. I personally did not like it as it reminded me of the spiritualism of Africa.


Search to find what your grandson does especially well, and try to help him to develop that talent. Obviously, if it is music, you will want him to learn pleasant, Jewish music.

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

ome might even say that you begin to look like one of the unclean animals when you are obese, but if you don't mind..., what is really so bad about it?

For me, even worse [...] is to lose out on the blessing that Hashem promised us when he gave us the "good Land"; a Land so good that we; "...will eat and be satisfied and bless Hashem your G-d..."

The obese person does not receive this blessing even if he lives in Israel.

How sad. He is eating, but he does not become satisfied. He has to eat more, and more, and even more, until he is stuffed..., until he cannot stuff any more. He wears himself out eating, but he does not become satisfied. He has to stop eating for now, but very soon he begins to think about the next time when he will be able to eat again.

If he were blessed with this blessing he would be easily satisfied. He would enjoy his food so much that he would not have to eat more than his body requires. How sad that he is rejecting this blessing from his Creator, and in a way that everyone can see, too. I wonder why?

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

When a woman puts on tefillin, or wears a yalmulka (a man's head covering) or tzitzit (a man's fringed garment), her spiritual life becomes confused.


When a woman tries to fulfill herself with a man's spiritual role, if she is "successful" she will pull herself away from the particular role that she was created to fulfill.

Jewish men have certain needs that Jewish women do not have. For instance, a male can very easily become extremely excited just through his imagination. A woman requires more physicality. This is not merely a physical or emotional characteristic since the physical and emotional reflect the spiritual.

Women want to be wanted. This is a strong part of their makeup. Men do not particularly want to be wanted. Men WANT!

Men are more competitive and aggressive by nature, so learning Gemora (Talmud) engages these characteristics. Competition and aggression are not primary needs for a woman.

Given these differences, among many others, each gender has been given spiritual solutions to satisfy his or her needs.

Tefillin do elevate the soul. So how does a woman receive this essential spiritual elevation? She receives it from her husband, and from her sons, when they put on their tefillin.

A Jewish marriage is not two equal partners coming together to form a balanced partnership. A Jewish marriage is two halves coming together to form a single one. Each contributes his or her share, according to their nature and abilities so the whole will excel.

It would not be unusual for a woman who excels in learning Gemora, and loves to put on tefillin, to want to forgo the bother of having children, because children would take her away from the spiritual things that she loves to do. Where would this leave the Jewish people? Not to mention those souls who are waiting to come into life through that Jewish woman.

Fayga Marks #fundie mpaths.com

I'm angry. I'm frustrated. I'm fuming. How can holy Jewish women see this and even have the slightest thought that it's kosher?

[There is a picture of an Orthodox Jewish woman with a blurred face stretching to one side.]

It's called Yoga. Yoga is a Hindu religious practice. And Hinduism is, according to Jewish religious definition, clear avodah zarah.


So how does a Hindu religious practice slip it's way into Jewish religious neighborhoods? It's Tumas Hagar! (Tumah means spiritual impurity.) Berashis 21:9 Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian...become depraved (worshipping idols)... 21:14 He sent her away. and Berashis 25:1.

The names of the Hindu gods are the names of the decedents of Yishmael! And the name of the top Hindu cast is derived from Abraham - Brahmins! (See Berashis 25:1, and Rashi states that Ketura is Hagar.) Hinduism is literally the tumah that Sarah had sent away!


Yishai #fundie mpaths.com

[A]ll Jews need to hear this message, that their children must be told never to date a single non-Jew. Should they also be told they will be disinherited if they marry a non-Jew? Or that we should sit shiva for them and break off contact? I don't know about that. For my own children, I'm thinking of threatening disinheriting but not complete cut-off of contact.

Akiva #fundie mpaths.com

Palestinian Cannibalism

Having previously taught their children from the youngest age to kill the Jews, bathe in their blood, and play with their body parts (all of these are documented REALITIES that have actually occurred), now they are teaching their children to EAT the enemy. Yes, you heard that right.


Mmm mmm mmm, Jew-kabob, Jew-burger, Jew-warma. I'm not sure you could match this in a Stephen King horror novel. AND YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE PEACE WITH THESE 'PEOPLE'? They are preparing their next generation to be enemies beyond human measure.

Anonymous #fundie mpaths.com

very true evil and mentally very crazy thats the knockout combo . thats the power of sorcery haman jc bilaam hitler etc all used there mental illness with evil and magic sorcery , this fights the holy powers head on . thats why it says hashem has a battle with amalak who loves to use hexes witch craft demons sorcery black magic evil eye . And moses hands thus became weak from there unholy cochot [powers]. May the seed of joseph be aroused , may elijah join with him as the holy teacher ramban disscuses in the war with amalak parsha beshalach .

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

I asked one of the boys in this picture if he would marry only a Jewish girl. He answered that it did not matter. I asked him if his mother was Jewish. He answered that she was a convert. I said, “If it was a kosher, orthodox, conversion, then she was Jewish, and if he didn’t marry a Jewish girl she would break both his legs.

He answered very sincerely, “My mother would never break both my legs.”

I said, “Then, it probably wasn’t a kosher conversion.”

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

It Almost Always Happens

Yesterday, I was trying to convince a surveyor from England to put on tefillin. He refused. Over and over again... he refused. Not only did he refuse, but he was strong in his refusal.


"Are you married? Do you have children?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," he answered quickly.

"Is your wife Jewish?" I asked.

"No, she is not."

Instinctively, I took a step back. I just reacted to what he had done by intermarrying and fathering non-Jewish children. "You have pulled yourself away from the Jewish people," I told him.

He quickly took a step forward. He was tough.

"All that matters is that they are good people," he said.

"Why not have them be good people and be Jews, too?" I asked.

"It makes no difference whether they are Jews or not," he said.

"Of course it does. Jews are good for the world. Only one of out 510 people in the world is Jewish, but one out of four Noble Prize winners are Jewish! Jews are a valuable commodity," I explained.

"That doesn't mean anything," he tried to push the statistics away, as if they were meaningless.

I said, "You're an engineer. You're supposed to be logical. But when it comes to seeing the amazing value of Jewish people, you refuse to see it."

I went on, "We see this all the time. When a Jew strongly refuses to put on tefillin, he almost always goes on to think that there is no reason not to intermarry. Now I understand your strong refusal. You don't want to pull away from your non-Jewish family, and you think that if you do anything Jewish you will have to leave them behind."

"As long as the children are good, it doesn't matter if they are Jews or not," he insisted.

"You have done to your family just what all of our enemies for hte past 4,000 years have wanted.... 'No more Jews!'"

He shrugged his shoulders, turned his back to me, and walked away.

Dov Bar-Leib #fundie mpaths.com

[A "tinok shenishba," literally meaning "captured infant," refers to a Jew who sins supposedly out of ignorance of their religion or heritage. Its modern usage by Orthodox Jews also includes secular Jews and members of more liberal denominations.]

If you cannot come to the rational conclusion that as a Jew one needs to marry another Jew, then all the Gutman Locks in the world will not be able to help you. Ask yourself: I am in a 3300 year old covenant and counting with the Creator. That is now more than 110 generations. In the 111th generation am I such a brazen person that I can tell the 110 generations that came before me that I, because of how good it makes me feel, know better that the 110 generations that preceded me? Our ancestors died so that you could be here today as a Jew. And because of some feelings you're going to tell the 110 generations that preceded you to stuff it? No, there is no excuse for this arrogance whatsoever. Even a tinok shenishba can figure this out. And even a tinok shenishba could be held accountable for this basic error through ignoring this basic calling.

Reb Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

More and more frequently, I see young, male, Jewish tourists coming to the Kotel with as many as three earrings. Some of the older young men also sport huge, ugly tattoos. After putting tefillin on them, I take their pictures and try to include a picture of them answering the following question:

“When you get married, who is going to wear the pants in the family?”

“Well, surely,” each teenage boy strongly asserts himself, “I am!”

“Then who is going to wear the earrings?” I ask. They freeze, smile sheepishly, look away from me, and try to laugh it off. That’s when I snap the picture. I want them to have a picture of what they looked like when they realized just how foolish they look with those earrings. “Nu? Which side of the fence are you going to be on?” I ask, using the mechitza (modesty fence that separates the men and women) as a metaphor for clear-cut gender roles. They usually giggle and try to come up with some kind of compromise answer.

“We both are!” they sometimes suggest.

“Then you both are going to wear the pants, too!” I tell them. “Either she is going to wear the pants and you are going to wear the jewelry, or you are going to wear the pants and she is going to wear the jewelry. Which is it going to be?” They always laugh, but the message gets through.

Gutman Locks #fundie mpaths.com

I did not say that all Muslims are evil. I said that 1 out of 5 people in the world are Muslim and 4 out of 5 wars are Muslim. I also say that no other people enjoy dressing their small children as suicide bombers as do the Muslim arab mothers do here.

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