
DianefromKY #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Only a Christian nation would have allowed this atheist a choice to not believe. Not even atheist nations give you a choice. You have to believe what they want you to believe. So the fact that he is able to freely protest proves to me that we live in a free Christian nation. History proves that there is no freedom without God. If only the atheist would learn this.

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Christians, we are hated. Absolutely hated. Before I get into that, I want to put the hatred being directed at us in its proper perspective. While it's never pleasant to be disliked, when we're hated by the world for caring about the things we need to care about? We're in very good company.

Jesus said, as recorded in John 15:18-19:{snip}

Presently, the Christian right is being villified by the press and liberal supporters of Barack Obama. And why? I would submit to you it is because we have torn the cloke they have hidden their sins under away from them and they are lashing out at us in response.

It is the Church of the living God that is standing in the trenches today fighting the war of good versus evil most vocally. While there are secular conservatives in the trenches with us to be sure, Satan and his minions are doing everything within their power to place the blame for all resistance being lifted against the homosexual agenda and the pro-abortion movement squarely on Christians and Christians alone which is to be expected as shown in Scripture above.

While I don't want to be alarmist and raise any unwarranted concerns in the Body of Christ concerning how we're going to be treated from this point forward in America, the future isn't looking bright. Personally, I suspect whether Senator Obama takes the White House or not, the days of Christians being able to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and the whole of Scripture without facing persecution is practically over.

Robin #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

What do ya wanna wager that this so-called "Civilian Security Force" isn't really for terrorists?

I wager it's really for shuting up any Christians who might speak against all the evils that Obama proposes. Am I warm or hot?

My clue? I just happened to notice that this "Force" is coming at exactly the same time as the push of the homo agenda, the abortion agenda, and every other evil agenda that we are headed for.

I could be wrong but, then again, I could be right.

Judy in Illinois #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Now is a good time to think about stockpiling food, medicine, and the essentials. Just in case we are staying on Earth awhile and may have to go through some hard stuff. Maybe have a place to hide the kids..a secret hiding place as Corrie Ten Boom's family had for the Jews. Now is not the time to melt in despair. My husband and I have discussed a secret room when we build, maybe in the basement, at least to put the food we are going to load in there. We have grandkids we will want to protect. LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED...

DianefromKY #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Christians are not perfect that is for sure but I have never seen such a brutal and vengeful group as the gay movement. They don't want to just get even or fight opposition they want to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. They apparently think it is hate to vote. what are they being denied? They have all the trappings of marriage. Why the document? Do they believe that legalizing gay marriage will make us accept it? Will it make it right? Did legalizing abortion make it right? There has to be something more. It is like Nazi Germany. They didn't stop at just rounding up Jews and trying to eradicate them from Germany. They went after anyone who disagreed with them and killed them too. Silence won't be enough for these people because living Godly lives will convict them. So they will eventually want to destroy anyone not living as they do. They may think life would be better without Godly lives in it but even they will suffer without God. Dear Lord Jesus open their eyes!!

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

The more gays that become married, the harder it's going to be, particularly in a politically correct world like ours, for a brainwashed public to ever consider TAKING AWAY someone's rights...

...The ultimate goal of the homosexual agenda? To create so many court cases to carry before the United States Supreme Court that it will foster an environment capable of leading to what we just saw take place in California take place on a national level, the end result being black-robed activist judges overruling the will of the American people and, subsequently, making same-sex marriage the law of the land by judicial order!

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Why is California burning so badly that the entire sky is glowing red? Could it be because the Lord is less than happy with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent actions? From a strictly scriptural point of view, I would say, "Possibly!" [...]Do these verses establish biblical precedent for us to at least suspect that Governor Schwarzenegger's recent forwarding of the homosexual agenda in California has brought God's judgment upon its lands? Yes. Without a doubt.

Could it be that what we are presently seeing on the national news is California spewing out many of its inhabitants as a result of same? Quite possibly but only God knows for sure if that's the case.

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Philadelphia may be called "the city of brotherly love" for more than one reason - that reason being that brother-on-brother love is so honored that those who don't approve of it may be punished, even if they are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent in every other manner.

That's right, former Boy Scouts. Philadelphia is so desperate to be homosexual-friendly it is punishing the Boy Scouts of America![snip}

When cities start beating up on Boy Scouts, the end of the Age of Grace surely must be drawing near.

DianeKY #homophobia rapturealert.blogspot.com

Have you ever wondered how the boy scouts won their case for not having homosexuals in their groups? It was because they had huge amounts of evidence that proved that whenever a homosexual was allowed in a group someones innocence was violated. Some groups allowed it for the sake of tolerance and they got burned. But it gave the Boy Scouts the evidence they needed to prove that you cannot let someone of questionable morals around impressionable young people. There was not one case where a homosexual in a group kept his hands off!!! I pray the Boy Scouts never cave in and continue to stand firm.

Larry #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

[Blog Title : California Is Burning]
Could it be due to the fact our Sec. of State is now in the middle east requiring Israel to give more land and also the dividing of Jerusalem?
As we make demands on Israel to move Jews from their homes so God may require a number of Americans to do the same, such as happened two years ago in New Orleans at the same time due to pressure from America Israel was physically removing jews from the Gaza strip.

Maryellen #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

I trust the FDA about as much as I would trust the Anti-Christ himself! Over 30 years ago, they KNEW for fact, that petro based additives in our foods was causing adverse reactions in children, they swept it under the rug and today we have an entire generation of children who just can't be parented--think ADHD, hmmm sounds like what the bible says about children being rotten to their parents in end times. A recent study out of England in the Lancet has proven that these are causes of ADHD, and in all of the US media, it has been concluded that we can't take them out of our food, because it would bankrupt the nation!
We know for fact, that mercury is dangerous and yet it was still in all of our vaccinations until 2000, when docs were allowed to use up their supply. It is still in the flu shots today.
The FDA is all about money, only this time, they are again playing into the hands of the End of Days.
Come Lord Jesus, Come!

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Atheists Ask The Dumbest Things...

My struggle to reach the militant atheists of YouTube.com and get Christians to SPEAK UP about their faith in these end times continues, but, occasionally, there is something that comes along that gives me a gut-busting laugh!

Numerous times I'd passed over CityzenJane's ridiculous question below and never thought to respond to this mockery of my faith. Tonight, however, I was feeling a bit feisty and came up with an answer worthy of such a question. Thus, I thought I'd share it with my readers....

CityzenJane (3 days ago)
After the Rapture, can I have your car?

RaptureAlert (14 minutes ago)
Sure, but I'm taking the keys.....

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

It's not enough to these individuals to believe (or lack to believe as the case may be) what they hold to be true and leave it at that. They want to stop you and I from believing in what WE believe as well, especially if that belief is in the God of the Bible. [...]

Best-selling atheist authors Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Michael Onfray are the sort of men leading the charge for New Atheism, blindly spreading a new and far better-packaged version of a very old lie but with a new twist. It goes something like this: "There will be no punishment for a simple act of rebellion against God because THERE IS NO GOD and you are an absolute fool to think there is one![...]

While the proponents of New Atheism would never admit it, the majority of those I've encountered are not nearly as anti-theistic as they are anti-Christian in composition. Because I find this to be the case in almost every scenario I've faced since countering the Rational Response Squad's Blasphemy Challenge on YouTube.com, it isn't hard for me to believe that these individuals, having accepted an old lie of Satan's with a new twist, will readily believe another big lie and, ultimately, begin worshipping the Antichrist (as many will) as foretold in prophecy. And why shouldn't they? They presently think just like he will in the future! [...]

In 2nd Thessalonians 2:4, we see that the Antichrist to come is going to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or worshipped in order to show himself to be the god of this world. While I could be completely wrong in suspecting this, I believe there is a strong likelihood that those presently practicing New Atheism are going to love him and ask, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war against him?"

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

Demonstrating the exact attitude the prophesied Antichrist himself will personify in the Tribulation Period to come, Richard Dawkins, author of the book "The God Delusion," is quoted in the article as saying, ""I am attacking God, all gods, anything and everything supernatural, wherever and whenever they have been or will be invented."

In Scripture, we see that the Antichrist to come will "exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done." (Daniel 11:36)

So, in this commentary, we see that those "seeking to increase the visibility and respectability of nontheistic viewpoints in the United States" are not just trying to earn a measure of respect for themselves and their viewpoints, their clear goal is to target the children of our land by spreading their anti-Christian intolerance on 25 popular teen websites. Those teens, Christians, should the Lord delay His coming, are the future Church. Thus, our mission is clear.

As the light of the world, the Church bears the responsibility to dispel darkness and that is precisely what we need to be doing in these final days.

Michael G. Mickey #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

God help us that we have so many in our world today who have bought the lie of evolution hook, line and sinker and want their children to grow up believing in same!

Who would've thought that a day would come when the Holy Bible's teaching would be referred to as something that prevented a child from learning what they "need to know?"

Who would've thought twenty-five years ago we'd see a day come when parents would be concerned that the minds of children could be "POLLUTED" by hearing a reference made to the Word of God in a classroom?

Windy T #fundie rapturealert.blogspot.com

It took me years to figure out, praise be to The Spirit of God, that man's "peace" is a BAD thing. When I was younger, I used to thing about all the drive toward world peace and thought to myself "what is so wrong with that?". As the years have passed, I see plenty wrong with that. Our desire for "peace" has lead to the evil and intolerance we are dealing with today. "Peace" means telling Israel to surrender it's covenant land to murderers. "Peace" means condoning terrible sexual practices, which has lead to skyrocketing depression, disease, and death all over the world. All this "peace" is going to be the end of us! There is only Jesus. I can not wait for the day His peace reigns supreme!

Michael G. Mickey #fundie #homophobia rapturealert.blogspot.com

Last night, during the TalkProphecy.com radio show, I was discussing all the heat that is being applied to Marine Gen. Peter Pace to apologize for calling homosexuality immoral by likening it to adultery. As I did so, someone filed a complaint against our radio show for engaging in hate speech.

That's right, Christians! We were accused of HATE SPEECH because, I suppose, I said that General Pace shouldn't HAVE to apologize to anyone! That would be because homosexuality, whether those who practice it choose to consider it a sin or not, is DEFINITELY adultery at the very least! That would be because the God-ordained institution of marriage defines it as a union between a man and a woman and we are not to engage in sexual acts outside of marriage. When we do, it is considered adultery in the eyes of God. Adultery is a sin and, as such, immoral. Does that mean that General Pace HATES or I HATE anyone? If it does, then all those who are practicing homosexuality must hate us as well. Think about it!

If the homosexual community doesn't like my Christian views, isn't that an act of HATE using their standards as a tool of measurement? Certainly! If it is an immoral act of hate for me to call homosexuality a sin, it is likewise an immoral act of hate for them to be offended by my religious beliefs.

Those who are quickest to cry foul when someone expresses a view other than their own need to take a page out of their own playbook and be tolerant of others! Logic would dictate that this is the fair and appropriate response, but that's not how it works! Far from it!

Michael G. Mickey #fundie #homophobia rapturealert.blogspot.com

Hillary Clinton takes pride in the fact the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign shares her initials! She boasts of how she worked with the homosexual community in undermining traditional marriage as defined in the Word of God! She crows about bringing an end to the military’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy concerning homosexuals serving in the military. She vows to get tougher HATE CRIMES legislation in place to the roars of the crowd, which you better believe is an over-the-top indicator that Hillary Clinton is an enemy of God and the born-again, Bible-believing Christian!

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