Every man on earth who isn’t either a/gay b/a lier, or c/somebody who doesn’t like hair, would love to fuck a slim, attractive 15 year old girl.
Or d) someone who's the father of a 15-year-old girl.
Though, some fathers aren't stopped by that:
So, every man on earth who's gay would love to fuck a slim, attractive 15-year-old boy?
I'm 47 and I have hair.
My husband was rather disgusted by the prospect. Granted, he's in his 40's.
Now when he was in his teens, he would have wanted a Rubenesque 15 year old girl.
a= true
b= X Agerate ? Or you could just learn to spell.
c= Um, what?
Conclusion: you are a sick projecting ass who is most certainly not entitled to speak for every man on earth. In fact most men would gladly castrate you for this.
I think "he" means "if she is old enough to have body hair, she is too old".
I would rather have a cuddly, chubby to voluptous woman in her early to mid twenties (as in, about my age). And, far more importantly, one that I love for being intelligent and a kindred soul.
Well, since I am firmly heterosexual and strongly prefer hairy women (although not yet tested in vivo ), I, apparently, am a lier. Whatever. At least I am no paedophilic psychopath.
I'm not interested in an underage futa person with anorexia & trichological problems.
And the long-haired lady in my life - who is in her thirties - isn't exactly a 'Size 0'. Your move. [/hyper-smartarse]
There are child rape/rape laws on the books for which I don't see a great deal of challenge, primarily because the rapist trash already gets away with it. Especially if you're white and well off. Not so for religion. That fight is on. Even so please! please! please! tell me the people posting this vile shit aren't just 'shining a light', but are actively educating themselves and voting locally. Fuck the POTUS vote, these pedophiles and rapists get away with this shit cause of local judges, state reps and school boards. Yeah, this scum starts that small, so pay attention.
PETF(forgot to put by my name is the box. Oh well)
This is what 15 year old girls look like.
As I said before girls(and boys) go through five stages of puberty. (this is for girls)1st stage generally 7-12(average about 10 or 11), 2nd stage is average about 11 or 12, most girls are at their 3rd stage 12 and 13, 4th stage(where a girls body begans to take shape,but not complete until 5th stage) is typically is 13 and 14 and the last stage is typically 14/15-17(some sources say 14-17¹;while others say 15-17²).But give this girls time to cool off until they're about 18/19 years or older. And oh yeah, boys start puberty on average about 11 or 12 and finish around 16/17.
Ps. I think when it said that girls reach 5th stage at 14 or 15 it's probably saying that's when they start to ovulate(but no still no regular cycle until about a few years later). Despite girls starting their period at a young age(average 12 or 13) most don't ovulate until about 2-3 years after their first menarche. This is the reason why I now refer first menstrual as a mock menarche .
This one said 18-20
And every woman would like a handsome and considerate lover, to be available when needed and out of her way the rest of the time. Big whoop-ti-doo. We don't always get what we want.
But the question about underage girls is ...what does she need in life? Note: I didn't ask what she wanted. I asked what she needs. We don't ask little kids if they'd like pie instead of dinner, or if they'd like to go play in the streets. Parents know she is better off without an older man to get her pregnant then skip town. Parents know she is better off finishing her education and growing more in maturity before she makes any serious life-changing decisions.
And parents know enough to chase you off (if you're lucky) when you show up asking for Kathy.
After a few drafts of this, because however I word it, it comes out sounding at least a little creepy....lol
Wouldn't men who want sex with underage women most likely also be men who don't like hair? (maybe my mind's totally in the gutter here, I immediately assumed he meant pubic hair...) Read as written, he's saying they're not.
Oh well, maybe I don't know what I am talking about, and I am just a lier. Lier, lier, pants on fier!
Who died and made this moron the sole arbiter of what all men think? My brother wouldn't want to fuck a 15 year old but then again, unlike the OP, he actually has a girlfriend. My uncle wouldn't want to fuck a 15 year old because he actually has principles and wants to set a good example for his grandson.
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