Marko Elez #racist

Elon Musk has said he will rehire an employee of his newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (Doge) who resigned after being linked to a racist social media account

"He will be brought back," Musk posted on X, the social media platform he owns. "To err is human, to forgive divine."

Media reports tied Marko Elez, 25, who previously worked for Musk's SpaceX company, to a now-deleted social media account that posted the incendiary comments

Vice-President JD Vance had said earlier in the day that the young employee should be given a second chance

The account connected to Mr Elez - first reported by the Wall Street Journal - posted a variety of inflammatory comments that were verified by the BBC as authentic

"Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool," read one post from the pseudonymous account in July

Another post, in September, said: "You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity."

"Normalize Indian hate," another post that month said

All of the posts have since been deleted

On Friday, President Donald Trump, when asked about Mr Elez's resignation from Doge and Vance's support for the employee, said he didn't know about "that particular thing", but agreed with the vice-president on the matter

Writing on X, Vance said that while he disagreed "with some of Elez's posts... I don't think stupid social media activity should ruin a kid's life"

Earlier in the day, Musk posted a poll on X inviting users to say whether the staff member should be brought back

At least 78% voted in favour of his return out of hundreds of thousands who participated, according to results displayed underneath

Responding to one user who said Musk should have a talk with Mr Elez "about the racist stuff. Not cool", the billionaire replied: "True."

Mr Elez's resignation comes amid growing scrutiny of Doge, the government cost-cutting advisory group established by Trump

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

In Nino Rodriguez’s Feb 2, 2025 interview with Juan O Savin, the latter explained that some Chemtrails are part of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and are used, in conjunction with the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to create a missile defense shield over the Constinental US.
In that interview, the pilot explained that Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) are supposed to “bounce off” of these geoengineered, electromagnetically-charged layers of differing densities.
When Nino complained to Juan that this spraying causes ugly skies and ill effects, Juan essentially told him, “Stop crying. Heavy metal exposure is preferable to a nuclear strike or an EMP attack and this is the technology we currently have but new technology is coming to replace this.”

When I’ve relayed this bit of information over the past couple of days, people have directed anger toward me, as if I suddenly love Chemtrails and don’t hate heavy metal toxicity as much as the next person! I am simply relaying the information.
When I first started publishing my blog in 2010 and posting about Chemtrails, I would get threatening emails in ALL CAPS from Air Force officers. I guess this linkage between Chemtrails and SDI has been a big secret.

So, I’ve been hearing this “missile defense shield” story for nearly 15 years but Juan’s statement was the first time I’d heard it linked to SDI. The name for this Chemtrail-missile defense project that I first heard, in early 2015 was “Indigo Skyfold”.
I’ve heard that the World Economic Forum Globalists seek to tokenize and assign a financial value to everything on the planet – down to the last blade of grass – in their bid to control the world, via a massive Artificial Intelligence simulation of Earth – the Digital Twin. Such nano-sensors could be sprayed everywhere, in an attempt to achieve this diabolical goal.

Vraiblonde #fundie

Faith-healing parents charged in death of infant

I do not think this is a tough call at all. Parents have a right to determine their children's medical treatment, not the government.
And there are no buts about it.
While I do not agree with the parents' decision, I also have no interest in giving the government any more control over how we raise our children than what they already have. In fact, I don't even want them to have THAT much control.

So when should the government step in? When parents starve their kids? When they break their bones and beat them? I don't really see how denying medical care is any different than murdering your child.

There is a difference between actively causing harm and merely allowing nature (or God, if you will) to take it's course. Denying medical care is very different than murdering your child.

So passively killing your child is ok but actively doing it is not?

That would be your opinion. And you are not the child's parent. You get to make decisions regarding your kids, and other parents get to make decisions regarding theirs.

My point was if it's ok for parents to raise their children as they please, why is there a Social Services? In your opinion, do you think parents should be able to do whatever they want to their child? Where is the line drawn? Is there even a line at all?

These people did not "do" anything to their child. They did not beat him. They did not refuse to feed him. They did not abandon him.
They simply took an alternate healing route - one, I might add, that many people devoutly believe works. Just because YOU do not agree with it doesn't make it wrong.

Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy

Ashton Forbes became interested in a leaked video purporting to show missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 being portalled to another location via three rotating plasma orbs during its disappearance on March 8, 2014. He has accumulated evidence that the craft was taken en route from Malaysia to China carrying 20 scientists who had developed a superconducting microchip that was going to be patented or developed in China.
Forbes also discusses a mysterious letter he received from a covert intelligence operative who encouraged him to continue his efforts and that it was indeed the US intelligence community that was behind the disappearance of MH370.

Finally, Forbes discussed plasma balls, cold fusion, gravity waves, and other advanced technology projects, many of which he believes are still too dangerous to be released to the world.

Andrew Anglin #sexist

[From “ICC Issues Arrest Warrants for Top Taliban Officials for Getting Sluts Under Control”]


These ICC people are ridiculous

It’s now an international war crime to get sluts under control?

It’s deserving of the same kind of attention as a genocide?


An Afghan women’s group on Friday hailed a decision by the International Criminal Court to arrest Taliban leaders for their persecution of women

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan announced Thursday he had requested arrest warrants for two top Taliban officials, including the leader Hibatullah Akhundzada[…]

Just absurd

It doesn’t matter, the Taliban wasn’t going anywhere that would enforce this

But it’s just gross that simply enforcing the norms of sexuality, which were the standard for every civilization on earth until a few years ago, would be considered the same as the crimes of Bibi Netanyahu

Ben Bartree #transphobia

I will hand it to Senator Tim: whatever he had to do to get those vocal cords to act right and impersonate a female voice — a snip here or there, perhaps — hats off to him. If one were just listening and not looking at his impressive jawline, one might believe he was a real bio-lady.

Is the House misgendering petty?


But before we break out our tiny violins for Tim, let’s remember that he’s not just an adult trying to live his life as a woman; he’s also a bona fide groomer.

Harry Matadeen #quack #crackpot #mammon

The Foundation For Health And Optimal Living Starts With The Discovery Of The Medicinal Magic That Is Your Own Urine. Ultra Filtered Blood Plasma. But Ageing The Urine Is The One, The Saviour Of Mankind. This Book Will Present You With The Whys And Hows, A Step By Step To Using Your Own Perfect Medicine, And To Keep Yourself Healthy Forever..

<$9.00 for Kindle Edition>

various commenters #transphobia

Federal employees told to remove pronouns from email signatures by end of day - ABC News

( littleowl12 )
I wonder how many people are relieved. "Thank god I can just blame it on Trump and I don't have to do this anymore. Can we abolish lanyards next?"

( NastasyaFillipovna )
And that's how he won the election. Just because someone was banned from talking, didn't mean they stop existing

( Lipsy )
Reddit supermods discovering their ban hammer doesn't extend to the ballot box: C:\Desktop\memes\shocked_pikachu.jpg

( Lillith )
I'm getting whiplash from how quickly this is happening.

( LunarMoose )
just saw a clip of my representative crying about what is happening.

sigh. This is all great, but the fight to convince the TRA's will take....time

( Lillith )
Well they didn't wait to convince everyone else before they shoved it down our throats. Turnabout is fair play.

( sensusquaeram )
Well, scream in people's faces for x years about horrible research, non-science, and "cis privilege," then stalk, dox, and harass them, get them fired, halt the actual research and publications they're working on, and also show up to literally punch them, thrown shit on them, and threaten them in public, all while grooming kids for horrendous surgeries and lifelong medicalization and invading women's bathrooms, changing rooms, and shelters, having already endangered LGB gains while conflating fetishism with orientation . . . and empathy is likely to become a little . . . uh . . . scant.

( Tallemaja )
It's about time something went in our favor. I just hope the ball keeps rolling.

( Pas_Une_Parisienne )

The mandate is the latest effort in the Trump administration's push to end DEI.

Said by the people who imperiled DEI by making it mean including males in women's reserved places !

( PinkPeoniesInTheRain )
The timing sucks -- and is likely deliberate, as others have suggested, to distract from actual important stuff -- but I'm happy to hear this. SO tired of all the pronoun shit.

mathlover , Leliana2e4 & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia

RE: White House removes T from LGB for

( mathlover )
Thr T can immediately solve all their problems by ceasing to make believe they are the opposite sex anywhere outside of their private lives with willing participants.

( Leliana2e4 )
No, The T should be removed, and I've no opposition to the LGB portion being removed as well[...]

Firstly, even though I support the Republican's executive orders (on all gender ideology + freedom of speech + illegal immigration) and a few things that they are doing, I'm not under the illusion that they care about the LGB (which ironically might have been somewhat hypocritical if they really did care). These are just cosmetic changes to comply with the executive order for anyone to see.

And secondly, even though I don't like homophobia, women like us have learnt to watch ourselves a very long time ago, and not constantly expect the world to validate us. The other posters have said it right. The Transgenders are not stupid. They are only behaving incorrigibly, crazy and in other mind-boggling ways, because the Americans, the English and Western Europeans will allow them to get away with it.

They will not pull the same stunts deep into Middle eastern territory or any 2nd-3rd/4th world homophobic country. They will simply remove the costume and travel as a normal dude, or if they really "do pass", they will suddenly develop decency and behave like a normal human being to blend in.

OP, I feel like this a blind spot. You are doing the "be kind" thing and thinking they are babies that need coddling. While they are fully grown adult men and women, and the AGP men are extremely strategic and merciless in whatever they do. Because this is the kind of thinking that has landed us in this position to begin with.

( NastasyaFillipovna )

I would have added that many countries view "identifying as the opposite sex in passports" as falsifying information.

And one of the most common ways to don a disguise I might add. You enter as a male, commit crimes as a "woman", and fly out as a male again. If I am the government, I for sure would like to know "all" your identities.

They already do this in the news, crimes committed by males in a dress are being reported as committed by "women". How is the public on the lookout for someone who they don't even know what to look for?

various commenters #transphobia

RE: White House removes T from LGB for

( Lillith )
Im bringing the same energy that they do.

"Its ok for TIMs to be in womens sports because there are so few of them." and "That never happens."

So I say that there are so few of them that the government doesn't have to address it on the travel websites.

Also, since no one can tell without genital checks, then they should be fine.

Since they never cared when women's health sites started saying "menstruators" and "uterus havers," it's hard for me to care when website terminology changes might negatively affect them.

Additionally, many of them can just take off their costumes. I wouldn't expect the government to have a special travel section for cosplayers.

Right now, I have 0 concerns about this, but I'm open to learning new things which could change my mind.

Edit: And if they really are men and women, as they always say, then why do they need special considerations?

( real_feminist )
If they want to mention the T at all then it should be a separate section to show they are distinct group that has nothing to do with LGB.

( syntaxerror )
Yeah I mean I don’t really care either way, but in the sake of being completely “fair” sure, include some info that most countries are not interested in playing make believe (and that there may be severe consequences for doing so).

It is supposed to be an information hub, and to be fair, that is good info for those who are trying to pass themselves off as the opposite sex.

But keep that separate from the warnings for gay people.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Gay people not doing PDA is vastly different from a man barging into a woman's toilet. The second was sexual assault some 5 years ago

( salamander )

I still feel it's important to save people from themselves when necessary.

I see where you are from.

I don't think it's really necessary, tbh. TIPs who insist on their identity being "respected" are usually very sensitive to power dynamics. They make unreasonable demands in western liberal countries because they know they can get away with it. They are not that stupid to try it in Saudi Arabia.

Minors might be naive enough to truly believe others see them as their "gender". Hopefully their parents know better.

Janice Turner #transphobia

Sports edict makes Trump a feminist hero

As a crowd of female athletes and little girls in tracksuits clustered around his desk, President Trump seemed unable to believe his luck. “What a nice picture this is,” he declared, signing his executive order entitled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports” to a trilling chorus of “thank you, Mr President!”.


Yet here was Trump applauded by women, and not just Republicans but lifelong Democrats or previously apolitical sports stars like Riley Gaines, who turned campaigner after being forced to race 6ft 1in trans swimmer Lia Thomas. At the White House, Trump recalled watching that race: “It was ridiculous, frankly.”

And the nation agreed. A New York Times poll found 79 per cent of Americans (including 67 per cent of Democrats) thought men didn’t belong in women’s sports, making it probably the most popular executive order ever. “My administration will not stand by and let men beat and batter female athletes,” said Trump. “It’s common sense more than anything else.”

[…] So why did it take Trump to say this, and why did the Democrats gift their worst enemy such an easy win, allowing Trump — who in another executive order just banned all federal funding to abortion services — to be hailed as a feminist president?


The Democrats listened only to the extreme activist lobby, like the American Civil Liberties Union and GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, who spun science-denying sophistry to “prove” putting males in women’s sports was fine and might even improve female performances.
For a quiet life, governing bodies, colleges, coaches, corporate sponsors, broadcasters all fell in line. But now Trump, the impudent boy, has broken the spell.


In his speech, Trump announced that all males hoping to compete in women’s events at the 2028 LA Olympics will be denied visas. It will not come to that. The International Olympic Committee presidency is being contested and all candidates, not just the trenchant World Athletics president Seb Coe, have vowed to defend the female category. They cite the Paris Olympics debacle, when outgoing president Thomas Bach said that holding passports stating they were female qualified two biological male boxers to fight women. Both won gold. The world witnessed sex denialism at its most dangerous, ludicrous and unjust.


Judy Byington #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon

On August 19, 2024, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was activated in 100 cities across the United States. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

· On Wed. 15 Jan 2025 Trump signed the classified “Gold Directive,” the Cabal’s hidden vaults having been seized. Their gold, stolen for centuries, was now being returned to The People through the QFS.

· On Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 the USA Incorporated government (US Inc.) officially ended as Donald Trump took an oath of office to the Restored Republic government, which was now in effect. …Charlie Ward and Friends on Telegram

· On Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 when Trump took office, the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS were considered legally defunct. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

· Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: “We have started Mass Arrests.” World’s largest Military Sting Operation in Progress in over 32 Major Countries. The crimes were all connected to the UN, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Vatican, Rothschilds …White Hat Intel on Telegram.
· Month of Feb: The Plan Never Changed. It was Always February. The Chest Will Open Very Soon!” …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

· “In the next few weeks, all illegal profits made from birth certificates will be returned to each citizen.” …JFK Awakening on Telegram

· Mon. 3 Feb. 2025 the Quantum Financial System Activated Worldwide. Over $100 Trillion held in the Five Star Trust was authorized to be released to the new US Treasury (and back to The People). The monies came from the World’s largest drug and trafficking money laundering ring. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

· As of Wed. 5 Feb. 2025 Putin declared Trump the Supreme Leader—“The Globalists Are Finished, European Elites Forced to Kneel!” …White Hats on Telegram

· Sun. 9 Feb. 2025 the QFS becomes fully operational with intense military operations against Satan Worshipping Elites. …JFK Jr. on Telegram

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Satan will use pure gold in the manufacture of his Mark of the Beast, but God is planning to throw him a curve ball by changing the molecular properties of that gold and crash his entire economy

On the Podcast a few weeks ago, we showed you how Satan will use gold, God’s gold, in the creation and manufacture of what your King James Bible calls the Mark of the Beast. This mark controls all buy, all selling, and only by bearing this mark either in the back of your right hands or in your forehead will you be able to function during the 7-year government of Antichrist. Satan will use pure gold in the microchip part of his mark because pure gold is the only thing that won’t rust or corrode. But God has something up His sleeve that will turn the tide on these plans in a very dramatic way.

But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.” Joshua 6:18,19 (KJB)

The Bible is quite sure about to Whom belongs the gold, the silver and the precious things, they all belong to the LORD and they belong in His treasury. But during the time of Jacob’s trouble, Satan will take what is meant for God, as he we swore to do in Isaiah 14, will work to exalt his throne above the stars of God. But James 5:1-3 shows us just how God will bring to naught Satan’s plans for the world, especially where it has to do with the Mark of the Beast. On this Sunday Service, we talk about gold and it’s role in the Mark of the Beast.

Ken Ham #fundie

The word science is defined as “the state of knowing: knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding.”

Scientific pursuit needs to be broken into two parts: experimental (observable or operational) science and origins (historical) science. Both creation and evolution involve historical science (beliefs) and observational science (such as the study of genetics).

Experimental science that builds our modern technology is accomplished through the scientific method. And origins or historical science is the non-repeatable, non-observable science dealing with the past—which enters the realm of beliefs (really, religion).

In almost all of today’s government-run educational systems, the religion of secular humanism—with its foundation of naturalistic evolution based on man’s word/beliefs about the past (molecules-to-man evolution)—is guised in textbooks, lectures, and secular museums as so-called “science.”

But the same word science is used for the experimental science that helps build technology. Because students aren’t taught the difference between historical and observational science, they are brainwashed into thinking that molecules-to-man evolution is the same science as what has built technology—which it is not. It is what we call a “bait-and-switch fallacy” (a fallacy in logic).

It’s really a conflict between two philosophical worldviews that are based on two different accounts of origins or historical scientific beliefs.
12:43 AM · Feb 7, 2025 · 1,864 Views

various commenters #transphobia

Nancy mace and reduxx host a space tomorrow 1/31

( shewolfoffrance )
It's so refreshing to see a politician who's making an actual difference on the trans issue talk to feminists instead of Matt Walsh or Jordan Peterson. I'd love to see Jennifer Bilek get a boost for all the good work she's done.

( pennygadget )
Reduxx is getting a shout out from a member of CONGRESS! This is wonderful news! I can't wait for this Q&A!

Love her or hate her, Mace is doing good by giving GC platforms and people a larger platform

( twinklebarbie )
Just amazing! Said from the beginning that this is what they need to do. It’s so easy for people to say, they are just 1% of the population, or that we are fear mongering, but reduxx exposes how silly those statement are.

( SaladSparklz )
This is amazing! Go Reduxx! Go Slatz! ❤️

( Lilith-Fair )
Everyone who will be joining the Q&A, please ask her to introduce legislations to make those WH orders on gender affecting women into actual laws. Otherwise those EOs will last only 4 years and can be terminated by the next Democratic president. We need those laws on the books and now is the best time to make it happen while there's widespread backlash.

( Feerique )
It's true the current unholy alliance between conservatives and TERFs is pushing many radfems to the right but I have noticed some Republican women also going more left on women's issues as a result. I hope this happens to Mace and Reduce doesn't just go full alt right mouthpiece.

Tartaria Brazil #crackpot #conspiracy

What does the radiation symbol mean?

The design is called a trefoil, the same name given to herbs with clover-shaped leaves. But no one has yet been able to reliably explain its origin. “We know that it was scribbled for the first time in 1946, in the radiation laboratory of the University of California, in Berkeley, United States”, explains the American physicist, Paul Frame from the University of Michigan, who for years studied the origin of the symbol.

This is what the story says and everyone believes, but this symbol was used for free energy stoves – heating without the need for firewood and coal.


The radiation symbol was used for Radium powered stoves.

We can see the golden container on the top of the stove here (see above), which was probably where the Radium was.
The secret removal of Radium (Ra) from modern civilization and its demonization as supposedly dangerous and radioactive was mostly successful. It is now one of the most expensive materials in the world. Who uses it, and why not everyone? According to Systemic Wikipedia, 2.3 kg of radium is found on Earth. In 1954, the total world supply of purified radium was about 5 pounds (2.3 kg) and is still in this range today. And they say that radium was “discovered” by Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, on December 21, 1898. Lie!! They sold it 100 years ago as sugar and provided FREE ENERGY, whereas today we pay millions for heating.
Cultural planning against nuclear energy and radiation, as well as fear, is so ingrained in human minds that they cannot think. One-time events, such as the Hindenburg zeppelin, Chernobyl, and Fukushima disasters, are carefully constructed and then exploded throughout the media to influence collective psychology and diffuse consciousness. Do you realize what games your mind is playing?

Jim #conspiracy #wingnut

[From “Autogolpe”]

I generally do not report on, nor pay attention to, the latest news of the day, because it is best understood years later[…]
But the meaning of Trump 2.0 now becomes apparent. So this post is going to be a pile of links to the news of the day

USAID is the arm of Harvard, and the CIA the arm of the State Department. State Department CIA tends to be a lot more lethal, but when they strike, Harvard/USAID has done the cultural and political groundwork

USAID was pursuing cultural, political, and economic objectives that Maga and alt-right never liked, and that Trump 2.0 does not like either. Mostly they were promoting “Democracy”. Which is to say, making cultural and political groundwork for coups against governments that were pursuing policies that their public liked and Harvard did not like

Marco Rubio, speaking on behalf of the Trump administration, and claiming authority to control USAID, told Congress: “Autogulpe”. No, not what he said. What he actually told Congress was. “USAID’s systems and processes … often result in discord in the foreign policy and foreign relations of the United States. This undermines the President’s ability to carry out foreign relations, …”

Yes, it results in discord in foreign relations because they are trying to overthrow governments[…]
Doge sent in people to find out where the money was going. Naturally those people were turned away. USAID does not want people to know where the money is going. So Trump loaned Doge some muscle men[…]
This starts to look like Henry the Eighth’s dissolution of the monasteries. The Monasteries had a great deal of wealth and power, and a great deal of soft power, and the Papacy was meddling in England’s affairs[…]He sent in some protestants to go digging for dirt, and an impressive supply of dirt was found. Henry was not protestant, but he found he needed them

It is not tanks in Harvard yet, but we are headed in that direction, if the nukes do not fly first

Tatoruzu #racist

Kanye's racist tweets are funny and all, but you guys didn't really think he should be president, did you? lmao

I hate to be an "elitist" or whatever, but I don't know if an 80 IQ black rapper has what it takes to navigate the intricacies of the government

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut

Last year the US government collected $4.92 trillion.

But we spent $6.75 trillion.

We added another $1.8 trillion in debt.

Our national debt is $36 trillion.

We will face irreversible economic collapse if we don’t fix this.

If a MAGA Congress and DOGE doesn’t have the discipline to cut obvious things like $700 MILLION in corrupt Planned Parenthood funding, we are totally lost.
4:12 AM · Feb 9, 2025 · 14.8K Views

Dr. Michael Salla/George Kavassilas & Sarah Breskman Cosme #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

For decades, positive extraterrestrial groups and the Galactic Federation of Worlds have been covertly helping humanity overcome negative alien control of our planet. Their goal is to help us create a Star Trek Future. A vital step in this process has been the development of a secret space program led by the US Navy called Solar Warden, which has covertly worked with positive extraterrestrials to build our own powerful space fleets. Solar Warden is also meant to help unite humanity when the extraterrestrial presence is announced.

However, a key issue of this alliance is often overlooked. According to a former Navy intelligence operative and aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, the “Nordics” need allies in a galactic-wide conflict with the Draco Reptilian Empire. The Galactic Federation of Worlds and other ETs want us to join this galactic war as allies and are grooming us for this role.

Can humanity achieve all the benefits of a Star Trek Future without undermining its own long-term potential and human sovereignty?
What are the main challenges and pitfalls that lie ahead for humanity as we rapidly approach our Star Trek Future?
Do the people of Earth have a greater destiny emerging that transcends a Star Trek future, which will ultimately astonish many ETs?
Join Dr. Michael Salla as he presents a 90-minute lecture on all aspects of decades-long attempts to create a Star Trek Future and its main challenges. He will be followed by a special panel featuring George Kavassilas, whose insights on these topics were gained through decades of extraterrestrial contact and secret space program experiences; and Sarah Breskman Cosme, who will share her unique insights gained through hundreds of clients in QHHT <Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique> sessions. The panel session will be followed by a one-hour Q & A.

New 5-hr Webinar

Cost $55*

Donald Trump #racist #wingnut

President Trump on Friday directed government officials to prioritize the resettlement of South Africans of European descent through the U.S. refugee program, which he suspended during his first day in office.

In an executive order, Mr. Trump accused the South African government of discriminating against Afrikaners, an ethnic group in South Africa made up of descendants of European colonists, mostly from the Netherlands, who first arrived there in the 1600s.

Until the 1990s, White South Africans of European descent ruled South Africa, enforcing the brutal system of apartheid against the country's Black majority.

But Mr. Trump alleged in his order that White South Africans are now the targets of oppression by the country's government, citing a law that U.S. conservatives like Trump adviser and billionaire Elon Musk have said allow racially motivated seizures of land owned by White South Africans. Musk was born in South Africa.

South Africa's government has strongly denied any land confiscations or racially motivated discrimination, saying the law being scrutinized targets land not being used or not serving the public interest.

In his order, Mr. Trump instructed Secretary of State Marco Rubio and Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem to "prioritize humanitarian relief, including admission and resettlement through the United States Refugee Admissions Program, for Afrikaners in South Africa who are victims of unjust racial discrimination."

FasciPedia #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

[From “Philippe Pétain”]

Like the rest of Europe, France was under attack from communists attempting to subvert the country from within. With the Communism attempting to control France, French citizens desiring Germany's help, and the Cabinet wanting to ask for an armistice[…]
After German and Italian representatives were welcomed into France, in November 1942, Pétain's government worked very closely with the Germans to remove the communists, and defend France from "The Allies" and others empowering communism

After the war, Pétain was tried and convicted for treason by the victors in The World's War Against Communism, who were continuing to barbaricly slaughter their enemies via mock trials[…]
The French government immediately used its new powers to order necessary anti-communist measures, including the dismissal of civil servants, re-juristictions (to focus on communist hot-spots), the proclamation of citizenship laws, and the containment of communists and non citizens. Resurrecting older laws, the press was held accountable for its actions, with reinstatement of the crime of "felony of opinion." Fake News became a crime again

The administration organised a "Légion Française des Combattants," which included "Friends of the Legion" and "Cadets of the Legion", akin to Ameri a's Boy Scouts, and Veteran's groups. Pétain championed a rural, Catholic France that spurned internationalism. For the first time in a long time, France was a wonderful, beautiful place again

Within months, Pétain signed critically important ordinances. (Important because the leaders of the communist cells were almost completely jewish) This included the Law on the status of jews, prohibitingjewsfrom exercising munitions professions, and the Law regarding foreign nationals, authorizing the detention or deportation of all foreigners, who were mostly jews. These laws are often cited as examples of anti-semitism, but they were absolutely critical

Sidney Secular #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Let’s look at it this way: say you are a villain of some sort, say, a terrorist or maybe just as bad – a social engineer with both credentials and typically villainous plans. These are individuals or groups who, with malicious intent, wish to destroy or degrade a country, a culture, or a civilization. Do such entities accomplish their desires with a single elaborately planned out event? Usually not, though, of course, there are exceptions with things on the scale of a 9-11 disaster now and then! These are usually designed to produce sudden changes in policies. Usually, however, you would engage in and coordinate thousands of smaller, sometimes almost “invisible” acts of sabotage that go on with little or no notice from the public until the result of such acts sufficiently degrade the social structure leaving the country completely changed, sometimes even leading to ruin.

This concept is rather common! We see it in the well-planned but usually covert instigation of civil unrest and revolutionary agitation throughout history. In the US it involves groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others of today’s far left factions who are assisted by Soros’ surrogates who invite and incite breakdowns of law and order and civil behavior. The public doesn’t realize they are under coordinated attack because the incidents involved seem unrelated and/or disassociated. Of course, America’s porous borders allow all kinds of undesirables to pore in to plan and carry out all kinds of crime while engaging in controlling behavior. These strategies are well underway in the West right now, aided and abetted by at least what Americans formerly considered “good guys” including legitimate government entities.
Reacting to or retaliating against these pressure tactics might (or can) take on a violent response, but in a war to the death with today’s Leftists and anarchists, we have to be ready to use the means at hand to save our lives, our country and even our civilization.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #quack #pratt #racist #crackpot

It was one of the more tense exchanges in an already heated confirmation hearing as senators put Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s record on vaccines — and his shifting stances on their safety and efficacy — under the microscope

Senator Angela Alsobrooks, a Democrat from Maryland, pointed to past comments made by Kennedy in which he said, "We should not be giving black people the same vaccine schedule that's given to whites because their immune system is better than ours"

"So what different vaccine schedule would you say I should have received?" asked Alsobrooks, who's Black. "With all due respect, that is so dangerous"

In response, Kennedy cited a well-known vaccine researcher and said there are a "series of studies" showing that "to particular antigens blacks have a much stronger reaction"

The basis for Kennedy's comment appears to be work done by a team at the Mayo Clinic who looked at differences in the immune response to vaccination by race. The data did show African Americans mounted a higher antibody response after MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccination compared to white people

However, the study's own author tells NPR the data doesn't support a change in vaccine schedule based on race

Dr. Richard Kennedy — a vaccine researcher at the Mayo Clinic who's not related to Robert F Kennedy Jr. — says it's true the immune response to vaccination can vary by race, sex, and "potentially dozens of other factors"

But suggesting that African Americans should have different schedules would be "twisting the data far beyond what they actually demonstrate," he says

Dr. Carlos del Rio, a professor of medicine at Emory University, agrees, saying such a conclusion is "taking it to a very unsafe place," in part because vaccination rates are already lower among Black children

Despite his history of undermining trust in the safety of vaccines, Kennedy has spent the confirmation hearings arguing he's supportive of them

Jim Stone #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

FORGET THE REASONS STATED BY AL GREEN, WHO RECIEVED $25,000 FROM AIPAC, PROVING HE'S A SLEEPER. THE REAL REASON FOR IMPEACHEMENT IS THIS: Trump wants Gaza to be taken over by America, probably to stop Israel from attacking so much after he witnessed the horror there. Trump can't come right out and say that because it would be political suicide. HOWEVER, THAT WOULD BLOW ERETZ ISRAEL, THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF THE JEWS, OUT OF THE WATER. With Gaza as an American territory, America would investigate all attacks and Israel does not want this, hence this impeachment action by fake "Pro Palestine" in reality zionist sleeper agent AL GREEN in congress.
Trump clearly does not understand the geopolitics of this region and has been bamboozled into oblivion by Jewish hipocracy. Trump just thinks Gaza is a wild zone that could be tamed down by American influence, he's totally clueless that the reason the Jews killed half the population of Gaza was to get rid of the inhabitants so they could just go down and take it.

The scamming deception Jewry has foisted upon the world is so complete that ignorance reigns supreme, and it has been that way for a very long time, like, remember the movie "airplane" where the suicide bomber bought a bomb right at the airport to use on the plane? Yep, he was Arab, and that was how many decades ago? Trump grew up bathing in this crap and as a result, he's absolutely clueless about the religious war being fought by Israel against Palestine, because Palestine is the very first step toward the greater Israel, if Palestine is still in the way NOTHING can proceed. And if America takes over the territory, it's even WORSE
How long did Trump's second term last? I'd give it less than 4 weeks if he's threatening Eretz Israel and that helicopter "crashed" the way it did.
Trump had BETTER NOT attend the super bowl, or we will get a "Black Sunday" for real and Palestine WILL be the issue, though not as framed in the movie.

heather anderson #wingnut #psycho

They (Musk and Trump) both have talked about it and they both are going to release the Epstein files and what you’ll see is the left. The Democrats are a bunch of perverted pedophiles and some celebrities. Just because you take a picture with people doesn’t mean that your part of the lifestyle

Daymond Duck #fundie #wingnut

I may be reading too much into the re-election of Donald Trump, but it seems to me that Bible prophecy could be about to take a major leap forward.

Many expert Bible prophecy teachers believe the convergence of all the signs is the number one indicator that we are closer than ever to the Rapture and Second Coming.

All the signs are converging.

Those same expert Bible prophecy teachers say the second most important sign is the Fig Tree (Israel; Matt. 24:32).

The things that I am reading about Trump’s past relationship with Israel, the lovers of Israel that he has brought into his second presidency, his promises to Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu and Israel, etc., sound like they are coming right off the pages of the Bible.

I think they are screaming, ‘Get ready; we are closer than ever.’

Newsploy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Do you get the inside JOKE? The Superbowl = Super Bomb? What about the “Nuclear Football” the President carries? The Global Elite death cult certain has a twisted evil sense of humor. Does this attack on America signal the end of America and ushering in the United Nations global army they have been building up for some time along with the Not So Great Reset? There are three major films that depict a bomb attack on an NFL Stadium and countless more with snipers:

2012 Batman Dark Knight Rises
Bomb under Field, Note Elite Sitting in Box 322 (Skull and Bones)

2002 Sum of All Fears
Bomb in Coke Machine, Trump is Attending.

1977 Black Sunday
Bomb in Goodyear Blimp (not scheduled for super bowl).

Was this all predictive programming? The author of “Sum of All Fears” was Tom Clancy who grew up in the swamp Baltimore Maryland where it was claimed he had links to intelligence, died rather suddenly at age 66, nice 2 x 33.
What about NFL meaning “Not For Long” America your Freedoms are standing in the way of the New World Order, aka Scientific Dictatorship or Technocracy. Or is Trump building the Technocracy with his chatter about making Canada the 51st State, a step toward the 1938 Theory of Technocracy as in the North American Technate.
Is it possible a big attack (blamed on Iran of course) will hit in New Orleans to throw the USA into world war three, economic collapse, and usher in total tyranny with the central bank digital currency beast system. Freemason Albert Pike wrote that three world wars would be required to establish a tyrannical world government.
Was Maui and California fires a test of their space weapon which might be used in combination with an Air Bomb (which also creates a mushroom cloud) to fake a Nuclear bomb attack. Sun worship don’t you get it– as in burned to a crisp by their latest space lasers, aka the rays of the sun; much of this all seems to tie together.

artem_nikiforov_001 #crackpot #fundie #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

“Meshech is mentioned along with Tubal (and Rosh, in certain translations) as principalities of "Gog, prince of Magog" in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1, and is considered a Japhetite tribe, identified by Flavius Josephus with the Cappadocian "Mosocheni" (Mushki, also associated with Phrygians or Bryges) and their capital Mazaca .”

. What land is Tubal in the Bible?

The Greeks considered the Tibareni to be a Scythian people. Most reference books, following Flavius Josephus, identify Tubal in Ezekiel's time as an area that is now in Turkey.

“In the Bible, the Great Medieval Russian Empire is named, Rosh, Meshek and Fuval, Ros, Moscow and Tobol(Tubal Khan?).

Facts show that this land existed until the end of the 19th century. . . Traces of this state were erased from world history masking over its existence. But as the maps show, Tartaria existed—but this information was unavailable to Western Europe. They didn’t know about Tartaria with the west coast of America knew nothing.
The Romanov troops, and in fact, the army, led by Sue for off, began to conquer Siberian lands in the far east. And in North America, the land of Moscow Tartarian began to rapidly. conquer western European troops advancing toward.

The wild west, simultaneously destroy millions and millions of those who are now commonly called Indians among them. The Redskins were outnumbered.

In essence western European colonizers, staged, a genocide of our Slavic peoples, who inhabited the land of American Torteria.

This led to the creation, just after such a war, the purge to the creation of. To the creation of C a within their existing boundaries.

The tower of babel a building that according to biblically traditions Genesis 11 one through nine.
Once, upon a time, our Midgard was not divided into countries and territories; there was no enmity among the people; all over the globe, there was a single empire.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Matt Walsh is now attacking Nancy Mace

( momofreyrella )
Matt Walsh: where are the feminists?

Kara Dansky: why wont you respond to me!!

( pennygadget )
He also claimed that he consulted prominent GC feminists when he made that "What Is A Woman" documentary. But both Megan Murphy and Kelly Jay Keen say that he never contacted them (and those two have no reason to lie because they had done right wing media before)

( pothosvari_ )
Tbf, KJK isn’t really a feminist. She’s more of a right wing woman than anything.

( pennygadget )

Tbf, KJK isn’t really a feminist. She’s more of a right wing woman than anything.

Regardless of the labels people attach to her, she's one of the most well known voices in opposition to genderwoo. Anyone making a documentary about this subject should know who she is and include her

( Eava )
KJK is not gender critical.

( StrawberryCough )
She's pretty critical of gender roles, She supports abortion, and she's done a lot to change the conversation. Let Women Speak has generated hour after hour of amazing video of hundreds of normal women sharing their experience. Shouting "He's a man" at William Thomas was a major inflection point in this battle. I'm pretty far left of her politically, but, I'm thankful for the work she's done on this issue, and I'll definitely listen to what she has to say on this issue. If nothing else, she occupies a necessary extreme point on the Overton window. Sometimes I feel like a lot of women dislike her in large part because of her look. I wish she didn't like Jordan Petersen so much, though. Ew.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Nor a feminist, and that's by her own admission.

( Eava )
I dont think you can be gender critical and not be a feminist. Being gender critical is encapsulated in feminism.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Yes - up until a few years ago, it seems that gender critical was almost solely a feminist term. I still consider it to be a feminist term, though it’s seen a lot of conservatives adopt it because they mistake it with trans-critical. Gender criticism means criticism of all forms of gender.

KJK has openly stated before that she’s not a feminist. She’s trans-critical, but given that she partakes in femininity, I doubt she’s critical of gender roles which serve as transgenderism’s backing. I’d be happy to hear otherwise, though.

Celia Fenn #magick #ufo #mammon

2025 Aquarius Gate 2/2 Webinar Series
The Heart Song of the Angels: Connecting Heaven and Earth

As we enter the year of 2025 and the second quarter of the 21st century, we are encountering a very high Angelic frequency called “The Heart Song of the Angels”. This frequency resonates with the blue gold light frequency of our High Heart Chakra. As we connect with this beautiful and creative frequency it activates our own Human Angelic Template which was designed and brought into manifestation by the Elohim Angels.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
The Water Bearer/Star Angel and the Connection between Heaven and Earth.
We explore the precious angelic gift of water plasma as a flow of life and rejuvenation. This connects with the Heart Song of the Angels which activates the Angelic Fire within the High Heart chakra and the Human Angel Template. This also initiates the Golden Age of Love and Prosperity on Earth. We will also prepare for the power transit of the 2/2 on Sunday 2nd February.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Light and Water Ceremony for the New Earth celebrating the 2/2 Portal and Connecting Heaven and Earth with Archangel Michael and the Angels and the Angelic Star Lions.
Sunday, 16 February 2025
The Path of the Pure Heart.
The Galactic “Path of the Pure Heart” as taught by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene serves as a “container” for these powerful energies on Earth and for emerging Human Angels. We will explore practical ways to ground these energies in our lives.
Sunday, 23 February 2025
The Diamond Rose Spiral and the Angelic Frequencies.
We will look at how the Diamond Rose Spiral lifts us through the dimensions to the Diamond Heart at the Center of the Galaxy.
There will be a final and beautifully radiant activation with Archangel Michael and Yeshua and Mary Magdalene and the Angels and Star Lions.
Book Your Place Now

Andrew Isker and C. Jay Engel #wingnut #conspiracy

Reacting to a spate of executive orders from President Trump, white Christian nationalist Andrew Isker compared him favorably to Richard Nixon. Isker claimed that “Trump’s second term is the Nixon second term we never got to have,” and called the Watergate scandal, which led to Nixon’s 1974 resignation, a “coup”

Isker and his Contra Mundum co-host, C. Jay Engel, praised Trump for revoking a Johnson administration executive order which banned discrimination in federal contracting

“And, I don’t know if we talked about it on Monday, but the executive order about ending affirmative action. Did we talk about that?” Isker asked

“They just axed that,” Engel replied

“Yeah, it’s just gone,” Isker said. “Right? So LBJ’s executive order that he wrote immediately after the pass of the Civil Rights Act. Right? It’s been there. Ronald Reagan didn’t do anything about it. You know, I mean, even Nixon, I know, you know, he won. The silent majority put him in office. He didn’t do anything about it”

Despite this criticism of Nixon, both Isker and Engel lamented that he failed to finish his second term[…]
“That’s such a tragedy of history that we never got to see that,” Engel said of Nixon’s second term

“No. I mean, this is the — Trump’s second term is the Nixon second term we never got to have,” Isker declared. “Right? 40 years later. Or 50 years later. … And I mean, this is why the guy in ’72 is because of Watergate because he spied on the Democrat. He won every state”

Isker and Engel also defended Nixon over the Watergate scandal, calling on all “files” related to it to be “released” and falsely referring to it as a “coup”

Sean Naughton/Sister Angela #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #crackpot #conspiracy

COMMENDATIONS <for Dr. Robert Sungenis>

Dear Robert, …While I’m writing let me say how grateful I am to you for all that you have taught me. And for the absolutely heroic work you do for the Church. Alongside Dr E. Michael Jones you are, quite literally, keeping the Catholic Church on the straight and narrow. To not only defend unfashionable and highly controversial teachings like geocentrism and supersessionism, but to do the research, master the content, and publish the evidence is nothing less than heroic.
- Sean Naughton (London)
"I hope your DVD’s on Geocentricism (“Journey to the Center of the Universe”) and also “How the world was created in 6 days” will be spread far and wide so that everyone can know and understand the truth that we are very specially centrally placed in the universe; and to understand how God really did create everything for man and did not just stand off and watch things happen from afar. It makes so much sense, and brings one closer to God.
- Sister Angela

"Who would have thought that the homo-pocalypse would be pocket-size and around 250 pages long. A work of art done at the height of mental capabilities, something that we will likely not see again, mostly because of the brain damage that Robert must have been endured by virtue of reading through the answered material. The mere thought of reading through several hundred pages of some pervert old man inserting his sexual fetishes into the Bible is enough to make me go mad, let alone having to dissect it to briefly explain why sentences like “the sky is blue” are not filled with deep, clear hidden sexual euphemisms.

Said answers are not only merciless and on-point, but are extremely funny. The wild beating of the homo-apology is given the tone of mockery and humiliation that it deserves. The collection of fun little facts about homosexuals, and the constant putrid homosexual scandals among the clergy is the cherry on top.

George Q Tyrebyter #homophobia #transphobia

My tolerance toward GLB is dropping by the day. GLB has pushed TQ into the forefront. Now they will reap the whirlwind, and I don't give a shit. My daughter is gay, my nephew is gay, an old friend's daughter is gay - I don't believe ANY of them are really gay, but rather have arrested development. I don't say that to anyone's face, however.

Ray Comfort #conspiracy #fundie

The Incredible Design of the Human Eye

FEBRUARY 5, 2025
Ray Comfort
Founder & CEO, Living Waters

The Evidence Study Bible (Hardback)
Rated 5.00 out of 5
$39.99 Original price was: $39.99. Current price is: $29.99.

From The Evidence Study Bible

Man has never developed a camera lens anywhere near the inconceivable intricacy of the human eye. The human eye is an amazing interrelated system of about forty individual subsystems, including the retina, pupil, iris, cornea, lens, and optic nerve. It has more to it than just the 137 million light-sensitive special cells that send messages to the unbelievably complex brain. About 130 million of these cells look like tiny rods, and they handle the black-and-white vision. The other seven million are cone shaped and allow us to see in color. The retina cells receive light impressions, which are then translated into electric pulses and sent directly to the brain through the optic nerve.

A special section of the brain called the visual cortex interprets the pulses as color, contrast, depth, etc., which then allows us to see “pictures” of our world. Incredibly, the eye, optic nerve, and visual cortex are totally separate and distinct subsystems. Yet together they capture, deliver, and interpret up to 1.5 million pulse messages per millisecond! Think about that for a moment. It would take dozens of computers programmed perfectly and operating together flawlessly to even get close to performing this task.

“How could the amazing, seeing eye have come about purely by blind chance? Based on the evidence, wouldn’t a reasonable person conclude that the eye is astonishingly complex and could not have evolved gradually, and that each creature’s eyes are uniquely designed?”

Ron Amitron #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #god-complex #conspiracy #mammon

Ron Amitron is one of the truly profound enlightened Spiritual teachers of our time. Ron cuts through illusion, allowing clarity of vision, bringing forth Creation’s sacred knowledge and a true connection to our Divine Authentic Self. He discloses the dark agenda’s spiritual deception and harmful control over humanity.

A message from Ron Amitron
I am conscious of living two lives at one time:
An Earthly life assisting people.
A Light Being Doctor on the Creation Lightship.

I can visually see and communicate with the Pure Divine Light Beings residing on the Creation Lightship. Ja-ne-na, the Creation Lightship Commander is in direct communication with me. The Lightship also has full conscious awareness of me and my surroundings.

I would like to share one of my many Lightship experiences with you.
I was contacted by the Lightship’s Healing Arts University and asked to perform healing on around 50 different races from many locations in the Universe. After bi-locating to the Healing Arts University Lecture Hall, I proceeded to teach while performing various energetic healing procedures. I worked side-by-side with my assistant, Ja-ne-na, the Fleet Commander. The purpose of this class was to teach the staff doctors how to instantaneously re-materialize missing body parts. We were recreating back into wholeness their injured bodies.

On Earth I assist people in receiving Healing Sessions with the Divine Light Being Doctors residing on the Creation Lightship. I also observe life on Earth and relate my findings back to the Lightship. I have the ability to bi-locate instantly between the Earth reality and the Lightship.
I offer people many ways to connect with me to receive Lightship Sessions. Lightship Services include private sessions, online healing sessions over the Internet, three weekly Conference Call Sessions, and four BBS Radio Shows per week, plus a very special four hour Ascension Preparation Conference Call held the third Saturday of each month.

Kanye West #wingnut #psycho #sexist

Rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, appeared to write a barrage of posts Friday morning on X, making offensive comments about the Jewish community and saying he has “dominion” over his wife.

A slew of posts were made on the 47-year-old artist's account — many of them derogatory and self-boasting — started around 4 a.m. PT (7 a.m. ET). NBC News attempted to reach out to Ye's representatives for comment on the posts.

Many of Ye's posts centered on the Jewish community, the most severe of which said, "I love Hitler" and "I'm a Nazi."

In an early post, he wrote, “I’m never apologizing for my Jewish comments. I can say whatever the f--- I wanna say forever. Where’s my f------ apology for freezing my accounts.”

He followed that with saying Jewish people “don’t run me no more.” In one post, he wrote: “Some of my best friends are Jewish and I don’t trust any of them,” followed by a laughing crying emoji. In another, he posted “I’m buying two Maybachs tomorrow” adding “Ima make the Jewish person who’s selling it to me read all these tweets and I bet you you see me whipping Maybachs.”

“I’m racist stereo types (sic) exist for a reason and they all be true,” he wrote in another post.

“I don’t even know what the f--- anti Semitic means. It’s just some bull---- Jewish people made up to protect their bull----,” the rapper said in a separate post.

In another post, he wrote “All white people are racist” and “Jewish people actually hate white people and use black people.”

Another said: “I love when Jewish people come to me and say they can’t work with me anymore its my fav.”

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

Before we begin, pray for Bro. Steven when you get the chance for his recovery. As his accountability partner, I have been diligent in ensuring he remains safe from the wicked wiles of the devil.
Wicked Donny has been making a lot of moves to “support Christianity” and lots of self-professing evangelicals and Baptists have been eating this slop up like a pig at the trough! They’ll believe any conman and false prophet who tickles their ear a bit! Just because the last guy was even worse doesn’t make this not a danger to souls too! This is the guy who refused to put his hand on the Bible during his inauguration ceremony because he knows he doesn’t believe in the Bible!
First, this “anti-Christian task force” led by papist Attorney General Pam Bondi is a farce that’ll do nothing to protect true believers in Christ from the tyranny of “conservatives” like Neil Gorsuch who force godly men to hire sodomites and effeminate sodomites and put kids all over the country in danger! Wicked Donny also gave all that lip service to not transing the kids, signing an executive order he knows will be blocked by his liberal judges like Gorsuch and Barrett and the communist in hiding John Roberts! More useless lip service he uses to defraud the evangelical rubes who voted for him!
He created this new “faith office” as well that proves he’s not a believer in Christ! He first appointed a woman which the Apostle Paul says not to do (…) And for a good reason because the faith office leader Paula White is a nutty televangelist huckster who believeth not in the saving work of Christ! She said that we must “learn from and not convert” Jews despite Jews being misled by the false pharisaical doctrine of “rabbinic Judaism” and the satanic doctrine of Zionism! She also just like Kenneth Copeland and the rest of them beg for money and promise God will bless you if you donate another jet to their fleet so they can avoid the people of God in commercial flights! Wickedness and heresy! She also speaks gibberish that she calls “speaking in tongues” which is a gift that only existed in the apostolic age and was actually other languages that actually existed, not just gibberish syllables like this huckster Paula was speaking! Yet another example of why Paul said for women not to lead! She’s even dumber than Copeland and Joyce Meyer and Franklin Graham and John Hagee and the rest! (…)