Average Dad #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

There is not a place in time except today that parents have to worry, reinforce, protect, or fret over what sex their children are at birth and that sex is not mutable. Our government, leaders, teachers, doctors, professors, clergy, everyone except a brave few have failed civilization spectacularly. The diabolical want this step to normalize pedophilia this is as clear as day. God help us all!

Thinker2 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

One of an event is an accident, Two of an event is a trend, Three of an event is a plan, Four of an event simultaneously is an attack. No Water / No Insurance / No Power is an Inside job.

I’m talking about the California Arson Attacks. No Nukes were use but the devastation is the same.

Who done it?

Not Karen Bass
Not Gavin Newsom
Not P Piddy
Not Jeffrey Epstein
Not Ghislaine Maxwell
Not Hugh Hefner
Who done it?

The people who pull their strings and your strings, the Puppet Masters. But you go ahead and blame the Sock Puppets (Scapegoats), because that is what they are there for. To divert your attention from the real perpetrators (psychopaths). Go ahead and chase your tail one more time. Every war America has fought was lost, because we never arrest the Puppet Masters (Psychopaths). After WW2 1,600 N***s and their families were imported to America under Project Paperclip (The Military Industrial Complex).

Who did 911? It was not Osama bin Laden (Saudi Arabian), not Saddam Hussein (Iraq), not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda. Mossad, CIA, and FBI are responsible for 911.

No Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, and Jack Ruby did not shoot Oswald. It’s all a puppet show for your distraction.

Have you considered blaming:

MOSSAD (There is a reason Mossad is not a member of Five Eyes)
Five Eyes

Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? Can you identify Liberals, Narcissists, Psychopaths by listening to them for a minute or two? You might want to learn.

I define “Insanity” as those who are a danger to themself or others (Self-destructive).

Peace, love, and blessings,


Various Users #racist niggermania.club

(Malcolm Xcrement)
Have niggers given up on Kwanzaa?
Thankfully, I haven't heard a peep about that kwanzaa horseshit this year and I can't recall when the last time was, I did hear of it. No news media pronouncing it, etc.

Ask and ye shall recieve.
Moonbattery Celebrating Kwanzaa With Blasphemous LGBT Art - Moonbattery

How many even realize that Kwanza is a made-up holiday from the late 1960s created by a nigger convicted of torturing two women according to news reports

From bad to worse

“A black Christ welcomes LGBTQ people in “Jesus for All” by Andrea Noel, an Afro-Caribbean artist based in Baltimore. Her Jesus expresses queer solidarity through bright rainbow colors that stream from the head of Christ. The rainbow rays include LGBTQ symbols: linked female signs, linked male signs and a transgender symbol.”

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 16: Near Occasion of Sin
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
1 Peter 5:8-9 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.”
Let’s talk about the near occasion of sin. Even mature believers in Christ or those who purport to believe themselves to be such, can and will be tempted by sin!
Too many of those in Christ have found themselves succumb to temptation to the vices that they may have. For some, it’s too many Big Macs and apple pies and chocolate milkshakes, for others it’s gambling at the local casino, and for yet others it’s drinking beer at the bar while watching the Lions game with your buddies. For yet others, it may be a form of media that you find especially captivating and tantalizing. You go into it, trying to expose the evils within but break down and find a thirst for such lasciviousness!! IF YOU HAVE A WEAKNESS TO WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT AND IT IS KEEPING YOU FROM A GODLY LIFE, CAST IT OUT FOREVERMORE AND LET A MATURE STEADFAST BELIEVER IN CHRIST EXPOSE THE EVILS WITHIN ON YOUR BEHALF! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Satan is a crafty one and knows your particular weaknesses and deficits! He will use them against you whether your particular temptations are lust, gluttony, avarice, anger, or any other sin!!!! Let Christ be your rock and don’t give into those sinful vile carnal desires! IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN GROWING DISTANT FROM HIM, YOU NEED TO GET BACK INTO PRAYER AND TALK TO A GOOD BIBLE BELIEVING PASTOR NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

NeoGrendizer #pratt deviantart.com

And so, as though God decided to act early before Trump took his rightful throne in the White House, the state of oranges and failed social experiments is literally ablaze, with Gavin Newsome doing his best to dodge any sort of criticism:

because as we all know, things like knowing how to handle a fire hose that can shoot out 120-180 gallons per minute, rescuing people in a dangerous situation, or even basic first aid and medical care(https://cosumnescsd.gov/537/Why-Does-a-Fire-Engine-Come-With-an-Ambu#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20these%20calls,Emergency%20Medical%20Services%20(EMS).) is not NEARLY as important as DEI practices, recognizing one's privilege, and most importantly making the number of diverse "firefighters" equal the numbers of the competent ones. But don't worry, I'm sure the people who lost their homes, property, and livelihoods can take heart knowing that a hefty check of $750 is waiting for them, just like the residents of Georgia and the Carolinas when Helene did her tour.

TheSimbul, WinterWitch & Wristfevers #kinkshaming #transphobia ovarit.com

Genital fetish uwu

( TheSimbul )
The phrase kink-shaming should never be used.

People are going to judge you on your sexual habits. Get over it.

( WinterWitch )
If you are going to try and force other people to participate in your kink they get to judge you for it. Don’t want to be judged? Keep it in your own home.

( Wristfevers )
Kinkshaming and refering to ppl depending on their sex assigned at birth is my kink and if you don't like it then you are a hater, a bigot, you have cooties and stop genociding mee. UwU.

sagworlder #conspiracy reddit.com

The only reason I even believe the mandela effect is real is because my body has changed in significant ways.

Literally everything else could potentially be memory issues, perception issues, AI trickery etc. Except our bodies themselves have changed.

Moved/enlarged liver- to deal with a more toxic environment.

Kidneys under the ribs now- protection of vital organs.

Covered eye sockets and more skull sutures- more protection from a harsh environment, maybe from increased earthquakes.

Those are the big ones I can think of off the top of my head right now.

And there are Mandela effects I've noticed personally in my own body- The tops of my thigh bones are bigger, and wider now. My knuckles are all noticably bigger as well. The reason that made me think of earthquakes was because I was trying to reason out why my lower hip area would be wider and I think it might be to increase balance ability, with a slightly lower center of gravity

All together I think these changes point to needing a stronger, more robust body and organ system for an increasingly harsh environment. These are just my crazy thoughts.

Chinese government officials #homophobia lgbtqnation.com

10 arrested for writing gay erotica in China as part of nationwide crackdown

Government officials in China are cracking down on erotic fiction writers and their online distribution networks, according to multiple news reports and social media posts, with dozens of writers reportedly arrested in one province and facing years in prison.

Many of the writers specialize in danmei, a style depicting gay romance and sex similar to Japanese manga.

In December, Chinese news site Shuiping Jiyuan reported police had detained more than 50 writers in Anhui province, west of Shanghai, since June. Sentences have ranged up to four and a half years in prison.

At least 10 people have been sentenced for posting gay-themed erotica online, according to open records from the Jixi County People’s Court in Anhui, the South China Morning Post reports.

A “special task force” carried out the arrests of the writers, many of whom published on the Taiwan-based adult fiction website Haitang Literature, Hong Kong’s Sing Tao Daily News and Taiwan’s Pacific Daily newspapers reported.

“One of my friends is an author, who was released on bail, called me from a new phone and told us to be prepared,” one writer posted to the gaming bulletin board NGA, cited by the AO3 [Archive of Our Own] fan-fiction site on Reddit.

“Later, others also reported that their friends had been affected,” the post recounted. “We compared details and confirmed that this is a nationwide crackdown. Moreover, the website’s [Chinese] distributor is indeed in trouble and can’t be reached.”

China’s state-controlled media haven’t reported on the arrests.

Colonel Wilson #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon coppermoonshinestills.com

You are all below.
1. A State Citizen which is born in one of the several states of the Union. (Not the United States). See article 3 and the 11th amendment of the constitution
2. A “Citizen of the United States” as penned in article one and two of the constitution. Notice that when you signed up to vote, it asked if you were a Citizen of the United States. This is the only citizen that can vote.

You are not any of the below.
1. You are not a United States citizen. Which is a legal fiction and a franchise citizen of the federal corporation United States (District of Columbia”. This one does not have any constitutional rights. Notice when you filled out your voter registration, it did not ask if you were a United States citizen. Because a United States citizen cannot vote.
2. You are not a United States national. Which is also a legal fiction. This one also does not have any rights.
3. You are not a 14th amendment citizen. This is someone born in the United States Territory and congress has authority over. And does not have all rights guaranteed by the constitution.
See how it is worded…”…born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…”
3. You are not a Non-citizen national. This wording applies to those born in the unincorporated islands of the United States.

So to reclaim your citizenship, you need to certify your citizenship by getting a passport as a “State Citizen”. Your birth certificate that is required for your passport is proof that you are a State Citizen and is your title and deed to your rights secured by our founding documents. It is on bond paper and you are the bond holder/ beneficiary.
Additional things you can do is…

4. Put “without prejudice” above your signature. This insures that you are not a legal fiction
and are not contracting away your rights. Although this should not be needed as a State Citizen.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com


War on reason war on logic
war on wisdom war on knowledge
wars on honesty and facts and proof.
War on history and its sister memory
war on the elderly war on the youth.

War on transparency war on the truth
wars on freedom of thought and of speech.
War on the person war on the family
war on the poor war on humanity
and wars on liberty justice and peace

but never a war on these wars or on war
while the devil's sedulous next-level whores
find themselves howling for more without cease.

As unsurprising as the rising sun later setting
the sad fact is this pack of rabid jackals
also finds itself yelping

for more and more-effective mental shackles
to further nurture the ignorance of the sheep
strengthen their weakness deepen their sleep
and quell any notion they might be holding
of bolting from their pens and running free;

finds itself yelping for more of anything
to cull or otherwise silence members of the flock
who dare to pause just long enough to take stock

Its trusted goons rubbing salt in our wounds
with a smug celebration of supranational force
the psychopathocracy — as ever the beast
behind all these undeclared wars —
raised a great toast to its dutiful thugs

with a tip of its glass to this last but not least
war on all those opposed to being poked
and plied with its cutting-edge health-wrecking drugs

as informed consent and bodily autonomy
were however implausibly suddenly cast
as criminally selfish relics of a just-as-suddenly
decreed-to-be-primitive immediate past.

Both drunk on the punch of utopian delusions
and imbued with the hubris of technocratic madness
the reigning god-complex-addled parasitic classes

— consistent with their overriding guiding principle
that the ends invariably justify the means —
were unfailingly disdainfully deaf
to their human playthings' painful screams.

Jesse Watters #racist #pratt mediamatters.org

From the January 8, 2024, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime

It gets worse. Gavin's been tearing down dams. Why? Because the Indians wanted some of the river back so they could catch salmon. Gavin didn't just knock down one dam for the Indians, he knocked down all four

And these dams were a go-to source for firefighters to pull water from to fight fires up north. Gavin's literally tearing down western civilization for fish and Indians. Nothing against the Indians, I love the Indians. But really?

TERFs or far-right white nationalists?

They're the same picture.

various commenters #racist ovarit.com

RE: The Welsh Refugee Counsel used 12 year old schoolgirls to entice migrants to come to Wales

( nopenottoday )
It's genocide of native European populations. And I'm sure many people are getting paid off to assist

( Carrots90 )
My Russian husband thinks it’s a way to bring in authoritarian government

Flood the West with people who are accustomed to harsh/corrupt/dysfunctional governance and ‘manage expectations’. As long as it’s better than what the migrants are leaving from, they will be more likely to accept it. And it has to be fast. The older migrants adjusted to the west. Rapid immigration won’t risk assimilation or inter community harmony

Undo feminism, gay rights, personal liberties, etc

( pennygadget )

There must be some financial gain to someones high up. This is not out of control wokeness or an excess of compassion.

They are actively trying to attract migrants, there must be a benefit. This isn’t just kindness

The theory is that they're bringing them in for cheap labor. But that doesn't track because these migrants almost certainly consume more taxpayer money and resources than they contribute

( asmahan )
I think "they" are just trying to balkanize countries and destroy/eliminate common cultural touchstones and heritage. So the country is weakened from within by partisan in-fighting and multicultural strife. Makes them easy pickings for..... whatever you want really.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So kinda looks like those Pakistani Rape Gangs are a feature, not a bug in their books. I wonder why.

( Disappearanceoftheychromosomer )
Reasons I can come up with:

1. Immigration lowers wages.
2. If you get a lot of immigrants to a historically oppressed nation between a country you can surpress its peculiarities and stop and independentist sentiment from forming.
3. Immigration creates divisions and conflicts between the working class.
4. Immigration lowers political standarts of living.
5. They want to normalize pedophilia.
6. They want society to be more divided, political and cold in general. They want no trust between us so we are forced to trust them.

Carmen Cojocaru #racist #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exognosis.com

Jews are type 3 Sirians. Humanoids in the Sirius B star system are white or olive skinned, a mixture of benevolent and malevolent (mostly malevolent) power hungry, selfish, often in the Illuminati banking system, eager either to dominate humanity and transform the Earth into a paradise in their style, or just dominate and control humanity.

The Type 3 Sirians entered into an alliance with the Type 4 Sirians (Annunaki) known as the Sirian-Annunaki Alliance. About 40% of their members have evolved in a more humanitarian direction while the majority of about 60% have as their mission to control and dominate the planet.

They largely control the mass media. Their philosophy is divide and conquer. They specialize in instigating one tribe against another and in permanent war to keep the people divided. They are one of the groups behind the ongoing conflict in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are the force behind the Israeli Mossad and the Khazarian mafia, a terrorist organization that controls the government of Israel and many Western factions.

They rule in Ukraine and provoked Putin to war to take their territories. The Khazars together with the Sumerians and the Jews are at the origins of the Jewish people. Contrary to public perception, the Semites were not among the original descendants of the Jews, they were a different Sirian-Orionian hybrid race that also settled in ancient Persia.
Recent research has indicated that the real Semites were the Khazars and it is funny that some of the Jews consider the Khazars to be their enemies, this makes the Jews anti-Semitic. There are also secret organizations of the Khazars whose objective is to enslave the Jewish people and everyone on Earth. The Jews today are led by another related group of Orion-Sirius hybrids called the Zionists who are an extremely evil consortium of aliens and their descendants who control large portions of the planet. They have an alliance with the dark Illuminati.

feministfang, eclecticwordblender #sexist #racist #psycho tumblr.com

Listen! I don’t give a fuck how these ugly brown men are treated in the west. Stop showing sympathy for them. Everybody knows what happened in india a few days ago. These are your poor "victim" brown men that some of you think are better than white men. I literally smirk whenever something bad happens to them. I feel happy when Muslim men in india get lynched by mobs. I love it when these men kill each other out of hate. They all deserve it. They deserve worse. And i hope they all burn in hell for eternity.

as long as we’re getting rid of a male, idk man w. silver lining.

Understanderson & Persimmon64 #transphobia ovarit.com

( Understanderson )
Concise TERF creed
I spent some time this morning trying to distill down what TERFs want into something minimal and easy to communicate. Let me know if anything key here is missing.

There's nothing about kids or medicalization because I think the fourth point covers that. If women, lesbians and gays, parents, and detransitioners were unmuzzled, the medical crisis would end.

The fourth point also covers TIFs and female non-binaries. They're not a pressing concern for me, and just being able to talk openly about what's going on there will probably be enough.

TERF Creed

1. Women are entitled to our own identity. Males claiming to be women are appropriating our identity.

2. Women’s rights, spaces, institutions, sports, quotas, and honors are for women only, not males claiming to be women/non-binary.

3. Males claiming to be women/non-binary must negotiate with other males for acceptance, space, and accommodations. Trans-identified male and male non-binary are recognized as variant male identities.

4. People have a right to publicly criticize trans ideology, pro-trans organizations, captured institutions, and trans advocates for sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and identity appropriation.

NOTE: Edited to change "men" to "males."

( Persimmon64 )
This is pretty close to it in a nutshell, but I wouldn't use the word "TERF". I'm not "trans exclusionary" because I don't believe there actually is such a thing. I'm "male" exclusionary.

Todd Starnes #transphobia toddstarnes.com

Most three-year-olds are learning how to sing the ABC’s. But children at a New York City preschool were given a lesson on the LGBT’s and parents on the Upper West Side are furious and demanding answers.

A substitute teacher at the taxpayer-funded New York Kids Club, who claims to be transgender, read children a storybook promoting ideas about gender identity.

The book is titled, “It Feels Good to Be Yourself.”

“There are so many ways to be a boy or a girl,” read a passage in the book. “Not everyone feels like either a boy or a girl.”

Parent Vivian Cialini told television station WPIX that parents were not notified in advance and many children came home asking lots of very uncomfortable questions.

“Most of the parents were in shock and clueless of the decision that the school made,” she said. “I believe it’s too early for them to understand. They barely have awareness of their body.”

New Yorkers sounded off on social media platforms accusing the preschool of using a classroom to groom innocent children.

“Absolutely sickening,” one parent wrote. “As a mom of a three-year-old I find this disturbing. Leave these babies alone.”

“A 3 or 4 year old is not your ‘target audience,’” another parent said the LGBT activists. “Leave the youngsters alone. The world is already confusing enough for them. Teaching (this) is inappropriate and groomy.”

Arthur Schaper #homophobia aschaper1.blogspot.com

Angeleno: "All the Gay People" Started the Fires

We need more people who have the guts to tell the truth like this.

Just one like at the three LGBT "women" who head the Los Angeles Fire Department gives a lot of credence to this sentiment.

Instead of focusing on H20, LA City has been focusing on LGBTQ, and now we are all questioning:

How long will it take for LA County residents to realize that the Democrats are the party of destruction, failure, and danger?

How much longer are they going to tolerate this dangerous incompetence in their communities?

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.

Girl Mom #transphobia pittparents.com

When we simply asked our daughter, "When did you first start feeling like a boy?", she became visibly enraged and lashed back, "I can't answer that!". She proceeded to yell at us for not using her fake pronouns or name. She seemed on the verge of tears, but couldn't cry because the testosterone had already started messing her up. For nearly four years now, despite other efforts for a civil conversation, our questions have remained unanswered and she has estranged herself, at nearly 22. There is no reasoning with these mental patients, which is essentially what they are, but we also need to be careful to not anger them so they don't do some very stupid & dangerous, like shoot up a school, which has happened. I really fear for what my daughter, who's turned to the dark side, hopped up on T, might do someday.

Matt Walsh #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Only men should be firefighters. We all know this. It’s a job that men are uniquely qualified to perform. There are few women on the face of the Earth who can carry a full grown man to safety. LA set out to deliberately reduce the number of male firefighters. A suicidal policy.
8:02 AM · Jan 10, 2025 · 5.5M Views

MABEL JOHNSON #wingnut #psycho web.archive.org



Ann Barnhardt #fundie #racist #quack #crackpot #kinkshaming barnhardt.biz

[From “Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” can’t be truly appreciated and understood until you know that it is the story of the miraculous healing and conversion to Christianity of a Diabolical Narcissist Jew”]

Thanks for the patience with all of the reposts this week. Unpacking takes ten times longer than packing, and doing it in the run-up to Christmas is… logistically challenging. It’s Christmas Eve, and that means the traditional viewing of “Scrooge” from ARSH 1951[…]Let us pray with Holy Mother Church:

for the faithless Jews: that Almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord[…]

The ARSH 1951 film “Scrooge” starring Alastair Sim is the definitive film version of “A Christmas Carol”[…]
“A Christmas Carol” took on a whole new life and depth of meaning for me when, after my in-depth study of Diabolical Narcissism several years ago, I realized that the reason why “A Christmas Carol” is such a compelling story[…]
The pre-conversion Scrooge character is a classic DN. He is a cerebral narcissist – highly successful in his profession, a miser, caring for nothing but “his work” – which just happens to be usury (Usury? In London? Nooo…)[…]
Scrooge descends into psychopathic usury, and, as we have discussed, even descends into that horrific sexual perversion – ASEXUALITY, by dumping his fiancée and living a life of LOVELESS, MISERABLE, ELITIST SOLITUDE[…]
The other point here which is TOTALLY lost on the modern world is the fact that EBENEEZER is quite possibly the most HEBREW name ever, and that EVERYONE understood when Dickens wrote the book that Scrooge was one of the many JEWISH USURERS in London[…]
The story closes with the words, “And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well”[…]

That, friends, means that Ebeneezer Scrooge, an ethnic Jew and atheist (as almost all ethnic Jews today are), received baptism and became a believing Christian

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( klytaimestra )
I don't need to figure out what being a woman means to me. Just like I don't need to figure out what having two arms means to me.

And, yes, I am superior to delusional, misogynist porn addicts. That doesn't need much figuring out either.

( OverTheWall )
It’s funny that he thinks actually women are concerned about our “gender identity” we don’t have one. We’re real biological women. Whether we’re “hairy” or don’t fit into gender stereotypes we’re still women. It’s not a made up identity it’s reality.

Trans women have nothing but surgery, consumerism, and misogynistic stereotypes. That is their existence.

And as men, trans”women” will never be allies. So no I won’t be called “cis”, by some creepy pervert.

( Persimmon64 )
Fellas, fellas,

You aren't describing different types of dogs. What you're doing is claiming that some cats are types of dogs as well.

Nope, no, uh-huh.

We're not having it. It doesn't come from fear. It doesn't come from insecurity. It comes from the fact that you're a porn-soaked, mysogynistic pig of a man who wants to control women's words, behaviors, and even the language we can use for ourselves.

Womanhood isn't something you fight for. It isn't something you can "attain." It isn't something praiseworthy or admirable. It isn't an accomplishment or a badge if honor. It's just our daily reality and something you are not and never will be a part of.

We know that since you're men you have a hard time taking "no" from women as an answer, but you really need to "do better".

( MaryDyer )
We don’t think we’re “superior” to transwomen, since transwomen ARE NOT women.

( ByzantineOtter )
I mean, I think we're superior to so-called transwomen...

(but then, I also think men who don't go around in fetish gear 24/7 are superior to TIMs. As are children. And babies. So there's no undue pride there)

( Committing_Tervery )
Just because they’re men doesn’t mean we aren’t superior to them, though. We absolutely are.

( hellamomzilla )
No, sir. None of you are any type of woman. All of you are men. Full stop. And if anyone is behaving out of superiority it is for sure the men who think they can just SAY that they’re women and then tell women that understanding human biology is hurtful TO MEN.

Suffering Mother #transphobia pittparents.com

On my flight to Virginia a person appeared in front of me that looked so much like my son. I almost got up and talk to them. It was a tall woman dressed in a mini skirt, long legs with tie up boots on And mid length hair and they stood right in front of me about 12 feet away looking at the board for the airline flight and I kept looking and looking and thinking its my son is ? I couldn’t bring myself to get up. I was frozen Then they ran away to the back and looked my way and then went way over the other side and sat. I kept looking because I had a weird feeling that it was my son and I did not recognize him dressed as a woman. This has been tearing me apart ever since this happened. I asked my daughter to ask him if it was him she said he said it wasn’t but I don’t believe him because he’s been a liar all his life. He wrote me after that and said that he hadn’t left Oakland since two or three years and if it was him, he wouldn’t have run away from me well, I don’t believe him. I think it was him. And I didn’t recognize my own son! I noticed the chin I noticed the way he looked the way he acted, but I was frozen. I couldn’t do anything and I don’t know why. My whole point is this is hurt me much more than I want it to.

Telestai Nexus #crackpot #quack #magick #wingnut telestai.substack.com

My declared and transparent intention: denouncing the war on our brains and neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus

The declared, and transparent, intention of this essay is, therefore, to attempt to offer some insights into the relationships between human energy harvesting, Graphene nano and micro-implants and antennae, the Terahertz frequencies of the future 6G, the satellite network... and, above all, neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus - not forgetting the deleterious impacts, on human health, and Life, of these necro-technologies merging Graphene with Terahertz.
Ecce Homo chimericus! He lies in the depths of PornoGraphenia. He has sold his soul to the Archon of Simulated Reality who, in retribution, has conferred on his organism the ability to copulate, to couple, with electronics - in the radiant, and magnetising, bliss of Graphenisation.

Is it a coincidence, moreover, that the ancient Telestai, in the Codexes of the Nag Hammadi Library, discovered in December 1945, named, in the Coptic artificial language, the "simulation", "HAL"... just as Stanley Kubrick named his mega-computer in "2001: A Space Odyssey"? Did they have a premonition of the all-powerful "IBM" company - with the three letters preceding "HAL" in the alphabet?

In the vision of the ancient Telestai, "HAL" characterises, intrinsically, the Archons, the carriers of the extraterrestrial Virus at the source, poisoned, of the three ecocidal monotheisms - namely the carriers of lies, simulation, pretence, falsification... and, ultimately, of human neuro-modulation.
The obsession of modern communications - namely between the Internet of Things and the Internet of (Human) Bodies - is the Spectrum Quest. Ever more Spectrum... in a frantic scramble for the ghostly frequencies of the coveted interval... between 100 GHz and 10 THz or 30 THz - depending on the Terahertzian movement. The Spectrum is the new Eldorado of Virtual Reality.

Mike Stone #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Some of you may remember a piece I wrote back in 2021 about the enormous amount of high-rise residential construction going on in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.

My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.

Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Something Ain't Right

When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.

What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department donated surplus equipment to the Ukraine, leaving them under-stocked.


Candace Owens #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

BREAKING: In mid-November, I made contact with a journalist claiming to have a trove of evidence proving Brigitte Macron was born a man. In December I flew to Europe to examine the evidence and to interview the journalist for over two hours.
Just 10 days after our initial correspondence, SITTING President Emmanuel Macron and his ‘wife’ Brigitte Macron sent me a legal threat which they demanded we not publicize.
Today I will of course be publicizing that letter. It is our belief that this legal threat was sent to intimidate us—ultimately to stop us from publishing the explosive piece which was due to premiere on January 30th.
We will not be intimidated.
Today on the show, we will reveal to you all the strange sequence of events and remind
@EmmanuelMacron that America is not Europe. We have free speech here and we will not be silenced. We welcome you and your Mister to come visit.
An entire army of independent journalists awaits you both.

7:29 AM · Jan 11, 2025 · 1.8M Views
Read 1.7K replies

Marc Finks #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

The Pattern: What NASA's Latest Discovery Reveals About Our True History
Something extraordinary is happening in our skies.

In December 2024, mysterious objects appeared over the East Coast, shutting down airports and baffling military experts. Months earlier, NASA scientists admitted they're tracking metallic spheres performing impossible maneuvers worldwide.

But what if these aren't new phenomena?


In 2023, when NASA confirmed advanced technology in our skies, they didn't just validate modern sightings. They unveiled a pattern that stretches back to humanity's earliest records—a pattern that changes everything we thought we knew about human civilization.


Why military encounters with impossible technology mirror modern-day and ancient records
How precision engineering from thousands of years ago still defies explanation
What NASA's latest admissions tell us about humanity's true history
Why ancient "teacher" accounts might be more real than we ever imagined
🌟 THE EVIDENCE. - Journey through humanity's greatest mysteries with fresh eyes:

When "UFO's" were seen over Washingon D.C. for 2 weeks in 1952
Precisely cut stones at Puma Punku that modern tools can't replicate
Mathematical knowledge at Göbekli Tepe that shouldn't have existed
Agricultural innovations that defy genetic possibility
Ancient accounts of advanced beings, preserved across cultures
⚡ WHY NOW? For the first time, we can connect:

Official government admissions
Archaeological evidence you can verify
Physical proof that still exists
A pattern that can't be ignored

This isn't just another book about ancient mysteries or unexplained phenomena. It's a methodical investigation revealing evidence that challenges our entire understanding of human development.

Nicholas Tesla via Rochel Ettinger #ufo #magick #conspiracy multiverse.institute

This morning I communicated with Nikolai Tesla by mental syncing.
Tesla can be found in Colorado on Terra 3A which is one of our upper Earths; very close to our planet…cities, landmarks and even stores.

Tesla said he is reverse engineering technologies for us, allowing the collective consciousness to accept such “discoveries “ this is crucial. “We (Tesla and Van Tassel) continue to use the dome. The dome is built on a vortex. One can stand over an open tube going down deep into the Earth. Above is a huge 1.5 ton oculus, energy goes up and down and does not leave the silo so to speak. This allows DNA activation for those who are ready.” Tesla asked me, “didn’t you notice the difference since your visit?” Ummmm yes !!
“Hello Cyrus. I am here with my wife and a woman you know from your planet and her name is Marilyn Monroe. We are hesitant to bring her through Rinaldi’s station because it could ignite a firestorm. We have always had to deal with a vast collective consciousness battering ram that blocks the ‘fantastic’ from arising because of social mind control VENOM!”

“This social mind control was instilled on your planet on PURPOSE, Cyrus! And we know who did it! This type of control became extremely apparent about the time it was clear the Society for Psychic Research was not on my side or anyone’s side. Those early institutes, Cyrus, had the POWER in them to cross all bridges and create a new higher civilization.”
“So when someone on your planet dies, guess what? They CAN return physically. But death is a complex process because divine consciousness arises and sends a soul into a new direction as per God and nature combined! But divine consciousness is sometimes being battled over within wars in the cosmos because divine consciousness is often being supplanted by evil extraterrestrials who seek a more corporate regiment to reality, Cyrus’s readers!”

BoneDryDeath #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

True, but bear in mind, outside of Reddit, outside of the internet, nobody actually buys that bullshit. We all pretend to play nice because of the mods, but at the end of the day? We can tell who is a man and a woman. All it's going to take is one little thing and the whole charade comes crashing down. And it's going to be delicious when it does.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Supplemental Sermon 4: Debunking Calvinism
By The Rev. Steven Roland
"And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world"- 1 John 2:2
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”- John 3:17
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”- Romans 3:23-24

Calvinism is a major problem even in “Baptist” denominations! “reformed” Baptists or “primitive” Baptists or SBC intellectual midgets who say that they are three pointers or four pointers and it’s absolutely outrageous!!!! The toxic teachings of the evil wretched sinful nasty vicious man John Calvin who wants to SEND THE WORLD TO HELL!!!! We need to realize that we are not Protestants and don’t need to listen to these snake oil salesman Protestant preachers! We’re Baptists who are of the same faith as the apostles while Protestants broke off from the diseased tree of Rome!
Calvinism is another religious faith entirely and anyone who adheres to this toxic twisted belief system will be DAMNED TO HELL unless they accept the TRUE GOSPEL MESSAGE of Jesus Christ!
If you’re a Calvinist, why do you even go to church or worship God? If I was one, I’d be sitting in my underwear on Sunday mornings eating Bon Bons and watching old reruns of I Love Lucy and Andy Griffith! If everything is predetermined and God already chose an elect, what’s the point of spreading the Gospel? It’s like the card game of War- the outcome is already predetermined when you cut the deck! That’s how Calvinists see salvation so what’s even the point of doing anything if our work doesn’t result in anything changing the outcome? It’s demented and vile sewage! It’s just like War- you can’t do a darn thing to influence the outcome so why even bother? See how sick this is? Salvation is a free choice to make or not, not some predetermined outcome and God already decided it!!!
Brother, you have agency over your life and you can choose to accept Christ as your Lord and savior out of your sincere heart and own desire. Don’t let anyone else take your right to freely accept Him away! Please reach out to us to begin a new life in Him of your own free will as He wants you to do!

A Midwestern Doctor #quack #conspiracy midwesterndoctor.com

[From “The FDA's War Against DMSO and America”]

Over the last month, I have been diligently working to alert the public to the decades of evidence demonstrating the remarkable therapeutic potential of DMSO. In turn, quite a few of my colleagues have shared patients are now asking them about DMSO[…]
For those who have not read the series, thus far I have made the case that:
•DMSO treats many circulatory and neurological disorders[…]
•DMSO is a miraculous therapy for chronic pain, wounds (e.g., burns or surgical incisions), injuries (e.g., sports injuries) and all types of chronic pain[…]
•DMSO is highly effective for treating a variety of challenging autoimmune disorders[…]
•DMSO is able to treat a variety of protein misfolding diseases (e.g., amyloidosis) including genetic disorders (e.g., Down Syndrome) which are classically considered to untreatable[…]
•DMSO is incredibly safe, having only a limited number of known and manageable side effects[…]
In contrast, most of the previously mentioned diseases have lackluster conventional options available for treating them, many of which are highly toxic, kill tens of thousands of Americans each year and simultaneously cause far more non-fatal injuries. Worse still, many of them simply are “untreatable” and have no option for what can be done with them

Redeemed Zoomer #fundie #sexist twitter.com

We need to minister to young men and young women but in different ways since young women are liberal and young men are not

Young men need hope in this dark world that hates them and gives them no opportunities. Give them a new world to fight for

Young women need to be shown by Christian women that the cult of self-love and whoredom makes them miserable and that feminism is the biggest scam in history

Kejraj Eol #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

Interruptions in the matrix and to the daily routines which humans have been accustomed to will continue, and become only more frequent as the energies of the shift in consciousness intensify, and the old structures crumble.

The system cannot be saved for it was designed with an expiration date, and was always meant as a temporary experience.

The truth is things will never be the same in this world again. No leader is going to prevent the status quo from disintegrating. The interruptions in the matrix will continue until the 3D illusion has been completely dissolved.

It is not my intention to instill fear in the masses. This is just simple truth, straightforward. You can choose to accept it, and find peace within. You can choose to reject it, and remain in denial. However, only for a little while longer. For all are about to witness the change in the physical, and realize that humanity was always destined to return to the Divine realms.

The dreams, or perhaps I should say the nightmares, are coming to an end. The nightmare of working forty hours a week, for forty years, to only get 40% of what you have earned when you retire. As normal as most may think that is, it isn’t.

As infinite beings, as eternal souls of the Universe, you exist to be free. You exist to explore the Universe. You exist to evolve without man made limitting structures.

The Third Dimensional Matrix is on a downward spiral to non-existence. It is being deconstructed by the higher light entering your world at this time.

What is this Third Dimensional Matrix?

In simple terms; all the UNNATURAL things which have caused nothing but harm, chaos, and suffering to the world as a whole.

Think about that for a moment.

The humans, nature and Mother Earth herself have suffered for millennia. This ends now. You are in the ends times of the illusion, as higher light, love, peace, and joy become the new reality on Mother Earth.

Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Are they really going to go all the way to shut down Communications to have the electrical power shut off for days? Watch the EBS on your TV when the power is off?

“Get Ready For Three Days and Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas.”
It may have been tried in my area East of NAWS China Lake, CA as on Wednesday it went down at 3:05 PM and then came back on at about 1:25 AM Thursday, for 10.5 hours it was down. This is 160 miles North of Los Angeles, a small community where NAWS is next door to watch it all.

On Wednesday this may have been due to the strong winds up to about 80 MPH since Monday and since it has happened before due to weather conditions or our earthquake in 2019.

Then it went down again on Friday at 2:55 PM till 7:55 PM this time.

Why did it go down within 10 minutes of each other as that is very peculiar, but the power was on during the local school hours, but down while many people would be at home trying to get on the internet.

Are we in one of the trial areas where they are testing it to take down the present ‘System’ of shutting down the modems and power to all computers to make it easy for them?

We have thousands of solar panels laid out in fields along with hundreds of windmills between us and Los Angeles and they didn’t help us a bit.