Suffering Mother #transphobia #fundie
I too thought my son was going thru an adolescent phase trying on his sisters clothes when we were not home. I didn’t seek psychological help because I thought it would blow over. He was such a manly guy. Tall, big chin, size 12 shoe, hairy body and sported a beard a few times. It never entered my mind he could go down this route I didn’t even know anything about “trans” ! Like your son he was handsome and very smart. Or at least I thought he was smart and raised a Catholic. Everyday I ask myself where did I go wrong? I do blame myself, maybe it was the divorce or something else I did. Going thru this all these years with no one to depend on has truly broken me. I haven’t remarried and spend my days wondering why? Why my family? My daughter got Type 1 diabetes at age 3, was that not enough pain for our family?
My son has rejected me again after a brief stint at Thanksgiving when I thought he was coming back. But he’s gone now and I don’t even know where he lives. Frankly I’m just so tired emotionally, physically and mentally. I can’t live the rest of my days overcome with sadness. I’m glad you have a husband and other children to lean on . My daughter has enabled my son’s delusion because she doesn’t want to lose him. But I could never speak an untruth just to make someone stick around even my biological son. I won’t contribute to his delusions even if it means not seeing him ever again. He made these choices, not me. He chose to go against God and run with demons. I can only pray for him and pray to St Monica to ask for intercession to send someone else to talk him back to sanity. He won’t listen to me.