
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Suffering Mother #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

I too thought my son was going thru an adolescent phase trying on his sisters clothes when we were not home. I didn’t seek psychological help because I thought it would blow over. He was such a manly guy. Tall, big chin, size 12 shoe, hairy body and sported a beard a few times. It never entered my mind he could go down this route I didn’t even know anything about “trans” ! Like your son he was handsome and very smart. Or at least I thought he was smart and raised a Catholic. Everyday I ask myself where did I go wrong? I do blame myself, maybe it was the divorce or something else I did. Going thru this all these years with no one to depend on has truly broken me. I haven’t remarried and spend my days wondering why? Why my family? My daughter got Type 1 diabetes at age 3, was that not enough pain for our family?

My son has rejected me again after a brief stint at Thanksgiving when I thought he was coming back. But he’s gone now and I don’t even know where he lives. Frankly I’m just so tired emotionally, physically and mentally. I can’t live the rest of my days overcome with sadness. I’m glad you have a husband and other children to lean on . My daughter has enabled my son’s delusion because she doesn’t want to lose him. But I could never speak an untruth just to make someone stick around even my biological son. I won’t contribute to his delusions even if it means not seeing him ever again. He made these choices, not me. He chose to go against God and run with demons. I can only pray for him and pray to St Monica to ask for intercession to send someone else to talk him back to sanity. He won’t listen to me.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

[From an article about the author's trans daughter, who moved in with an affirming family at 18]

Over the next couple of months, we learned that this family had relocated to another city. Our son was now sharing a room with their son and had plans to go to a budget college in state that they had helped him to apply for, including filling out the FAFSA. He didn't have his car or cell phone, and he was only communicating with his brother and friends. We also learned that these friends were more aware of the situation than we knew and that the family we saw as friends (we had helped them financially, with rides from school, with yard work just weeks before they sold their home), had been grooming Jake for almost a year. Both of their children were "different", their daughter even wanted to be a cat. I remember feeling so violated, so sick to my stomach, that two self-proclaimed "Christian" people would find their actions not only acceptable but laudable. I know what hate really is now. I don't know why God allowed this.


I haven't been well in a long time. I saw my doctor and got medicine. It doesn’t seem to help but, hey, I lost 20 pounds. I will admit that I think about just being done with life. I'm honestly tired. My husband and daughter want me to let him go. My son says he tells Jake that I love him, but he won’t let me speak directly to Jake or meet up with them if Jake happens to be in town. Nothing changes and the little boy in the pictures on my walls and on my phone keeps smiling. And a piece of me dies each day.

Araphel-Ein-Sof #fundie

Revelation 18:23

Revelation 18:23 says “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

The Greek word for sorceries in this verse is pharmakeia.

"Pharmakeia” according to Strong's Concordance is "the use of medicine, drugs, or spells." Thayer's Greek Lexicon includes "poisoning" here. Holy balls of fire, that's interesting given recent events! There are poisons deliberately being used in our water, food, medicine, clothing, beds, homes, vehicles.....

So just for kicks, let's do a little word substitution here:

“For by thy pharmakeia were ALL nations deceived."

"For by thy use of medicine, drugs, spells, or poisons were ALL nations deceived."

Are you following me here?

We know that in the end times good will be called bad and bad will be called good, according to Isaiah 5:20. What are seeing these days? We are seeing constant persecution for those who truly care about the health of themselves and others- people such as myself who are almost obsessively (*cough cough*) reading studies and finding that more than 50% of them qualify as absolute junk science. Yet these are the studies that are being upheld as proof that one should have the right to medical freedom taken away. If there is anything we know, it's that we have been lied to. We've been lied to about asbestos, mercury, DDT, tobacco, sugar, fat, cholesterol, Vioxx, fluoride, aspartame, glyphosate- the list just goes on and on!"

Paula White #fundie #god-complex #mammon #quack baptistnews.com

President Donald Trump’s chief faith adviser is selling seven “supernatural blessings” for Easter season gifts of $1,000 or more.

On her website and social media, televangelist Paula White has a special offer for what she calls the “Passover season” when “your obedience to align yourself with the desires of God” can “release seven specific supernatural blessings for your body, your family, your finances and your future.”

White leads the White House Faith Office and recently assembled a group of 17 evangelical pastors to pray over Trump in the Oval Office.

With a portion of Exodus 23, she takes God’s promise to the Children of Israel and applies it today to those who give her $1,000 or more.

“As we read in Exodus 23, when you honor God during this Passover,” she claims, God will “assign an angel to you,” “be an enemy to your enemies,” “give you prosperity,” “take sickness away from you,” “give you a long life, “bring increase and inheritance” and “give a special year of blessing.”

All this can be yours, she says, if you bring a “Passover offering to the house of the Lord.”

Then she relates this testimony from one of her followers named Alfred: “I sowed a seed as a result of the teaching of giving during the Passover season. As a result, my unemployment benefits were restored and increased this past week. My family and I are being provided for, and spiritual blessings are evident. I believe the 7 Blessings are being manifested in me, and believe full restoration will take place in my life, career, child, and service to the Lord.”

But wait, there’s more!

With your gift of $1,000 or more, White will send you a 10-inch-high Waterford cross, plus some devotionals and an “olive wood communion set from the Holy Land.”

That special set “contains unleavened bread and grape juice from the Holy Land, two beautiful olive wood communion cups” and a booklet, her advertisement says. With these items in hand, “you can join Paula in taking communion during our special Good Friday online GLOBAL communion service at noon eastern on April 18.”

Joel Webbon #fundie #psycho #homophobia peoplefor.org

On the most recent episode of the Right Response Ministries podcast, radical Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon and his co-hosts advocated for the government to literally seize control of churches that do not share their far-right theology. It’s the latest bit of evidence that they view core American values like religious liberty and religious pluralism as nothing more than roadblocks to be dismantled as they impose their Christian nationalist vision on the U.S.

The discussion began when co-host Wesley Todd complained that there are tens of thousands of "apostate" churches in the United States and thus it would take "decades of work" to properly re-educate their parishioners. Instead, Todd said, the government should investigate every church in the nation and then seize the "wicked" ones and redistribute their holdings to "faithful churches."

"Hear me out," Todd said. "The president, the sovereign, the magistrate, Barron Trump, he comes out and he says, 'I've taken a task force. We've gone through every website. We've driven by every building and we have logged thousands of churches with Pride flags out front, women on the clergy, and there are soldiers on the street now. We are taking their property and we are giving it to the faithful churches in town.'"

"That is completely historically within the realm of the magistrate," Todd continued. "He can do that. You are an apostate, wicked church and your building, your land, your heritage is taken from you and it is given to those that will bear the fruits of it."

James Lasher #fundie #conspiracy charismanews.com

What if I told you that scientists have now created something called a “woolly mouse” by mixing the DNA of modern mice with that of ancient woolly mammoths? It sounds like a headline from a science fiction magazine, but it’s real—and it’s happening right now.

Colossal Biosciences, the company behind this project, claims it’s a major breakthrough in genetic engineering. Their CEO, Ben Lamm, recently spoke in an interview about how they’ve managed to edit mouse embryos with mammoth DNA to give them traits like thicker fur, larger bodies, and cold resistance—traits specifically associated with the long-extinct woolly mammoth. They’re calling it a proof of concept for the eventual resurrection of extinct species.

And while the scientific world is buzzing with excitement, there’s one question almost nobody is asking: What does this mean spiritually?

Jesus gave us a prophetic warning in Luke 17:26:

“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.”

We’ve heard this verse quoted many times. But have we stopped to think—what exactly were the days of Noah like?

Genesis 6:4 tells us about the Nephilim, a race of giants born from the union of the “sons of God” (understood to be fallen angels) and human women. This was a direct corruption of God’s creation—a genetic manipulation of humanity, and it was so serious that God brought the flood to wipe out nearly all life on Earth.
Genesis 6:4 tells us about the Nephilim, a race of giants born from the union of the “sons of God” (understood to be fallen angels) and human women. This was a direct corruption of God’s creation—a genetic manipulation of humanity, and it was so serious that God brought the flood to wipe out nearly all life on Earth.
And now here we are, once again, playing with ancient DNA—blurring the lines of what God originally made.

Bro. JD #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 23: Correct Doctrine

By Bro. JD

Galatians 1:19 “But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.”

I was at a Baptist conference in Sterling Heights where I came across a terrifying things. Self proclaimed Baptists saying they believe in the “immaculate conception!” Not the virgin birth. The “immaculate conception!” This is an untrue Papist dogma that goes directly against the Bible!

The Bible says Jesus has many brothers and sisters. Including James! The Bible only says Mary was a virgin to the point she gave birth to Jesus! She has no extra honors and isn’t the “Mother of God” or wasn’t a queen of heaven! She wasn’t born without sin through an “immaculate conception!” I’d expect this at a Papist church but at a Baptist conference? Baptist pastors need to educate better to stomp out this extreme heresy!

We don’t pray to statues or put anyone else on the level of Jesus! Especially not Mary who according to the Bible and the historical record was intimate with many other men besides her spouse Joseph after the birth of Jesus! AKA a SINNER!!!!! A HARLOT!!! It is in the BIBLE!! I don’t care what anything else besides the BIBLE says!!!

So many Baptist pastors these days suck at their jobs! We need to bring them back to real education and not fake SBC “seminaries” where they lead the flock astray with such lies as the “immaculate conception!” NO MORE STRANGE DOCTRINE IN BIBLE BELIEVING BAPTIST CHURCHES!

Calvin Robinson #forced-birth #fundie #racist antihate.ca

Anti-Abortion Lobby Bringing Priest Who Gave Nazi Salute To Canada For Youth Conference
Calvin Robinson had his licence to provide ministry to the Anglican Catholic Church revoked after the incident.

Calvin Robinson is being brought to Canada by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) as part of its annual March for Life in Ottawa, Ontario.

He is scheduled to speak at the Youth Summit during the one-day event taking place on May 9 at the Ottawa Conference and Events Centre. Organized by CLC’s youth wing and Niagara Region Right to Life, Robinson is scheduled appear as one of two keynote speakers.

CLC describes itself as "the political arm of the pro-life movement in Canada," though its aims are much broader. CLC has taken a position against abortion, birth control, in vitro fertilization, being transgender, queer and transgender rights, and feminism.

Categorizing his career as a staunch “pro-life advocate, campaigning for free speech and religious freedoms in Britain and the West,” he is known for debating “against three bishops from the Church of England who were arguing in favour of same-sex marriage in the Church.”

While Robinson has repeatedly positioned himself as a political figure, he is currently the lead spokesperson for the Eurosceptic, far-right United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), he made global headlines while attending the National Pro-Life Summit.

In a move meant to mimic the gesture made by Elon Musk—where the world’s richest man told a crowd he was giving “my heart” to them and proceeded to make an arm gesture similar to the salute used in Hitler’s Germany—Robinson told the summit “My heart goes out to you,” and then made the arm motion.

“It's not about whether we agree or disagree with everything a speaker has said or done. Fr. Calvin has made clear he is in no way a Nazi,” said Maeve Gainey, Campaign Life Coalition's Youth and Outreach Coordinator, when reached for comment. “We selected him as a speaker because of his expertise on freedom of expression and the censorship of the pro-life movement. We won't engage in cancel culture.”

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea #wingnut #crackpot #fundie #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It emerged very clearly from Club of Rome meetings that its main purpose and objective was to: retard industrial development; hold back scientific research; depopulate cities, especially the formerly industrialized cities of North America; move population to rural areas; cull the population of the world by at least 2 billion people; prevent reorganization of political forces who oppose COR plans; destabilize the United States through massive layoffs and loss of jobs and class and racial wars; and, destroy capital incentive through high interest rates and high capital gains taxes.

With the destruction of industry, would come the destruction of all of our basic morals, our basic beliefs in God and country, our Christian-based culture, which will lead swiftly to the return to the world of an occult theocracy of the new dark ages.
The COR laid out a scenario that is in direct contradiction with God's law, which says that we must be fruitful, and multiply and subdue the Earth, not for the benefit of the COR and the Committee of 300, but for the freedom of our people in the United States and others who choose to respect their national identities.

The Luciferians, members of the Cult of Dyonisus, the "Olympians" - they say, "No, we were placed here to rule the Earth and we alone shall enjoy its benefits."
The elites protect themselves with herbal compounds mixed with sugar and the protection of low frequency radiation. Using the technology developed by the virologist Gurtjev who proved that every living thing has a vibratory cycle. He was able to measure the vibratory cycle of deadly viruses. By vibrating them double their cycle you would kill them instantly. That is one of the defensive weapons they got that will kill the plague if they ever get it. The same technique will kill cancer cells. The medical profession run by the Rockefellers and pharmaceutical companies did not want you to know this.

Know Thy Enemy.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

you wonder what all those "unaccompanied" children were doing among all the millions of criminal migrants being criminally brought into America by the Biden/Harris regime and the Marxocrat Party ...

And if you wonder about all the names in the Jeffrey Epstein client list that almost but never quite make it to being publicly exposed ...

And if you wonder about the rocketing numbers of super-expensive organ transplant surgeries ...

There may be a string that ties them all together, if honest investigators were ever to actually look for it.

If this is real, then the children are shipped to pedophiles to be be owned and abused for some number of years during which they are considered to be on "organ farms". When their numbers come up, they are murdered on the operating tables where their organs are "harvested", and the pedophiles get new victims.

The medical profession is in on this.

If you thought abortion was a stain on that profession, this is worse, and worse even than the sex-change surgeries on transsexuals. The whole medical profession may have gone over to the dark side.

Federal investigators need to look into the source of the organs for all organ transplant operations, in the name of God.

RaptureNinja83 #fundie #conspiracy #elitist amazon.com

All around the world, millions of people have vanished… where did they all go and what does it all mean?

Author's Disclaimer: "I created this guide BEFORE the vanishings as a survival guide for those who have been left behind. Since I fully expect to be among the vanished, I will not be able to make content updates once I am gone."
– RaptureNinja83

Bottom Line: Those who believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have gone to be with Him for they have been spared from the wrath that is about to come. Those who remain on this Earth have been left behind… but there is still hope because Jesus and all those who vanished will return during the Second Coming of Christ.
Good News: Jesus Christ is going to return in approximately seven years and all those who vanished will return with Him at the Second Coming. Even better, if you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior now, it is not too late to receive the gift of eternal life.

Bad News: Scripture tells us there is an insanely difficult road ahead for those who have been left behind. Over the next 7 years, the world will endure a period of unprecedented Tribulation, a series of increasingly catastrophic events culminating in the Battle of Armageddon and the defeat of Antichrist and the forces of evil.

The primary objective of this guide is to prepare those who have been left behind to survive the 7 Year Tribulation Period and to be prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Here is an overview of the 4 topics covered in the Post-Rapture Survival Guide:

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior
Understanding the Rapture
Surviving the 21 Judgments of the 7 Year Tribulation Period
The Second Coming, Millennial Kingdom, and a Glorious Ending

Ruang Lovenabil #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Q was created long ago in 1860 April 1 when 20 Generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to Fight the Khazarian mafia who created the slave trade and owned 99% of the U.S. Slaves. Today this battle is coming to an end.
Source: Q The Storm
Christmas Eve 1963 was the day 77 U.S.
Generals came together and The Plan was born to Save The World. Three months later 133 Generals became part of _Op. FREEDOM EAGLE35 You are a witness to 58 Year Military Delta
Coming In >> Hot
+22 Nations_1600 Generals

Jeremy G #sexist #fundie headcoveringmovement.com

[…]They see males and females worshiping together as equals. On top of all that through head coverings our women show all present that their position as a woman is also redeemed. No longer are they at war usurping and longing for the man’s position of authority (Gen 3:16). Instead they’re content in the role God ordained for them in Genesis 2.[…]

Muhammad Abdullah Ayman #fundie #sexist reddit.com

[regarding an incident where an eight-year-old girl was sexually assaulted at the mosque]

People say 8-year-old girl, 8-year-old girl. My dear friends, there are girls whose bodies are like those of older women, and their bodies are curvy and thick.

Our grandmothers, in the past, used to get married on and off for 9 and 10 years, and ask anyone
in the countryside or Upper Egypt who got married when she was six.
The master of people, the Messenger, married Lady Aisha when she was 9 years old, meaning she was of this girl's age and the marriage was permissible.

I am not saying that this man is innocent or justified, but I am saying that the reasons are
that there is no such thing as a child whose mother and father are the reason...

If everyone was upright, there wouldn't be these things. Everyone is involved in them, from
the mother to the child to the weak-willed man.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Many times, in Scripture, God’s people are warned not to be like the pagan peoples of other nations who sacrificed their own children. As we read of this abomination in Scripture, the so-called “civilized West” would claim that such vile behavior as child sacrifice should not be tolerated.

But they do! In numbers that make the child sacrifice of the past pagan cultures pale in significance.

In Psalm 106:35–38, we read the following:

“But they mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did. They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.”

Such an abomination as child sacrifice does occur in our Western nations and, in fact, the whole world. It’s called abortion—nothing less than child sacrifice to the god of self.

Make sure you visit the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world @CreationMuseum.
Last edited 11:18 PM · Mar 15, 2025 · 6,032 Views

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

I have a short sermon on 2 Thessalonians 3:10 today. It reads "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." What does this mean? You MUST WORK! God condemeth the lazy! The US government has rewarded laziness and called it welfare. Able bodied people abusing food stamps is the work of the devil! What's the largest purchase made with food stamps? SODA!!!!! SODA HAS ZERO NUTRITIONAL VALUE BUT THESE LAZY WELFARE QUEENS BUY SODA WITH FOOD STAMPS AND PAY FOR CIGARETTES AND LOTTERY TICKETS WITH CASH! WOE IS TO THE LAZY! Go to any gas station and you WILL see this abomination unto the Lord! They can’t handle someone like Democrat RFK Jr. trying to ban candy and soda purchases with food stamps because they don’t need food stamps for their meals but instead want extra junk to serve their morbidly obese cravings as they refuse to work and hop their 500 pound derrières on the Walmart scooters meant for those with REAL disabilities!
If Americans don’t give up sinful childish things like candy bars and cakes bought with taxpayer money, they will end up like the damned heretic Steven Roland who refused to put away childish things and is spending his days as a 31 year old grown man obsessing over cartoons made for lascivious teenagers! It’s beyond wicked and depraved! Is this what you want for your life? Then get off the couch and the Internet and the PlayStation and get up to WORK FOR A LIVING and donate your money to your local church instead of wasting it on lotto tickets or booze or video games!

Elon Musk and Alice Smith #fundie #wingnut #crackpot yahoo.com

In mid-March 2025, an X user posted (archived) that U.S. President Donald Trump's adviser, Elon Musk, "amplified" another user's post that displayed an image reading, "Stalin, Mao and Hitler didn't murder millions of people. Their public sector workers did." Readers also emailed Snopes to ask if Musk truly reposted the post.

A review of Musk's X activity found that on March 13, 2025, he truly reposted the thought saying that Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Communist China's founding leader Mao Zedong and German dictator and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler didn't murder millions of people, and that "public sector workers did." In other words, the repost genuinely existed, and no one doctored the screenshot with any image-editing tools. He later removed the repost on or following March 14.

Specifically, Musk used the repost function on X, previously known as a retweet in past years on Twitter, to share another user's post. That other user's post featured a screenshot of a different person's post (archived) about Stalin, Mao and Hitler, tweeted years before on Jan. 30, 2019.

Kent Hovid #psycho #fundie youtube.com

I think there is something in the genetic code that deals with the disposition towards gentleness or meanness, and I think in God's perfect law, if we would continually eliminate, execute people that do these certain crimes, we would gradually get a much better society that... not so many people have this "mean gene" in them.

Nephtali1981 #fundie #conspiracy truthmafia.com

In 2025, Fallen Angels are trying to tell you that they can unlock your brain’s true potential. Fallen Angel Technology is claiming that they can unlock your true potential, that you are a flawed creation, and that they can make you better, they can make you immortal, they can provide you eternal life outside of Jesus Christ. In Genesis 1.27 we see, so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them, but you fast forward it into the garden of Eden and you see how Satan was quickly able to deceive Eve.
Ever since that fall, you’ve seen constant attempts by fallen angels, by entities, right, described in Ephesians 6.12, strongholds, they’re at constant war with humanity, this is why when you look around, take a look around when you even go to the supermarket, look at the faces of people, when you go to the workplace, look at the faces of people, there are times that I’m just walking by and looking at another human being and we look at each other and we don’t even have to talk but we’re saying what we all feel, we’re feeling that tension that you can cut it with a knife in the air.
Satan is not omnipresent, Satan is defeated and because he’s not omnipresent through AI and technology, he’s trying to create his own little version of what he would think it is and even with that it’s still flawed, very flawed, doesn’t even compare even a tiny percent to the real thing. But via technology, he wants to monitor what you watch, what you see, <...> and in doing so he can study you and in studying you he knows how to attack you and in attacking you he knows what to say and he comes as an angel of light and he says the things you like to hear and he even knows how to tickle your ear with different ministries and different topics and different things and he even comes in the name of Jesus with the word of Jesus but then when you start looking at things you realize that what they’re teaching is new age.

Jesus Group #fundie #mammon jesus.group

1. A great place to start is to view the "Are you a good person?" video.
Here's a link to some easy to understand content about the "Gospel". You also will discover "Four Things You Need to Know About God". By the way: the word Gospel is an old English word that in our modern English simply refers to the "Good News Message" of Jesus.
Now Take The Test! to find out if you "Are good enough to go to heaven".
2. Be sure to watch the original "Jesus Film". This film is a perfect introduction to Jesus. Jesus constantly surprises and confounds people, from His miraculous birth to His rise from the grave. Follow His life, all the miracles, the teachings, and the passion. Its script is taken directly from the Gospel of Luke in the Bible and is the product of the collaboration of a team of approximately 500 scholars. To date, it is believed that more than 600 million people have made decisions to follow Jesus Christ after watching the film. The Jesus film has been translated into over 2,000 languages and is said to have been viewed billions of times in the past half a century.
3. Be sure to get your very own "Jesus Bible". Discover the living Jesus in all of the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Examine for yourself the prophecies of His coming and their fulfillment in His life, death and resurrection.

Victory Of Christ (AKA “Prayer of Jesus Christ”) #fundie youtube.com

What if I told you that this very moment hold the very power to shift your entire existence?
A salary three times my previous income.
“Andy”, “You have been chosen. These miracles are not just for you”.
“Go, and let the world know that his promises are real and his blessings are waiting”
[Submitter’s Note: Found this clicking on an AMG News Ad]

Kent Hovind #fundie #forced-birth youtube.com

According to the Bible, murder should be punished by death. Killing your father or mother (Exodus 21:15), that's punishable by death. Kidnapping (Exodus 21:16) is punishable by death. Cursing your father or mother, verse 17, punishable by death. Causing someone to have an abortion, in verse 22 and 23 of that chapter, is punishable by death. If you kick a pregnant woman and the baby dies, you have to be killed. Vehicular homicide... if your ox kills somebody else, then you are responsible, especially if you were warned and didn't keep it in. I think the Bible would offer the pattern that... we should make our laws by, so to me, that would easily translate into something related to [vehicular homicide]... If you with your car kill somebody, you are responsible, so that would be similar to the ox goring somebody after you have been warned. So I would look at verse 28-29 as something where we could model some laws on vehicular homicide.

Mr.T #homophobia #fundie gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

It’s sad to see a state opt out of licensing marriage, but the truth is real marriage as a legal construct essentially ceased to exist with the legalization of gay marriage. It’s like removing the legal distinction between real money and play money. Real money means nothing once play money becomes legal tender– and everyone is made poorer– same story on gay marriage.

Gays kid themselves if they think they their marriages are of the same substance as marriage prior to gay marriage. Put a drop of fine wine from a wine bottle into a bottle of sewer water and you still have a bottle of wine and a bottle of sewer water, but put a drop of sewer water into a bottle of fine wine and you have two bottles of sewer water. Things of higher value are diminished when mixed with things of lower value. Alabama’s move to eliminate marriage licenses recognizes that reality

KKK #racist #fundie kkk.bz

Are you doing a report for school about the KKK?
Many young people come to this site because their teacher has asked them to do a report. Some of you have been assigned this subject. And some of you have picked this topic on your own. Before you do your report – there are a few things that you should know.
You would be lucky if your teacher happened to be a Klansman or Klanswoman, but the chances are they aren’t.
I mentioned the bit about your teacher slanting the history because we believe in Jesus

Laura Sanger Ph.D. #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

We are at war. The primary battlefield is our mind. The Seed War of Genesis 3 is the longest standing, consecutive war in history. The impact cannot be underestimated but tragically, most people are oblivious because they have fallen prey to the mind control tactics of the Nephilim.

Who are the Nephilim? What is their agenda? And how has the Nephilim Agenda impacted our daily lives? If Jesus won the Seed War, why are we still amid a supernatural battle of epic proportions?

Journey with Dr. Sanger as she traverses time and space to discover how a biblical worldview explains the madness that has descended upon us. It’s time to remove the blindfolds and examine the myriads of ways the Nephilim Agenda has been strangling the lifeblood out of humanity. Together, we will untangle the web of lies, smash the warped philosophies corrupting our culture and establish the truth of God’s Word as our firm foundation.

Generation Hoodwinked is a timely follow-up to The Roots of the Federal Reserve. Dr. Sanger connects the dots between the coup d’etat that took place on Mount Hermon and our current battle to preserve humanity. We are living in days that some have characterized as the “worst of times,” but as followers of Jesus, these are the best of times. We were BORN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!! Be equipped to use your weapons of warfare to set the captives free. By the final pages, may you be able to declare with confidence, “I AM NO LONGER ENSLAVED!”

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From “The Trump Revolution”]

Hat tip Yarvin’s butterfly revolution
1.Get the oligarchs on side, and threaten any Republican traitors with big money primary opponents ? Done
2.Defund the left. Under way. Notice how, once Musk seized the inner sanctum at USAID, the Democrats found themselves unable to put a river of meat on the streets[…]
3.Purge the bureaucracy. Begun, at least in the notoriously criminal, vicious, depraved, and dangerous Department of Justice. But there has been a retreat on the first attempt to purge the CIA, who are still working on government payroll to spy on and overthrow the Trump team[…]
4.Men with guns. Trump has the US marshals and now has the secret service. Pete Hegseth is wooing the NCOs and the grunts. Trump needs to have the FBI, and as yet they are still controlled by his enemies
5.Pardon the victims of lawfare?Done
6. Ignore the courts, which is begun, but the Trump team is still going through the motions of judicial reverence. The Judiciary still have a lot of soft power. When Henry the eighth dissolved the monasteries, he first had to dig up the dirt on them. It is not only senior civil servants who have been getting strangely wealthy, strangely fast. What needs to be done is get the dirt on the judiciary, destroy their soft power, and then either purge them, or better, replace the corrupt and woefully slow and expensive judicial system with something else, as Davao Mayor Duterte did[…]
7.Tanks in Harvard. Universities are inherently a religious institution, always have been, always will be. Professors are priests, always have been, always will be. The question is, which religion? Tanks are not enough. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. We need men in charge of Harvard who meet Saint Paul’s requirements for the priesthood: Christian, free from scandal, married, married to only one wife, and successfully raising well behaved children. Personnel is policy

Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Mark Levin and Rev. Lance Wallnau #sexist #wingnut #fundie mediamatters.org

After conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the Supreme Court’s March 5 majority decision to uphold a lower court order requiring President Donald Trump’s administration to pay USAID contractors for work already completed, right-wing influencers lashed out — calling Barrett a “DEI judge” who was “chosen solely because she checked identity politics boxes” and claiming “the power has gone to her head”[…]
•Right-wing influencer Mike Cernovich wrote that Barrett “is evil, chosen solely because she checked identity politics boxes. Another DEI hire.” In a separate post, he wrote, “Amy Coney Barrett is a psychopathic Covidian. She was our DEI hire and now we pay the price”[…]
•MAGA influencer Jack Posobiec declared that Barrett is a “DEI judge”[…]
•Fox host Mark Levin lamented that “Barrett deceived people into thinking she was a reliable constitutionalist,” adding, “The power has gone to her head.” Levin also wrote that “Roberts and Barrett are political justices[…]
•Pro-Trump “prophet” and streaming host Lance Wallnau asserted that Barrett is “NOT one of us” because she was “glaring at Trump” during his address, and suggested Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee should be “a strong male evangelical.” Wallnau posted: “She’s NOT one of us. Notice her glaring at Trump. No more female University professors! They’re overwhelmingly liberal. I’m serious. I may be jet lagged but I think she’s a democrat. We always go with Catholics but never Evangelicals. Next one - a strong male evangelical”

Rev. Joel Webbon and Wesley Todd #forced-birth #sexist #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Joel Webbon and his co-hosts complained about women having abortions, using birth control, and holding positions of power[…]
During the livestream, titled “Women Must Be Removed From All Public Service,” one of Webbon’s co-hosts, Wesley Todd, claimed that, in order to end abortion once and for all, women would have to be prohibited from having “sex without consequences”

“But, you cannot have a society where it’s generally expected that you can have sex without consequences,” Todd said. “And that is your right that any given woman, you have the right in your early twenties to go to college, to experiment, to have fun, do all of these things, and face no consequences”

Todd claimed that the “whole thing, all the way back to the beginning, has to be thoroughly reset”[…]
“So you end abortion with the force of law,” he said. “I think you put, Republican Party platform, women will not hold public office. We’re about to talk about that in another segment. Teaching the place of the woman is in the home. So through the law with abortion, through the law with politics”[…]
“But still, with societal expectations, you teach, teach, teach, teach, teach,” Todd continued. “Hormonal birth control, off the shelves. It’s not abortion, narrowly speaking, but it is a way of you should have consequence-free sex. You shouldn’t experience the results of your action. So you teach all the way back”[…]
Webbon and his co-hosts also discussed whether there are any circumstances in which women should hold leadership positions. In doing so they compared statements by Scottish Reformed theologian John Knox[…]with ones from Swiss theologian Henry Bullinger who made exceptions for hereditary monarchs

Webbon told his co-hosts that he agreed with the quotes that they read, but said that for the foreseeable future he was in agreement with Knox[…]
“And so I think if you’re living in a generation like that, then I’m gonna go with — I gotta go with my Scottish boy John Knox”

Grandma Eileen #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy pittparents.com

The transgender ideology IS indeed an evil cult. I looked up the definition for cult: "A cult is a group requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society, which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader (Satan????) who tightly controls its members. It is in some contexts a pejorative (expressing contempt or disapproval) term, also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or their common interest in a particular person, object, or goal. This sense of the term is weakly defined – having divergent (to be different or develop in different directions) definitions both in popular culture and academia – and has also been an ongoing source of contention (heated disagreement) among scholars across several fields of study. " I was a bit surprised how closely this "cult" definition sums up the transgender ideology!

In many ways we are all living our own Hell on Earth. Just listen to any news station and the evil in this world is everywhere. Our own government is at war amongst itself, there is no peace on our land. Senseless killings, attempted assassinations, sex trafficking, kidnappings, rapes, and high crime is an everyday issue. This is all due to evil mindedness as the devil himself has poisoned the minds and souls of so many people. Look at the homeless population problems in every city, with so many people mentally ill, or drug addicts and alcoholics. Satan once again has his evil hand in all of this to keep people in bondage. Now we have transgender ideology flooding our world and influencing our youth and stealing the innocent lives of our once healthy and happy children. Satan has once again come up with a new scheme to destroy mankind.

Debra Mullins #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Freedom from religion, redistribution of wealth under the UN principle of sustainability, “science” by consensus (e.g., gender identity), deflected accountability (e.g., guns kill; people don’t), centralized power, sanctuary status, reverse discrimination, slippery cultural norms/ethics, earth servitude over stewardship, tyranny of technocracy, defund police movement, etc.—none of these components of progressivism deliver promised utopia.

Biblical Christianity alone holds the answer. For that reason, the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment intended to muzzle Christians and deny them their First Amendment right to free speech must be resisted and overturned!
Imagine government without Christian influence. For many, 21st-century Seattle comes to mind. When Christians bypass civic duty, the church suffers escalating persecution from without and spiritual deception from within. More often than not, moral relativism trumps biblical mandate. Given misplaced love of money and pleasure, many are preoccupied with materialism. Youth are seduced by scripturally-forbidden, yet culturally-celebrated alternative lifestyles and “oppositions of science, falsely so called”—i.e., gender dysphoria protocols. Young girls are compelled to forgo modesty along with a fair chance at competing in women’s sports.
Even so, while nobody will mistake Washington state for a hotbed of political conservatism, it turns out voters moved ever so slightly to the right—this, according to numbers from the recent November 5 general election. According to the Washington Secretary of State’s Office, Trump garnered 39.01% of the vote in Washington, compared to 38.77% in 2020. That’s a gain of almost one-quarter of a percentage point.
It appears that folks are waking to the query, “Is there not a cause?”

DionysusSabazios,2cor2_1 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(image is of a instagram screenshot of a bunch of people named "unbelievers and apostates" bowing down to a golden statue with the LGBTQ progress flag placed on it, below it there's text saying "the world", there's 3 men named "true christianity" shouting 'we will bow to no other god but jesus christ. we will stand on what the bible says and will never bow down!')

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Matthew 6:16-18 “Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.”
Fasting can be a spiritually good and enriching experience for true believers in Christ who want to take their devotion to the next level. But all too common it’s become a perverse thing that screams of self righteousness.
We have both “Lent” and “Ramadan” going on right now, neither of which are prescribed or even remotely implied in the Bible. We have papists and Mohammedans trying to look righteous to the world and shun the Lord!!!!!! HOW IS SMOTHERING ASH ON YOUR FOREHEAD AS A SIGN OF SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND GORGING ON ENDLESS SHRIMP AT RED LOBSTER A “SACRIFICE?” JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T HAVE THE STEAK OR CHICKEN? HOW IS FASTING DURING THE DAY BUT EATING 4000 CALORIES EVERY NIGHT A FAST? IT ISN’T! THIS IS NOWHERE EVEN REMOTELY IMPLIED TO BE BIBLICAL!!!!!
If you fast, it should be spontaneous and a real fast! Actually abstain from everything but water for a set period of time, but wash your face and don’t look distraught and if you’re a woman put on makeup to hide that you’re fasting! It’s literally in the Bible! Fasting should be spontaneous and not just because it’s a certain day or week or month in the calendar! Following the rites and rules of men isn’t in the Bible! Who gave the Pope or the descendants of Muhammad authority? It sure as heck wasn’t the Lord! All this fake “fasting” is an abomination unto the Lord and these hypocrites truly received their reward in front of men, especially lukewarm papist Marco Rubio going to work with that goofy ash mark on his face! Woe is unto the self righteous and the hypocrites!

Rabbi Jason Sobel/James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy charismanews.com

In a recent conversation with Charisma Media, Rabbi Jason Sobel laid out a fascinating case connecting the Antichrist spirit, the days of Noah and mysterious archaeological discoveries in Turkey.

Rabbi Sobel makes it clear: “The Antichrist is the man of lawlessness. I believe he tries to create lawlessness, he tries to create chaos in order to take control.” That spirit of lawlessness is not only rising today, but Sobel argues that its roots stretch deep into history, possibly even to Turkey’s ancient sites, some of which are believed to be Nephilim cities.

Turkey is a land rich with biblical history—it holds the Mountains of Ararat, where Noah’s Ark landed. But recent archaeological discoveries are raising new questions. Could some of these sites be linked to the Nephilim, the hybrid giants mentioned in Genesis 6? Sobel sees a compelling connection: “If the ark is in what is modern-day Turkey, and you have these ancient cities that are unexplainable that seem to be connected to the Nephilim… this all seems to be coming full circle.”

He pointed to Jesus’ own words about the end times: “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.” What happened before the flood—when the Nephilim roamed the earth and wickedness abounded—will be mirrored in the last days.
With the media increasingly promoting extraterrestrial narratives, Sobel warns that a great deception is coming. “One of the things they do is they go through all the civilizations and they show… what people didn’t understand, but what they were really talking about were not gods, but they were aliens.”

Why would this matter prophetically? Because, as Sobel explained, if the world can be convinced that all religions stem from ancient extraterrestrial visitations, it would be the perfect setup for a one-world faith—one led by the Antichrist himself. “You could simultaneously discredit all the world religions at once and move people into a one-world faith.”

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #ufo #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

If reading how SpaceX – “X marks the spot” – is sending the Dragon to Outer Space where they greet their rescuees while wearing alien masks doesn’t raise any red flags for you then you’ve not been spending any time in your Bible.

Stranded astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams got an out-of-this-world greeting in space. On Sunday, March 16, the pair — who have been stranded in space for nine months — were surprised when Crew-9 commander Nick Hague greeted them wearing an alien costume as he docked with the SpaceX crew at the International Space Station. Now, if you have studied Bible prophecy for 5 minutes then you know exactly what you’re looking at. That’s the memo.

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” Revelation 12:3 (KJB)

On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, the Bible talks in great detail about a flying Dragon in Outer Space, it talks in great detail about UFOs and aliens from outside of our solar system who come to Earth, in fact, the Bible has a lot to says about “wonders in heaven” in the time of the end. Our time. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud Elon Musk sending up his SpaceX rocket to rescue the stranded astronauts, I think that’s wonderful. He is doing what NASA in unable to do, and that’s great. I mean that sincerely. But, come on, if reading how SpaceX – “X marks the spot” – is sending the Dragon to Outer Space where they greet their rescuees while wearing alien masks, if that doesn’t raise any red flags for you then you’ve not been spending any time in your Bible. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we are going deep into the pages of your King James Bible to make some good, old-fashioned horse sense out of the headlines. The hour is later than you think, and you are living in the pages of Bible prophecy.

Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Following the release of their first three international bestsellers Petrus Romanus, Exo-Vaticana, and On the Path of the Immortals Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were swamped with interview requests from radio, television, and print media outlets around the world. When they accurately predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI one full year in advance, even naming the very month and year he would step down, global shockwaves raised compelling questions regarding why the Vatican has an advanced telescope perched atop Mt. Graham in Arizona (USA) where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching Earth. Authors Horn and Putnam visited the mountain and spoke with the astronomers. After their second report was published in Exo-Vaticana, the pope s top astronomer took to the airwaves (and on the Vatican Observatory website) in an attempt to explain the role that he and other church astronomers are playing in regard to the LUCIFER device on Mt. Graham, as well as their developing doctrines concerning extraterrestrial life and the impact it may soon have on planet Earth s religions (Christianity in particular).
FOR THEIR LAST ENTRY INTO THE 4-YEAR INVESTIGATION, THE FINAL ROMAN EMPEROR, THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST, AND THE VATICAN S LAST CRUSADE REVEALS... *Tom Horn s greatest prediction yet (this will shake the foundations of the world!) *The WMD that ISIS will use, and how it will lead to an Apocalypse *Petrus Romanus, Albert Pike, the Islamic State, and the coming Armageddon *Pope Francis becomes the Destroyer (or shall there be another?)... *The Last Crusade Agenda, hidden in plain sight *The prophecy of the Last Roman Emperor in the Vatican vaults *The prophecy of the Cumaean Sibyl on the Muslim s Mahdi *Giants, a hidden Vatican doorway, and the coming Battle for the Cosmic Mountain *Why many Christians, Muslims, and Jews will accept the Last Emperor as Messiah *Preparations by the Occult Elite and their Visions of the Final Roman Emperor