
Lee Collins #fundie ac360.blogs.cnn.com

[In reference to an article about a soldier who is sueing the DoD for religious discimination because he is an atheist.]

I don’t think that anything in the above story is religious discrimination . However if he were close to me while in the war in Iraq I would want him to get away from me as far as possible. I would not eat at the same table or be in the same Humvee.
Who does he think has keep him alive in the war. I can’t blame any of the other soldiers at all for their actions because mine would have been the same.

Jim, Ca #fundie ac360.blogs.cnn.com

[On saying No to Prop 8]

You will learn the Hard way - When Judgement falls just like on Sodom & Gomorrah Then Maybe you’ll get the message God said its wrong & he ment what he said no matter if 300,000,000 Americans say its ok.