[I think that what the OP doesn't realise is that the UK is effectively a post-religious society, and has been since the 1950s. That's incomprehensible to many Americans, but it's true.]
This is true...Has England gotten any better? hell no! ...
and just like the 'sissy-pants' Neville Chamberlain coward at the feet of Hitler as pompous Adolph laughed in his face, so, now, England has coward collectively giving SPECIAL 'Sharia Law' priviledges to Muslims Why can't they just live under the same law in England as everyone else?
and the Muslims will not stop there these people don't know how and don't care how to live in peace...they have *NEVER* demonstrated peaceful living in any situation where they are collected throughout their history. They don't create 'civilizations' or 'societies' they create training camps to teach their kids how to kill and blow-up innocent people (that they call infidels)
*IF* these animals can demonstrate that they can live in peace with other human beings...(again, which they NEVER have)...then their would be no problem...
But, as it is, THEY are the one's bringing hatred, bigotry and violence every where they go. Threats, murder and terrorism follow closely behind