
Gourd of Ashes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

If anything, good Christians should thank these "artists" for proving that the people are savage without God. Christians and decent people should encourage GODLESS "artists" to eat their own feces or whatever cuz it just proves that people who deny God will go completely insane.

Heck - These "artists" make good examples of what happens to a person that becomes Godless. Parents can tell their children...."Look at that person playing with poop...that's what happens when you don't follow the Bible."

markoh #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[I think that the rationale that many anti-evolutionists have is that they believe life has a purpose and they believe that complex life developing out of aggregating compounds means that life has no purpose.]

See, I'm annoyed because you think creationists believe what they believe because of emotion. It blows my mind that you really can't conceive that there might be scientific reasons for postulating a creator. Don't you ever look at nature for yourself? Who taught you that you're not allowed to think for yourself?

[And in addition, i get into this argument mainly because i'm concerned about what students learn in school and because i absolutely hate it when American political strategists use Christian ideas or beliefs to rile up voters, which is exactly the purpose of the "wedge strategy." It is abhorrent.]

Yeah, I know. you want power, you want to be able to tell my kids what they should learn in school. Buzz off. Mind your own business. But you make one of my points - evolution is a leftist political thing. It could never survive without forced indoctrination of little skulls filled with mush.

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

any HONEST scientist must admit; Natural selection and Darwin's evolution does not and cannot account for life as we see it in light of biological advances since Darwin's death...it is getting 'weaker' in it's evidence and shrinking in it's serious proponents.

This does NOT mean that Christianity is therefore true...it does mean that Darwin's evolution is DEAD...but, the science community wants to soak it for more time, power and money before it jumps to the next politically correct scienctific explanation for the cult of naturalism.

Scarlet_Worm #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

ummm... God performs miracles all the time... I'll share one with you:

My Cousin was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in his kidney's, Lungs, Live and Stomach, he had a total of 9 tumors... he was only 17 and on the "Make a Wish Foundation"... He came out here to california for his MAWF wish to go to disneyland, six flags and knotts berry farm, he loves roller coasters, so it makes sense... anyways, while he was here I had my Bible study group pray for him... his next doctors appointment, EVERY TUMOR WAS GONE... no sign of cancer whatsoever... the doctors had know Idea how or why...

HockeyRocker #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

To me the middle ground has always been safer. I can be a believer in creationism and still believe in a plausible version of evolution, yet a Darwinist cannot acknowledge that creationism may be valid because it would disprove his or her “faith”. Let’s face it, Darwin was wrong.

SPONGEBOB #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[No. No ones going to get killed here (Britain) for being christian. If anything the christians want it most. They do so love to play the persecution card. They think that having the opportunity to endure oppression makes them more christ-like.]

I can appreciate where you are coming from but Muslims plan to outbreed Europeans and are doing it well.. The UK WILL become a Muslim nation in time.. I have seen the phrase "We will outbreed you with the bellies of our women" many times... That is the master plan and the Muslims can pull it off.. They are VERY patient, and know greater numbers is the ultimate answer.. Personally I fear for europe... the US too, just a little later down the road..

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

IF life is unaccountable to any 'higher power' or GOD...and we have no intrinsic value as human beings (not created in God's image but just random meat-puppet animals) then life has no meaning and there really is absolutely ZERO penalty for living life any way we want to...murder, rape, torture etc...who cares? see what I mean? we can PRETEND to live a 'good' life...but there is absolutely ZERO reason why we should.

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[Similarly, you can tell that Jesus never existed by looking carefully at the things he allegedly said and did. Virtually every detail of the life of Jesus is piecemealed together from stories, phrases, characters, and events in the Old Testament. He’s obviously a work of fiction.]

hmmm, there is more evidence supporting the historical person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth than there is for Plato or Socrates or even Napolean for that matter....(according to amount of accepted ancient manuscripts and secular parallel history)


Because Jesus is so controversial in HIS teaching we have to somehow marginalize HIM out of existence

markoh #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[Religion should stay as far away from science as is humanly possible. And science should stay away from religion as well.]

And both of them should stay as far away from Darwinism as possible. I'd been away from this stuff for a week or so, I had forgotten what utter nonsense the whole thing is. I can understand why an atheist needs an alternate creation myth, but what on earth can motivate 'the church' to eat this excrement?

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[Read: www.expelledexposed.com for the FACTS.. You obviously are not aware of them.]

not only aware ...I *KNOW* some of the professors that are in the middle of this calamity...

that 'atheist science' runs to attempt to explain what is plain and obvious to all...by virtue of a DEAD RELIGION (Darwin's Evolution) is no surprise at all...it attempts to give you KOOL AID drinking folks that TRUST evolution as your worldview more confidence...I know how it works...

you guys are pathetic...and your dishonest 'theory' has more holes than swiss cheese...and getting worse by the new technologies that look closer and demonstrtae more clearly a DESIGNED universe...a designed 'cell' etc...

Quit whining...*IF* Darwin's evolution ISN'T TRUE then why do you want to still believe in something that is bunk?

Because you are AFRAID of what that means

markoh #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

I don't think I'd be an evolutionist even if I were an atheist (a possibility not so far from my mind as you might suspect). I'm actually a pretty highly technical person by trade, and my opinion of evolution is informed by years of real world experience with 'how things work'.

BernardAlbrecht #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

Let me tell you a story...well. two actually.

I was in my bedroom one night and I was getting really wound up about something or other. I remember praying about it and hearing a CLEAR voice telling me to read Ecclesiastes 3:1. I did so and found that the passage was telling me exactly what to do in my situation- that there is a time to do everything and that I should not worry.

The second story is when I was away with the worship band and I was in the dorm room praying. All of a sudden I saw the form of a dove. This dove began to talk to me in Hebrew (I understand a little Hebrew) telling me to come to Him and that I should not be afraid to do so.
This dove was so real I could see every little detail of it- the wings, the feathers, the beak.

Explain that!

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[Evolution does not attempt to account for the ORIGIN of life...]

keep trying to back pedal here...there are all kinds of charts and bogus diagrams with science predicting origins of mankind from animals and back to amino acids and back to simple proteins and back to....to NOT see DESIGN in this process is blindness personified.

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[I think that what the OP doesn't realise is that the UK is effectively a post-religious society, and has been since the 1950s. That's incomprehensible to many Americans, but it's true.]

This is true...Has England gotten any better? hell no! ...

and just like the 'sissy-pants' Neville Chamberlain coward at the feet of Hitler as pompous Adolph laughed in his face, so, now, England has coward collectively giving SPECIAL 'Sharia Law' priviledges to Muslims Why can't they just live under the same law in England as everyone else?

and the Muslims will not stop there these people don't know how and don't care how to live in peace...they have *NEVER* demonstrated peaceful living in any situation where they are collected throughout their history. They don't create 'civilizations' or 'societies' they create training camps to teach their kids how to kill and blow-up innocent people (that they call infidels)

*IF* these animals can demonstrate that they can live in peace with other human beings...(again, which they NEVER have)...then their would be no problem...

But, as it is, THEY are the one's bringing hatred, bigotry and violence every where they go. Threats, murder and terrorism follow closely behind

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

IF life is unaccountable to any 'higher power' or GOD...and we have no intrinsic value as human beings (not created in God's image but just random meat-puppet animals) then life has no meaning and there really is absolutely ZERO penalty for living life any way we want to...murder, rape, torture etc...who cares? see what I mean? we can PRETEND to live a 'good' life...but there is absolutely ZERO reason why we should.

stratosaurus #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

The most ingeneous thing about science is that, as you say, it has been create so that even when it is wrong....it isn't wrong! A blank check....failure is success, lies are the truth. No matter how hideous the mistakes are, how bad the consequences are, whatever the harm may be.....
What you're saying is that.....science is always absolutely true and correct.

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[Who created God?]

God does not provide us with HIS background information... no matter, it isn't necessary for us to understand God's origins (IF He has any) to accept that 'HE' is responsible for creating life.

God does say in the Bible that He is *SPIRIT* and not subject to or like the creation.

Markoh #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

Alternative explanations. You need to be precise if you're going to engage in science or logic. You can search through my posts. The alternative explanation is that somebody created (i.e. designed) life. Search for 'automobile' to read my brilliant analogy of how similiarity between species and increasing complexity are indicators of intelligent design and not inheritance. Also, how the assembly line analogy demonstrates how creation (any creation) reflects time like a mirror.

techristian #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

What good comes from telling a child that they have a common ancestor to the monkeys and apes? That is real good for self esteem? Then believing we are only animals we can begin to live like animals.....multiple sex partners for one thing. I'm sure that the belief in evolution , and the derived philosophy, is partly responsible for AIDS and the rapid spreading of AIDS.

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

if evolution is true...how come our modern/post modern elitist, cell phone blackberry toting society isn't getting more and more 'civilized' as 'time and chance' go by

liberals have controlled our public policy in all the major 'media' government and educational arenas for about 40 years now....so...

why isn't our society better?

I know evolution = bunk -and- liberalism = bunk

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[(Intelligent Design) is a supposition which is not testable in a scientific environment and for which there is no evidence to back it up.]

you are wrong...there is a lot more 'evidence' demonstrating a designed universe than there is for random and chaotic forces 'naturally selecting' (whatever that means ) our universe out of nothing (which is IMPOSSIBLE BTW)

so...take a walk ...pseudo smart guy

Echoes #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

Our wonderful society teaches it's youth that 'you came from undetermined random matter' and therefore your life is meaningless. Whether you live a peaceful, kind, giving and loving life vs. a life of cruel murder and self indulgence means nothing...no reason in the world why one life is better than the other...none at all....in the end, to the 'nihilist/atheist', we are just random 'meat puppets' traipsing across a meaningless time and space continuum on our way to 'worm food' and eternal 'nothingness'

koti123 #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[discussing theories relating to the origin of the universe]

Really the best expanation and easist to believe is the one where God literally created it all in 6 days. If everyone believed that then those scientists could get to work on something really important like finding a cure for cancer or weight loss or smoking.

koti123 #fundie acapella.harmony-central.com

[You think that science doesn't know what "truth" is?]

sure they know. but when it come to the heart they are as dishonest as Saddam. and to give credence to the flood...shakes head...... just won't happen no matter the evidence.been to several Dino finds like dinosaur national monument in the Colo/Utah border and those Dino's were also caught in a flood. the whole landscape out in Wyoming on the west side is a gigantic floodplain of twisted shapes of mud and such and you can see it driving down I-80 plain as day but it had nothing to do with Noah's flood, just gets splained away.sad really