
Anon #fundie anointed-one.net

If evolution has been occurring throughout all of history, shouldn't there be at least one documented case of a creature turning into another? Is it not mildly perplexing there is no hard evidence that any animal, reptile, fish, bird or plant has evolved into another one? How is it possible and acceptable there is not one change of any phylum, class, order or family into another on record? There is no widely accepted proof any species has ever changed. The fossil record strongly supports Scripture which states that each species reproduces after its own kind. This is an unfortunate fact for evolution which requires life to be in a continual state of disarray and change. The Bible is not only verified by the fossil record but it is also confirmed by modern scientific observation and experimentation.

Evolutionists will point to a handful of questionable fossils and declare them to be solid evidence for evolution. Creationists point to the millions of fossils which compose the entire fossil record to validate divine creation. To the unbiased observer, the preponderance of the evidence points to divine creation and away from evolution. The only problem is the majority of people are biased. People believe what they want to believe. Many are not even interested in what the facts are because they could be contrary to what they already think.

(unknown) #fundie anointed-one.net

Is atheism against the law?

Atheism is a lack of belief mentality which rejects the existence of anything supernatural. By default, atheists are also naturalists and evolutionists. They believe there is a natural explanation for all circumstances and nothing has ever occurred that has a supernatural answer. While atheism does not break any state or federal laws, it does break several scientific laws.


What scientific laws does atheism break?

[Click the link for the thrilling conclusion]

Khalid Aziz - Pakistan #fundie anointed-one.net

Hey, I read your page on atheism, and well, it was amazing. I'm a Muslim, so I believe in Christ and the Bible too, and that the CJM (Christians, Jews and Muslims) should unite in fighting our common enemy of the modern world: Atheism. Keep up the good work!

Anon #fundie anointed-one.net

Evolution is falling apart today. The theory of evolution is crumbling in the face of total lack of evidence. However, you might not hear about it because many people in this world simply find the only alternative to evolution, a divine creator, completely and totally unacceptable. If we were talking about any other subject, evolution would have been abandoned long ago, but atheists do not want to believe in God so they must believe in evolution by default, regardless of the fact that it does not have one leg to stand on. If evolution is a lie, then there is God. There is a moral standard. There is accountability for your actions.