
Hamil #fundie christianguitar.org

First you assume that you can use BC "responsibly". There is no need to use birth control. It has been stated many times in this discussion that it is in scripture that God opens and closes the womb (therefore why do we need to do it).

mustbenothing #fundie christianguitar.org

Luke 16:31
"But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.' "

"Moses and the Prophets" refers to the Scripture. Therefore, by Christ's words, the Bible is the best proof of Christianity. Christianity is true because the Bible says it is.

phil23 #fundie christianguitar.org

why doesn't anyone who thinks bc is ok use scripture?

God is Sovereign in birth. He opens & shuts the womb; He blesses with children."

"Procreation is part of God's design and was commanded by God at the creation: Gen. 1:27-28"

"The Bible nowhere encourages B.C., but everywhere condones fertility!"

"Can someone please explain how birth control is possibly a good thing... because if it does not please, honor, and glorify God, then what buisness is it of the Christian??

seungk5 #fundie christianguitar.org

ok i was pro holloween just few weeks a go but i realized how horrible it is.

see it's all fun and everything so we should make it as evangelical day trying to reach out but!

important thing is not to dress up as evil spirit or ghost, bible says dont have any appearance of evil and dont be any part of it.

guess what holloween started as satanic day, trick or treat, i will cast magic if u dont give me treat (back than money and such not candy), now it turned all fun, with candy and fun costume.

healthy? NO

it started as that but guess what IT STILL CONTINUES


you see whether you like it or not weather you meant it or not, even if u think it's just all fun you are still being PART of the satanic day. i want no part of it.

bible will disagree with what you guys say.... just ask ur pastor, and you will get the answer. it is sin and it's very bad. because we are being part of a satanic day and we are supporting it weather we like it or not.

if u dress up as ambassador of Jesus (No comstume needed)
and pass candy with "Jesus loves you" paper or something that is evangelical, i am with you there!

if u wear ghost or some holloween stuff and go aorund trick or treat, that is bad.

remmeber it's not how it just started or how it was. it is how it is still going on. there is satan worshippers around the world and they sacrifice babies on that night. let's not be part of it and churches should have praise night instead!

BillSPrestonEsq #fundie christianguitar.org

Also, world population threshold smeshhold, ever crossed this country in a car and seen the teeming masses in iowa? this world can support far more than we dream of. besides bc [birth control] is a new concept in the course of history.... ever think of that?

Wesup #fundie christianguitar.org

That argument is so worn out! EVERY reason for using BC is self-centered, or is brought on by the world's warped view of the value of life (especially family life) in fact: EVERY reason you will give to use BC are the same reasons that women give to abort their unborn baby- BC has been around for like 80 years and all of the sudden every one thinks its God's gift to the family, when really it's a hard core lie fully bought OBVIOUSLY by MOST of the Church... Majority Rules right? I don't think so... last time I checked the majority was screaming crucify HIM!!! "post-modernity" has creaped in to the minds of Christians and we think of every reason possible NOT to have children... if Gods Word only speaks of children as a blessing then why even try to prevent them?

Natalie Faith #fundie christianguitar.org

I watched a video today on abortion and the woman that was speaking mentioned that she was glad Christians don't have as many abortions as non-Christians and that we reproduce more than non-Christians, because we will have more people to share the Gospel with the world... yet we prevent birth or the possibility of it by stopping conception...

Hamil #fundie christianguitar.org

I have never heard a non-selfish biblical reason that supported birth control. Even if the Bible did not consistantly encourage children as blessings from God I would just look at the world's stance on this issue and run hard the other way!

GOD'sTool #fundie christianguitar.org

(I think this person's user name is fitting :D)

And we are talking about people who are not married ,Kissing your wife is a different story than a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
Its not that I disagree we with dating because I dont , But I do believe there needs to be a controlled environment .And thats what brad (Heartbrokenbrad to you FSTDTers, BTW) was trying to say about courting

This is my question to all would you kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend if God was right next to the both of you?

seungk5 #fundie christianguitar.org

it's all fun and game untill someone gets hurt?

God gets hurt by our sin, and the infant babies that are sacrificed that day.

as for holloween party, how is it glorifying God to have a holloween party with deadly and evil ghost dressed up people?

dracula, ghost, mummy, and all those other bad evil spirit, you are dressing up as those... that's fun? ok so that is not sin?
it's not sin to dress up as devil? not a sin to drress as satan?
and celelbrate a satanic day? it's called holloween, satanic day it started as and still celebrated as by satan worshipers...
yes there is satan worshippers all over the world. this stuff happens in USA too

some dress as devils, u telling me that's fun? and gooD? God and bible might disagree wiht u.

also what would nonchristians say? we are Christ's ambasadoor example of Jesus in this earth, Jesus would not dress up as devil, nor cellebrate holloween because he would cast away evil spirit and will be no part of celebrating satanic day....

Natalie Faith #fundie christianguitar.org

That B[irth]C[ontrol] is a sin is the FACT that scripture in the NT uses the word sin when referring to Christians who sin, the Greek word when translated literally means "to miss the mark."
By not trusting GOD utterly I am "missing the mark." Sinning.
By using BC, I personally don't feel that I trust GOD's judgement on when to use my body to create life. I am telling Him, "I don't want kids now Lord!" Just because it's not my timing never means it's not GOD's.

t3rm #fundie christianguitar.org

I know TONS of people who have children in spite of "the pill" or other methods of birth control, or are products themselves of such an "accident". God isn't bound by some little pill or piece of rubber. Nothing is 100% effective, and God will give you a baby if he wants to. Heck, he made a VIRGIN give birth; he can work in spite of birth control

dungscooperdave #fundie christianguitar.org

I pretty much think b[irth]c[ontrol]'s okay, as long as you can somehow use it and still keep these commands...

Genesis 9:1-7
So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: 'Be fruitful and multiply [that's at least 3 kids to all who are able], and fill the earth.'

Enobmurt #fundie christianguitar.org

The pro-bc [birth control] seem to be working under the assumption that everytime someone has sex without any bc, they're going to get pregnant. If God wants you to do it just for enjoyment, she wouldn't get pregnant that time.