
Carl Parnell, Ed.D. #fundie crossactionnews.com

[Two excerpts from the column in question]

These hidden agendas against Christians in America are similar to the manner in which the French Huguenots (French Protestants) were treated by the leaders of France during the middle and late 1500s. Specifically, in January 1562, the Edict of January was issued. As a result, French Huguenots would have to worship outside the city limits and they would have to permit government inspectors to inspect all services. Then, in 1572, the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre occurred. More than 100,000 French Christians were slaughtered on that one day alone. Will anti-Christian sentiment in America be responsible for the same type massacre in a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles? Will America’s churches have government inspectors in all their services? God Forbid!


Americans must wake up and become aware of the true conspiracy that exists in the United States. The atheists, humanists, and homosexual activists in America are fighting with all their resources to ban the mere mention of the word Christianity or Christ. Christianity must be eliminated if a one world government and a one world religion is to become a reality. That is why Christians are being persecuted so much. They want all Christians to be silenced! But, sad to say, Christians sit in their churches on a regular basis without a clue to what is being plotted behind the scene in high places. If Christians do not rise to the challenge at hand, they will soon become lambs for the slaughter by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Rev. Michael Bresciani #fundie crossactionnews.com

The President has announced to the Congress his intentions to sign the UN declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality. The declaration that George W. Bush shunned has now been OK’d by all 27 member nations of the European Union.

Ignoring the moral sensibilities of over half of the American public Barack Obama has proven that the hallmarks of his presidency will be to further amorality, prurient interests and the gay agenda regardless of America’s Christian heritage or the basic sentiments of the population. He has hit the ground running on pro-abortion and gay agenda causes that are causing disgust all the way from little independent fundamental churches to the Vatican.

The Bible does hold that homosexuality is a crime against nature but Barack Obama has assured the doubtful that they needn’t take the Apostle Paul’s warning in the first chapter of the book of Romans too seriously because it is after all “obscure” according to Obama in the Christian Post Mar 04, 2008.