
Jay Bartlett #fundie deliveranceblog.org

Last night we were up until nearly 2am ministering to a group of hurting of individuals whom all have severe dissociation. Within one lady a teenage boy part surfaced named, Zane. He had been blind. A demon surfaced named blindness and revealed key information.

“He was blinded when the cult placed needles in his eyes. The cult did this as part of a ceremony and I’ve been here ever since, causing his blindness,” the demon submitted.

I had Zane renounce the ceremonies and the blindness. This vile blindness spirit was expelled and he opened his eyes and could SEE! What’s even better is whom He got to see!!!

Jesus appeared to Zane and comforted this hurting dissociative identity.

Jay #fundie deliveranceblog.org

Nazi Forces Bow to Jesus!
June 10th, 2009

Some of the demons we are encountering include Nazi demons, Illuminati spirits, and high level mind control spirits. In fact, one lady who has met with us has decided to stay at the safe house as she is in extreme danger from the Illuminati and a group of them are in the process of locating her at this very moment. But God is protecting and delivering as seen in a recent exorcism with this lady:

“I’m a spirit from Josef Mengele,” the demon angrily spoke to me as I commanded to know his identity in Jesus name.

“I entered her ancestor in Europe as she was abused by him,” the evil spirit revealed to me.”

The demon within this Josef Mengele passed onto the this lady’s ancestor thereby traveling through the family bloodline. With the demon came a series of some very complex programming. This demon was driven out in Jesus name!