
elijahmohammad #fundie doesgodexist.multiply.com

The Bible says that the "Chariots will rage in the streets." How else is this possible unless mankind harnesses electricity. The future was already spelled out for the scientists, all they had to do was figure out how to implement it. Sorcerers and Wise men in many ancient civilizations did these kinds of things.

elijahmohammad #fundie doesgodexist.multiply.com

[Discussing freedom of religion in the US and how it compares to countries like Afghanistan]

I just told you how I do not have freedom of religion. Freedom of religion in this country for Christians is being systematically taken away. I do not have the right to "conscientious objector" status if I am drafted, simply because I am not a Quaker or Amish....this is not right. I also do not have the right to object to other government enforced programs based on my religion, such as Social Security, and the war against God's herbs, that he gave to mankind since the beginning. I do not have the right to carry around my sheathed sword, even though Jesus tells his followers to have swords, and tells Peter that the "place" for his sword is in it's sheath which he is carrying. I do not have the right to school my child at home in the subjects I deem appropriate.....there are standard government tests that require them to answer certain things in certain ways (some of which go against our religious and free beliefs, such as the age of the universe). I do not have the freedom of expression. I cannot go into a courtroom, and defend myself as I wish....if I am charged with a crime, the judges orders on what I can and cannot say apply, with the penalty of "contempt of court," for an indefinite period of time if I do not comply. And these things come nowhere near talking about all of the freedoms taken away by the Patriot Act, and similar legislation. As to being hung or stoned. The firing squad is the contemporary version of stoning. I do not doubt that some day, a firing squad may be sent against me because of my religious beliefs. It has happened to many others here already.

elijahmohammad #fundie doesgodexist.multiply.com

[Belief in spirit possession is almost extinct]

Try telling that to somebody who has been possessed. I was once possessed by a demon or demons....I know it happens. Why do you think they still call alcohol "Spirits?" It leads to demon possession, that is why. The only thing that can save you from this is to be saved by God through Jesus Christ....I know, because this is how I was saved from it.