
Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl


I started praying in the RUACH ha KODESH’s tongues and the next thing I knew YAHUVEH was anointing me and the message below came forth. Although I thought it was going to be only for Daniel it turned out to be for many. Be blessed as you read below and see if the RUACH ha KODESH does not show you, it’s for you also.

If you’re continually seeking MY face and asking ME, “When I will use you?” This is who this message is for. If you hear MY voice in this prophecy, then you MY Sons and Daughters are who this message is for. MY Spirit shall confirm in you if this message is for you. For it will witness to the spirit within you. All others will remain deaf and it will be merely words. They will doubt if it is really YAHUVEH speaking out of this handmaiden. You’re right if you feel this way, it wasn’t meant for you.

Given this day of 3/14/97 to this broken vessel of clay but a warrior and child, and disciple of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Rev. Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)

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MY Dearest Children, you are like a hidden treasure, you are like a hidden quiver of arrows, when they only see a bow. I will use you to speak mightily and you shall do what your sister is doing, warning of the coming judgment. You also are a watchman on the tower. Watch for the signs in the sky as Elijah [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] did, for you shall be warned and then pass that warning unto others. MY Children, I have anointed you to share the gifts I have given you. You have not had the confidence to do so, the way I have anointed you to do it. But this day I have ordained, you have met with MY handmaiden and her gifts and yours have become one. You have stirred up one another gifts. Think this not an accident, for you are one in MY Spirit.

MY Word within you burns as a blazing sword. The two edged blade will cut deep. There is much fire shut up in your bones, and you don’t know what to do with it. Start speaking it forth. MY words cannot return unto ME void, it must do what I have called forth to be done. I have told you much in secret, and you have not shared with others. Now is the time to blow the trumpet and warn of the approaching doom for those who mock, or ignore. But a time of blessings for those who obey and seek MY face humbly, those who listen for MY voice and MY sheep know MY voice and come to no stranger. These have nothing to fear.

Though death surrounds them and you tell them, it will not harm those who are MINE. And if they are martyrs the blood goes into the soil only to bring forth more Paul’s who used to be Shaul and birth forth more Stephen’s. You are like a Stephen; you are MY secret weapon I have hidden. Again I say, you know MY voice and you have had confirmation tonight from another of MY Prophets. You will and are being used mightily to the ones you have already touched. Do not despise small beginnings for even a mighty oak tree started from a tiny seed. You are like a mighty oak tree of righteousness, MY righteousness. You are not puffed up with pride, nor will I allow it, for I would knock you off your pedestal if you even try. You have stayed humble before ME, and I love you so very much, for I see you studying in the late hours, I feel your loneliness and wondering where you belong.

The footsteps of the Godly are ordained by YAHUVEH. Keep following MY footsteps and lead others unto ME. Follow MY footsteps and lead others to the tree at Calvary. Follow MY footsteps and lead others to the gates of heaven. I have taught you, not man. I have ordained you, not man. You are MY hidden treasure, MY hidden weapon and I will begin using you mightily in these end times, and do not be deceived they are the end times. But not the end for MY Children, for them it is a wondrous new beginning.

A homecoming is going to take place and look at all MY Children gathered around the banquet table. Yes, MY Sons and Daughters, you will be gathered around that banquet table sooner than you know or think. First start gathering in the harvest, for it is so great and the laborers are so few. The mocking grows louder as I hear ministers who used to preach MY Gospel now preach their own gospel. They call themselves gods. I will prove to them who God YAHUVEH is. They will regret ever teaching this for many have gone astray from this lie. Many have died and were surprised they did not meet ME; instead the evil one is what they see. But be not deceived for I am not easily mocked. Many lies are being told by those spiritual leaders you once could trust. They will be held accountable for what they know. They preached rebellion and labeled it gospel. I tell you they shall pay in a mighty way. For they call ME Father and don’t even know who I am. But not you MY Son’s and Daughters. Not the ones who recognize MY voice from the prophetic messages I have given MY handmaiden.

MY sheep will know MY voice. Though the stranger’s voice they hear may come from a respected pastor, or spiritual leader, where in the past you could trust them, now you cannot anymore. Look not to man but to YAHUSHUA alone as your spiritual leader. Does what these spiritual leaders say line up with the Holy Word of YAHUVEH or do they take it and twist it to conform to man’s image? You must turn to the Holy Spirit that will lead you into truth, and give you spiritual eyes and ears to hear. Trust a leader only until the RUACH ha KODESH says no more. Many ministries are falling right before your eyes. It is only the beginning of the year and what I prophesied has taken place, and more will fall before this year ends. Grieve not for the fallen ministries or ministers for they were warned!.

Grieve for the sheep who are deceived and now stop trusting ME. Grieve for the sheep as they head into the wolves’ den, that because they wear a mask of a sheep they will devour them. They will devour them for once again the sheep scattered into the enemies’ camp because of their itching ears. Watch your ears MY Children. Watch your eyes. Be not deceived what a tongue speaks for although it sounds as smooth as honey; discern the Spirit which is speaking it forth. Discern with your eyes, does it line up with the word of YAHUVEH? Do they think ah ha, now I have studied so much, I have a new revelation and that revelation does not bring you closer to me, but causes you to go away from ME. A real spiritual leader will be bringing you closer, warning, encouraging and strengthening. A real spiritual leader is not puffed up with pride.

They know they are not a God, not even a little one. They know who they are; they are made in MY image meaning they have a nose, eyes and ears. Come on; look in the mirror you know what an image is.

Let not these foolish teachers lead you astray. You are adopted, I have but one Begotten Son, do I not? But although you are adopted I love you just as much as I love MY only Begotten Son. Tell others of what I have spoken this night for although it started out for one it turned into words for many. I am YAHUVEH, thy God and I waste nothing. Even this conversation was preordained. Your meeting was preordained.

I am telling you now YAHUSHUA is coming for HIS Bride, and those who are not expecting HIM will be left BEHIND. Those that are not living like he is returning any day will be left BEHIND. Go about MY business and do the work I have called you to do. Matter it not whether they believe, leave that between them and ME. As in the days of Noah they didn’t believe. As in the days of Lot they didn’t believe but be not deceived the voice in these prophecies speak to MY Children and I will not let them be deceived, unless they choose to be.

The more signs I send of MY wrath, the greater the anger will rise up against the Prophets who are speaking forth these messages. But know this, I always send the Prophets to warn because of MY love and mercy. I don’t want any to suffer or perish or suffer eternal damnation. So sound the trumpet once again, those who have spiritual ears to hear will hear MY voice clearly and all others will remain deaf and blind. It is their choice not yours to make.

Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl

Prophecy 3
Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches!
Given to Rev. Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)
January 17, 1997

This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:

2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”

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The plants are what the satanists call them. An occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches because of these plants. But when you see them you will know them! For I, YAHUVEH, am giving you the true church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) new eyes to see, new ears to hear and a bold mouth to speak and new hands to drive them out. For they are MY hands I have bared MY right arm, the arm of Holiness and as MY Son chased the evil from the house of YAHUVEH so it shall happen again.

This year some evil pastors, the plants, will die during their sermons. For they preach MY Word to mock ME. But they know not ME, the Word that was made flesh. Satan knows the Word, do not be deceived, and does He fear it enough to stop his evil, No, and neither will the plants for they have sold their souls to satan and they will reap the destruction they have sowed. Some are evangelists, yet although they say they are leading souls to Jesus Christ, it is a different Jesus they are leading them to, to the feet of the antichrist!!!

The people then start to worship the leader and this is your sign. They stop seeking ME and MY rules and Word and seek a word from a mere man. They care not about offending the one and only YAHUVEH Almighty the Great “I AM!” But instead worry about offending the pastor who is a plant for satan, to bring confusion, hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits and to steal the little faith MY sheep once had.

When they fall under the power while the plant is praying for them, they fall not at YAHUSHUA’s feet but at the feet of the antichrist and they don’t even understand they were seeking ME, and yet a mind control spirit has them finding another shepherd, the evil shepherd that tortures his sheep and slaughters them knowing that they will join the plants as they are offered up to satan as a sacrifice. This may sound foreign to some but it happens in Assembly of God churches, and Pentecostal churches, and in all main line churches.

But I am going to prove YAHUSHUA is the only Good Shepherd and this year I am coming to rescue MY sheep. To chase the wolves out of MY Churches, and I will use you to do it. As I have poured forth MY Living Water and New Wine. Satan has poured out the counterfeit the vinegar that I refused the spirit of lukewarmness to have a form of godliness but no godliness within.

I grieve for MY Children and MY Elect that are deceived. I am a God full of mercy for those that are MINE, but because they are led astray by itching ears to hear, only that which they want to hear, they have been led to slaughter. I am raising up a mighty Gideon’s army to take back MY sheep with a new anointing some of you have already noticed.

As you read these prophecies the gifts I have given you will stir one another’s RUACH ha KODESH’s (Holy Spirit) gifts up to a high degree. Now those who have intellectual and logical spirits this will be like the Old Wine and the New Wine trying to mix. This gospel of YAHUSHUA is so simple that even a baby can understand how to get saved.

Don’t complicate what I have purposely made simple. The reason being is I never intended hell to be for human beings, it was created for satan and his fallen angels. I made a way out for you; he is the only way out, the only truth, life, and way to Heaven and into MY waiting arms where I have longed to gather you as a mother hen gathers their chicks.

I don’t want any to perish or be damned, please warn them. Sound the trumpet blast that the anointing I have given you. As a mother or father warns before they spank their children, I in MY infinite mercy and love say, “Warn them.” For when I let loose MY anger it will be hard to appease ME.

If you are warning them, though they mocked Moses, he obeyed and warned them. When the earth is shaken in all areas only MY true Children who hear MY voice and know MY RUACH ha KODESH, and are covered in MY Son’s shed Blood at Calvary, and calling on the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, YAHSHUA MESSIAH, by whatever language you speak. He knows HIS Name and the Spirit from which HIS Name is spoken from.

Only these shall be saved. Call on the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and thou and thy household that calls upon the Name of YAHUSHUA shalt be saved. Listen as once again; unexpectedly I have written MY Words through MY Handmaiden, MY Prophet, MY Child, Warrior and Bride of YAHUSHUA!

Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu) again did not know I was going to use her to sound this trumpet blast along with others I have posted around the world in different sections of the world. Hear the warning trumpet blast, before the war proceeds I send the trumpet blast.

Warn them, and you will be doing your part. All those who are receiving this have a part to warn those that have ears to hear and listen, and yes for those who choose to remain deaf. At least they won’t be able to say they weren’t warned!

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1/17/97 given to Pastor Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)

Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl


Thus saith YAHUSHUA (Jesus Christ), so shall ye be. For I see your heart. I hear your cries to ME. I feel your brokenness when a leader you trusted deceives you. But I have called and ordained you. I will sustain you. I, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) are training you. I will not send you forth to the front lines till you are able to withstand and endure the hardships you will endure. But many are your blessings.

Many souls will come to ME, as I fortify your faith and you go forth in MY Name to do great works in the Name of YAHUSHUA. All will know it is not you but the RUACH ha KODESH anointing that brings forth these manifestations of deliverance and healing and I will use you to speak MY words and you will do it boldly, though many will be offended. They are MY words, not your words; you are not held accountable for what I say. Or the way I think. For MY ways are higher than your ways. Are they not?

I speak not only to you, but again I speak to all the prophets and apostles who minister in MY Name. The way has not been easy nor will it get any easier. But hold on tight to the measure of faith I have given each of you. For it is well above that which will sustain you in this end time. For your Bridegroom doth come, yeah I am even now at the horizon. You can feel ME at this very hour, be prepared.

Do what I have called you to do, and put your hand to the plow and do not look back. But look forward. Keep running the good race to the mark of the high calling. Be not deceived, the tribulation has not begun yet. Pray you will be spared this, for the tribulation is not for MY Bride. Why would I beat up and abuse MY Loving Bride? Why would I kill MY Spouse, MY Bride that awaits her groom? MY Bride with all her jewels on and finely adorned and who worships only ME, lives for only ME. I would not.

I tell you anyone that says I am going to allow you to go through the Great Tribulation does not speak MY words. They speak words of fear and deceit. I am coming for MY Bride to tenderly carry her away and lovingly protect her. She is not worthy of MY wrath, for she loves and obeys ME. She trusts ME. She is relying on ME to save her. Do not fear what so called experts say, and they say you will be here for the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH. For this is not of ME. I love MY Bride, MY Children, above all else. I gave MY life so you would be spared.

As you trust ME to keep you from hell, trust ME also to keep you from the coming horror of the great time of woe, to come upon this earth in the undiluted wrath of Almighty YAHUVEH. MY Children, pray for MY coming quickly. For judgment must start with MY own children, then the heathen will be judged. This is the great time of woe I speak of. Whatever I have called you to do, do it now for soon it will be too late.

Keep your eyes on the eastern sky and know that MY arrival is imminent. Can’t you feel the excitement? For your Bridegroom doth come. But for you MY Bride there is no fear, only rejoicing. Fear for those that mock, or deny ME. Fear for the lost sheep. Fear for the reprobate and rejected silver. As they have rejected ME, so I have rejected them. You will know rejected silver; for you will know the RUACH ha KODESH is not drawing them. The RUACH ha KODESH will not always strive with men especially in these end times.

You Daniel came searching for a word. You Daniel have been rewarded this day. Once again I used you to stir up the gifts in MY handmaiden. You both did not know I had made an appointment for you to meet online, but I did. This message is not just for you Daniel but once again beloved son, I have used you to speak forth to all MY Children.

Fear not, your Bridegroom doth come. Hold on tight to your faith, for although I am quiet I am testing those that proclaim their love for ME. But by feeding, warning MY sheep you will be proving your love for ME. By willing to suffer persecution, hatred, rejection for MY Name sake, you are proving your love for ME. By holding on tight to your faith though with your eyes you can’t see the answer to your prayers, you will be proving your love for ME as you say, “YAHUSHUA even if you never answer another prayer I worship you for who you are, for what you did for me at Calvary.”

This will prove your love for ME, by being willing to lay your reputations down for ME and if need be to sacrifice your lives for the Gospel of YAHUSHUA. This will prove your love for ME, by obeying ME, and seeking ME, and openly confessing and worshipping ME. This will prove your love for ME.

By exposing the wolves in the sheep’s den that come to devour the sheep, by picking up MY sword of the RUACH ha KODESH and defending MY sheep you will prove your love for ME. You say you love ME MY Children? Then by standing for holiness and for right and not wrong, by being conformed to MY image and not that of the world you will prove your love for ME. I end this with one question, “Will you prove your love for ME”?

I am watching and you’re surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Even the enemy of your soul watches in fear. Will you prove your love for ME by loving one another? Those that do, you know are MINE and you shall know it. Will you prove your love for ME by sheltering and loving and extending your hands to them in prayer? This will prove your love for ME. MY sheep know MY voice; they will come to no other shepherd. Have you heard MY voice this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love for you at Calvary. Now will you prove your love for ME?

Given to this handmaiden of YAHUSHUA,
Prophet Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu) on May 28, 1997.

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YES, I will prove my love for you YAHUSHUA. Thank you for speaking forth out of this broken vessel of Clay one more time. Please RUACH ha KODESH anoint these words mightily for YAHUSHUA’s Glory I pray. Please help the sheep to discern YAHUSHUA’s voice. Please, RUACH ha KODESH, help us to prove our love for our Master, Ruler, Savior, King of Kings, our soon coming Bridegroom. We worship, praise and adore you YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Always your Handmaiden, Child, Warrior, Bride.

Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl


MY Beloved One, I know your heart and those that judge you falsely do not know what they are speaking of. I am your judge and jury, not those who hold court without MY permission. Step aside and do not ask why, for if they do not defend you now in small things, they will not defend you later in big issues.

You are MY beloved, and those that hold court against you without any evidence will see that I am not pleased. I brought you to this site to encourage you, and to soothe your ravaged heart. For you and I know the pain you feel. The rejection is not for you though, but they are rejecting a part of ME.

You have your sense of humor for I have given you that sense of humor, I called you and ordained you just as you are. You have been given the gift of laughter, to help ease the burdens of yours as well as others. Laughter doeth good like a good medicine. But even laughter and humor have a balance. I am not in the movement of the churches where foolish demons manifest and make fools out of MY People.

Beware where anything is going on, any manifestations that you could not picture your YAHUSHUA partaking in. Does your God bark like a dog, meow like a cat, growl like a lion and mock MY own word? Would the RUACH ha KODESH humiliate anyone and cause people to be uncontrollable to the point of being disruptive? This demonic manifestation and worse is allowed to continue and they can’t even distinguish the genuine moving of MY RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit), and the counterfeit moving of the anti-messiah. Those that stand behind the pulpits and think themselves wise are behaving so foolishly. Opening themselves up and the congregation up for demonic manifestations, and possession, and oppression.

Deliverance must be done and house cleaning of MY Temples from who were called the most respected spiritual leaders of today. Because of this foolishness I am now gathering troops around the world. I never close a door without opening another. Do not think this is the ending for it is merely a beginning of a bigger work I am going to use you for. Do not change for anyone but for the Almighty God YAHUVEH you serve. You cannot please all the people, all the time, so quit trying. In your heart you know what is right, just continue to do it.

Listen for MY voice, speak MY words. I do not judge or condemn you, but those that have falsely accused you will be judged. You forgive them, for they were used by the enemy of your soul and they knew it not. New wine and old wine cannot and never will mix. The new wine I have filled you with to overflowing will burst the container if you try and mix the old and new. The old wine wants no part of the new wine do not grieve for that what you think you have lost, for you have lost nothing that I will not give you back even more, pressed down and shaken together and running over. You will be blessed.

You must let loose of the old anointing to make way for the new anointing. Keep your ears, and eyes, open and speak what I tell you to say though you will be judged harshly you know MY voice, and you have the boldness of John the Baptist to speak forth MY words. When you think you are stepping down for ME, you have really just stepped up and forward. Do not grieve for yourself, but grieve for those that I will chastise for causing MY little one such grief and sorrow. Grieve for those that have accused you falsely.

I love you MY beloved and only I know your heart. It pants after ME like a deer pants for water. When you suffer persecution for MY Name sake you are truly blessed. The servant is not above his master, I suffered persecution especially from those that called themselves religious, and so do you. I know their hearts like I know those that judge you falsely. Keep your hands innocent of wrath and let ME take vengeance. For if they don’t REPENT before ME, then they will see. Vengeance is MINE saith YAHUVEH and I will truly repay. Do not judge ME by the way others who claim they represent ME judge you.

You are MY beloved and MY Warrior and I have called thee and ordained thee and no one can take that from you. The road of a Prophet is paved with trials and tribulations and sorrow misunderstandings. So few really want to hear what The Almighty God YAHUVEH has to say. They want to believe I am only love and mercy, and forget “I AM” who “I AM” and “I AM” also a God of balance in all things. That means along with love and mercy, I am balanced with wrath, and judgment and yes hatred, so many forget that I have wrath and hatred for MY enemies.

Does not MY Word say, “Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated?” Does not MY Word say, “Blessings to those that obey. Curses to those that disobey?” You must preach who I am in completeness. Not just the side of YAHUVEH that does not offend, but the side of Almighty God YAHUVEH that does offend many. Sin is Sin and I have not wavered or changed nor shall I ever. Look at Rev.19 and Rev.20. How few understand I was the slain Lamb but once. I was a victim but once. For you, I became the victim.

But now I am no longer that meek, mild, Lamb. When I come again to destroy those that oppose ME and Holiness you will see I am Almighty even in war. MY Children need not fear, but MY enemies will tremble and do tremble for they know I am a God that will take vengeance on MY enemies. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I have held back MY rage, building it for that day. None will stand in MY way.

Preach it, teach it, so others will believe it. I am a God that not only brings salvation, but damnation to those that choose to oppose and deny MY Saving Blood and Saving Name. There is no salvation other than coming through the shed Blood of Calvary. And through the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I know MY Children, and they know ME, and I know all those who are MY enemies. When they touch you, they touch ME. If innocently they have offended you MY Children, then I will forgive for the enemy is out to deceive and confuse. But if intentionally they set out to destroy you, tell them beware.

For it is MY wrath they will feel breathing down their necks. Only in repentance will again they have MY favor. I chastise those that I love. I destroy those that I hate. What is not Holy is not of ME. No matter who stands behind the pulpit and says, “God is love he will understand.” SIN is SIN. I am a God that does not change. Man changes. I, the great “I AM” does not change. Preach it, teach it, so others will believe it. Those that know MY voice will recognize I have spoken, all others will remain deaf. For MY enemies it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. At times yes, I have to spank you, but also MY hands shelter, guide and protect you. MY hands for MY Children who try and obey ME, have nothing to fear, those that are washed in MY Saving Blood.

But those that hate ME and hate what I stand for have every reason to tremble and so they shall. Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I have offered you the gift of salvation, now it’s your choice whether to choose salvation or damnation. Choose ye this day which God you will serve. Preach it, teach it, so others will believe it.

Given to this Child, Warrior, Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH on 10/16/97

Prophet Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)

Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl

I will be using this website to spread and share the prophecies from Amightywind. All of these prophecies belong to Amightywind and are spoken from God through Prophet Elizabeth Elijah.

WARNING!: Be careful what you do with these prophecies! If you accept them and bless Amightywind and Elizabeth, you bless YAHUVEH (FATHER GOD) and YAHUSHUA (JESUS). But if you reject them and curse Amightywind and Elizabeth, you do the same to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, therefore you will only be heaping YAHUVEH'S wrath upon your heads. Any curses you send to this ministry and this prophet will returned to your own head in YAHUSHUA'S name!

(i really wish that there were different files to post these under, but ya just gotta work with what ya got LOL!)

Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl


The Hem of MY garment, it’s not enough to just touch it anymore. Keep knocking at MY door, then when the answer doesn’t come fast enough, pound. When you get weary, keep on asking, seeking and ye shall find, but don’t stop till you hear from Heaven.

For I have promised you MY Children, bread and not the crumbs of this world. For you see judgment has come to the house of YAHUVEH and it’s not as easy as touching MY hem, or knocking softly for your answers, you better be prepared it may take wrestling for your blessing, like Jacob. But it only proves your faith and makes it stronger, which is needed in these end times. So keep on saying no more crumbs. You will not be denied. For you’re the Blood bought Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

I will answer and deliver you. I do not lie. For you are promised not the crumbs of this world, but the bread of life, the children’s bread of healing, deliverance, prosperity, life abundantly and full of glory. For YAHUSHUA is your Bread of Life and I want to see if you will still praise ME, and hang on to your faith though I don’t answer right away. I am not always a microwave God.

Yes, I know about microwaves, who do you think gave you the invention? You have scripture to stand on, read Matthew 15: 22-28 about a Canaanite woman’s faith. She was worshipping YAHUSHUA, yet he ignored her, let the disciples rebuke her, call her a dog, said the blessing was for another not her. You say, “Why YAHUSHUA, why would you have done all this?” Because in these last days, all of this will happen to MY most faithful followers, those that worship ME, this will be done by others in MY Name.

You will be insulted, rejected, persecuted, yet if you continue to hold on to your faith, though I don’t rescue right away, then like this Canaanite woman you will be rewarded. For I will see how great your faith is. For in these end-times I am preparing MY body in this way, when I come again how many will have hung on to their faith? How many will turn away when they call out in prayer for a need and I don’t answer right away?

You must tell them to be willing to wrestle with ME for their blessing like Jacob did. For I desire to bless. I only want to test and see how badly you want this blessing. Will you still worship ME when I don’t answer right away? It’s not MY chastisement that is causing this, for the woman fell and worshipped at MY feet. You are worshipping at MY feet. But judgment has started at the house of YAHUVEH and one of the things I am testing is how strong is your faith?

How loyal and how much will you rely on ME? Like the Canaanite woman, your faith and loyalty will be rewarded for you shall see what you desire, and even more exceedingly and more abundantly will I shower down MY blessings like a river overflowing. You will have so much joy. And I will bless you so much. You will be forced to give unto others. Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment. Don’t let go. Keep knocking till the door opens to your blessings you have asked for. I will answer eventually. Lean not unto thy own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge ME and I shall direct your paths.

Remember the trials of your faith are more precious than gold. Keep your eyes on your Savior and not on the turbulence of the sea or the waves will drown you. But I am here to save you. For I am your Savior and redeemer am I not? I will not fail you nor forsake you. I know how much pressure to put on the clay before it breaks, how much fire to allow you to go through before you get consumed. The waves of despair will not drown you. For I am here to rescue and deliver not only your soul, but mind, body and Spirit. Trust ME and ye shall see it come to pass. Then remember who delivered you ’twas no man or woman, but your God who created you.

Yet it is I who will answer your call, for I know what you want even before you ask. In the spiritual realm it is finished, I am only waiting for MY perfect timing to manifest in the physical realm. Your faith helps this to come forth. Does not MY Word say it’s impossible to please YAHUVEH without faith? You please ME by showing your faith in a God who cares and hears and knows all.

You show your faith when you realize you cannot deliver yourselves, but need ME, your Savior to deliver you, and so I shall. For am I not your Master and Savior? Is the God you serve deaf? No. Is MY arm too short to deliver you? No. Is your faith being tested? Yes. Do I desire to bless you? Yes. Will you be one of those that hangs on tight to the hem of MY garment, and keeps knocking? Will you be one of those that stands and waits for MY deliverance and the blessings I have promised you? It’s your choice. I have spoken forth this day from this handmaiden, so you will understand why some things promised have not yet come to pass. Keep holding fast to the measure of faith I have given you and deliverance you shall soon see at last.

Given to Prophet Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)

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This is the latest prophecy given to me to pass on and feed YAHUVEH’s sheep. Hold on tight to the hem of his garment. Though my long blonde hair is trailing in the dirt as he passes through the crowd, my face is looking upward at his, and I am not going to let go. When you’re going through this and I was meant to read this when I did, to receive it so I could pass this on to others that want to know why they are not getting their prayers answered quickly.

Is YAHUVEH deaf? No! Is his arm too short to reach us? No. As YAHUSHUA said, our faith is being tested, not a pleasant experience is it? But necessary for it to grow. I am right now like Jacob wrestling with God till he blesses me with the deliverance he has promised me. But I have ground in my heels and told my Master YAHUSHUA I will not be denied for he has promised me no more crumbs. The world gives crumbs, but we are promised the bread of life, the children’s bread of healing, deliverance and prosperity. We have been promised life and life more abundantly. My knuckles are sore from pounding. My eyesight is dim from weeping. But we must persevere on. When YAHUSHUA comes again how many will he find that still have faith? I want to be counted in that number, don’t you?

In the Master, Savior YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH service a broken vessel of clay but a mighty warrior in YAHUSHUA, Pastor Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu). Now if you have not been tried yet with a prayer you have waited so long for and not have seen it come to pass, (I have waited 21 years) then you will not understand what I am talking about. But I am sent to those that have not had their prayers yet fulfilled in the physical realm, although it was promised in the spiritual realm. That’s why in these end-times even YAHUSHUA said, “Will he find faith when he comes back?” I must warn the people. Now you must warn the people. So they will understand and not give up on YAHUSHUA and turn to the world for answers or turn to the spirit of the antichrist.

Glory2YAHUVEH! #fundie endtimeprophecies.nl

I just noticed an error that i repent for, i did not realize that i should have put the "fundie's" name as the website where the prophecies rightfully belong to. I take no credit for any of these prophecies, as i am only one in many trying to spread YAHUVEH'S truths and share His prophecies which He has given to Prophet Elizabeth Elijah.