
exchangedlife #fundie exchangedlife.com

Did you know that all planets in our universe are on the exact same plane with the exception on Pluto. If one single planet's orbit were to across another planet's orbit, the entire planetary system would collapse due to the collisions. How by chance did all the planets end up on the same plane and rotating in their own orbit without crossing another planet's orbit? Pluto is the only exception. Pluto is at a 14 degree angle from the plane. Why? Because Pluto crosses 2 other orbits. If it had been on the same plane it would be on a collision course. Pluto is the signature of the Creator to prove the impossibility of chance.

exchangedlife #fundie exchangedlife.com

Consider the fact than many insects have such short life spans. Some flies only live for one hour. They have less than 60 minutes to find a partner, mate, find a place to lay eggs and die. According to evolutionary scientist, the evolution process takes about 250-300 million years to occur. What is the likely hood that not one, but two of these flies would evolve within one hour of each other in a 300 million year process? So the window of evolutionary opportunity is faster than a camera shutter compared to the length of time the process takes.