
Julie Brown #fundie exemplore.com

I have experienced four attacks where I have been attacked by demonic entries. The first time I was reading my Bible and suddenly felt as if a spider had bit me on the back of my leg. I jumped up went into bathroom to see and I had three scratches on the backside of leg. They were so deep and burned as if I had been using a razor. These scratches stayed on my leg for over a month, they became infected and daily I put antibiotic ointment. They welped up and we're present for almost a month. My son was attacked so brutally that he has scars. He was 14 yrs old when he was attacked so viciously he came down the stairs screaming and hollering when he turned around he had over 20 gaping gashes bleeding down his back. To this day every time he takes off his shirt I am reminded of the brutal attack as he has 20 scars still present to this day from the attack. There is no question in my mind that these occurrences happen. Usually it happens to people who have a high calling on their life. The devil only attacks who he thinks will threaten him. So on the positive side of this if you have been a victim of this type of attack you have gifts you don't even know you have and you have a high calling on your life from God. Why would the devil ever attack something that is no use to him. So on that note you can say there is some type of positive outlook on this very negative occurrence in that the person or victim whom or attacked are usually the ones whose light shines the brightest in the spiritual Realm. If you want to end these attacks put Jesus first and foremost in your life and begin your calling for the purpose in which you have on this Earth. Take this negative and turn it into the positive and give GOD THE GLORY, not the devil. Peace Love and Happiness to all of you whom have been victimized buy these type of attacks

Team Wiseman #fundie exemplore.com

Meth Smoke Demons

Crystal Meth is the devil's drug! So evil, in fact that many people struggle with the drug calling it a choice between "Meth or Life!" There is no other choice. There comes a point in a users life that they must truly choose life or death while using crystal meth. The Bible puts it this way.. "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live!" Lots of people have sadly chosen the crystal dust rather than their families. The devil has been successful at destroying many lives with these "demon-carrying" crystals called Crystal Meth. It goes by many other names such as "Tina, Speed or Ice" as well.
You will notice that in this article, we will make the claim that crystal meth is capable of housing demons with it's crystal like appearance. These crystals associated with meth are also capable of being portals from hell, and in fact, this is the true purpose of crystal meth... to help deceiving spirits escape from a dark realm to 'your room' to ultimately destroy you and your family.

Each time you light that lighter you are essentially turning the doorknob to Hell and releasing these evil spirits into your life. THEY NEVER COME TO HELP! They only come to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10 These meth smoke demons come to ultimately devour you! First Peter 5:8

Listen, each time you open that door by tilting that glass pipe, you're inviting disaster! If you use crystal meth or if you ever have, then you know that this is Truth!