
Scott Alan Buss #fundie firebreathingchristian.com


Apparently, all that many most of America’s most prominent “conservative Christian leaders” need to know when it comes to determining the gender of Bruce Jenner is what Bruce Jenner says it is. If Jenner says he’s a woman, then, by golly, he’s a woman!

So what if Jenner claims to be Napoleon?

Or a tomato?

Or both?

Well then, in that case, it seems clear now that by the “conservative Christian logic” employed by the likes of Rick Santorum, Jenner would then be a Napoleonic tomato woman.

The tragic/comedic reality as to what counts for “conservative Christian” perspectives and principles in America these days was once again highlighted by recent coverage of comments made by one of the many American “conservative Christian leaders” who is all about helping likeminded “conservative Christians” to remember that we must always be willing to set aside the crystal clarity of Scripture and rely on good ol’ secular pragmatism in order to get things done here in “the real world”.


Rick is being loving.

He’s being kind.

He’s just doin’ what has to be done to get votes and keep “conservatism” viable in America, dontcha know.

And if you don’t agree with his loving, strategic capitulation on actual Christian principles as defined by Christ in His Word, well, then you’re not being a very good Christian—as most modern American “conservative Christian leaders” define such things, anyway. And you probably hate children, kittens and bunny rabbits, too.
You see, if you really loved Jenner – and America – you’d just let him be a woman.

Or Napoleon.

Or a tomato.

Or whatever.

To deny his claim to Napoleonic tomato-womanhood would be a crime against American-style freedom, liberty, and love, you see.

This is what happens to language, gender, family, patriotism and conservatism when we refuse to submit them to the Nature of God as revealed in His Word as our actual standard for testing all claims and concepts.

This is the kind of “leadership” that we are justly punished with when our itching little ears desire anything but the call to repentance and submission to Christ as King in practice in every realm of our lives.

This is the kind of delusional, destructive approach to “the real world” that we can expect to continue from our “good conservative Christian leaders” until we repent, believe, and reject the replacement of God’s Word with secular pragmatism in the name of satanic “love”.

Until and unless we repent and believe upon the Word of God as our guide to all of real world life in practice, the judgment of God will (and should) continue to pour out upon us, bringing us more “Republican Christian women” like Bruce Jenner and more “conservative Christian leaders” like Rick Santorum.

Scott Alan Buss #fundie firebreathingchristian.com

Imagine, if you will, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton (though not necessarily together – we don’t wanna be too fantastic here), John Kerry, Stuart Smalley, Joe Biden and Bill Maher all gathered ‘round the base of ol’ Mount Sinai as Moses brings down the following decree to man directly from the mind and hand of God:

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

You shall have no other gods before me.”

(Exodus 20:2-3)

Any thoughts as to how that one would go over?

Not well, I’m guessing.

Especially when we take the time to note the clear meaning and intention of the phrase “no other gods before me”, as recorded by God here in this First Commandment upon which all subsequent Commandments are founded.

When God commands that there be “no other gods before me”, He is not even remotely suggesting that it’s just fine and peachy to have or allow other gods in the land, so long as they are not ahead of Him in line or above Him in status. No, that’s not what the language here conveys at all.

Its plain, crystal clear meaning is that there are to be no other gods in His sight within the land of His obedient people.

No other gods are to be tolerated, much less openly worshiped.That’s that the God of Christianity has commanded on the subject.

(For those paying attention, this all ties in rather neatly with recent news out of Oklahoma regarding the desires of satanists to freely express their religion and publicly display monuments to their god ,which I covered earlier in Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion.)

Scott Alan Buss #fundie firebreathingchristian.com

Third, we have been systematically lied to and criminally neglected by those who have been entrusted with the responsibility for protecting our borders and people from plagues like Ebola.

So what makes a technologically and medically advanced, supposedly intelligent people do the things that we are doing now?

What brings about this level of systematic failure? What causes the empowerment of such wicked and wickedly incompetent leadership?

This is not a rhetorical question.

There is an answer.

And that answer is: The judgment of God has come upon us. (See: Romans 1)

Everything from the plague of Ebola to our handling of that plague is evidence of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant people.

This reality should be driving us to prayer at least as much (much, much more, actually) than it drives us to rant about Obama, the Democrats, the CDC, or anyone other than ourselves.

Judgment begins with the Church.

This culture has been “given over” because we have failed to take the Gospel-fueled Great Commission seriously.

We must take a calm, sober look at all of this unfolding around us and repent – repent of our personal failure to take that Great Commission seriously.

Both judgment and restoration always have and always will begin with the Church.

As should be plain at this moment to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, America simply cannot endure much more of this Romans 1 insanity, wickedness, and stupidity.

If we truly understand this, we will repent and begin taking the Gospel and Great Commission of Christ the King seriously right here and now—while there is yet time—

Scott Alan Buss #fundie firebreathingchristian.com

From a Christian perspective, the battle between the likes of Charlie Hebdo and Islam is much more akin to hostilities between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in World War II. Through the chaos and darkness of their rebellion against the one true God that they both hate, adherents of these two anti-Christian worldviews have become locked in battle against one another, but that does not make one of the two worldviews in question good.