
Neal Horsley #fundie horsleyforgovernor.com

Why I Told Elton John He Must Die: Hebrews 9:27

Since the charges of issuing a terroristic threat against Elton John in the video above have officially been reopened and I am again facing 10 years in a Georgia State Prison, it is proper to state why I said what I said to him.

The word of God has no meaning without application. Unless Elton John heard that God was speaking to him personally, the preacher would have failed to preach the word of God to Elton John, like all the millions of preachers failed who heard him call the Lord Jesus Christ a homosexual and let the blasphemy pass as if it did not require a warning.

Every word in the Bible is just sounds without application, sounds that can mean anything any outlaw chooses for them to mean. But when applied by the Holy Ghost to an individual, those sounds become the Words of God, quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. That's why people must hear how the word of God applies to them as individuals for them to actually hear the gospel. That's supposed to be why preachers preach and teachers teach.

Elton John was warned. Since he is a media icon who blasphemed my Lord in front of millions of people, it seemed fitting his warning should occur in front of that same audience to demonstrate a goal of my campaign for Governor which is to bring outlaws to the bar of justice.

Neal Horsley #fundie horsleyforgovernor.com

How Eve Will Destroy the USA

If your significant other, your cuddle-buddy, your orgasm provider is a female, you don't want to take a chance she'll find out you read this article because if she finds out, you might not get laid tonight, or this week, or this year, or maybe never again. That's because this article proves how the unfettered will to power of American women will destroy the United States of America unless they are put in their place immediately if not sooner. If you even give a hint that such blasphemous information as this article contains has accosted your neural synapses, you might as well become a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven's sake because you will be effectively castrati by the overwhelming legions of American women, regardless of the flavor of religion they prefer. In summary, all you have to do to avoid that feeling of lightness below your peeder is flee these words like they are a powerful IED you've just discovered on the side of the road. Or conversely, if your mind simply cannot tolerate the idea that you're a wuss who will ignore information germane to the survival of the USA, read the article, but never, ever, I mean never ever, tell Eve you read it: your orgasm jones depends on it.

[There is a badly-drawn picture titled "Christian Men USA Today," depicting a naked woman leading a man around by a ring around his penis.]

Neal Horsley #fundie horsleyforgovernor.com

If we create a groundswell of people demanding that the news media admit that there is another camp on this planet, the camp of the Army of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that camp, while slow to anger, and desiring only to speak the truth in love, is every bit, if not more, dangerous to the peace and prosperity of this world than any camp which looks to Osama bin Laden as its head.

What makes the camp of the Army of the Lord Jesus Christ so dangerous is it lies in the midst of the United States of America and is composed of people who are literally indistinguishable from the secular majority which presently looks to the Obamanation for its leadership, succor and support. Those militant Christians are organizing now to nullify the evil laws forced down our throats by the Obamanation of Desolation.

The FBI knows all about what I'm saying here. Not a month ago, I spent three hours talking to three FBI agents where we examined every aspect of the strategy that I advocate in my campaign for Governor. They did not arrest me because everything I am talking about is perfectly legal.

Now obviously the government agents can come arrest me at any time of the day or night for any bogus reason their minds can vomit forth. And obviously, as they did when they arrested me and Jonathan O'Toole for allegedly threatening to murder Sir Sodomite, Elton John, they can put anybody in jail for just about any length of time on any bogus charges. But that does not change the fact that if we don't break the law, they finally have to let us go, like they had to let me and Jonathan O'Toole go.

Neal Horsley #fundie horsleyforgovernor.com

The news media is showing only two camps to either Americans or the rest of the world: the camp of bin Laden, and the secular camp led by Obama.

That is a lie. There is another camp: the camp composed of Militant Christians who will fight to the death rather than be enslaved by any secular--which is just another word for Satanic--regime in the USA. Read our strategy OR Watch any of the videos like this one that I made during the Horsley for Governor campaign and you will see real undeniable evidence that Christians in the USA are being moved by Lord Holy Ghost to prepare to fight to the death to return the Law of the Lord Jesus Christ to His rightful place of authority in the USA. That is a mililtant Christian camp if there ever was one (and history is replete with evidence this is not the first time Lord Holy Ghost has moved His people toward war), a Christian camp that the world needs to know about!