
Ivan Prga #fundie killscreen.com

The USA is a Constiutional Republic, not a Democratic one. Keep crying with all your lies communists!

Disgusts me that you write that the increase of militias in America has to do with having a black president when his skin color has absolutely nothing to do with it... Maybe do a little more research next time buddy.

Carter Dalbey #fundie killscreen.com

I almost stopped reading soon after the part where you insinuated white supremacism was the reason for armed militias in the US.
It was completely ignorant of a wider scope of American history (including the Brown Beret, Black Panther, and Yellow Peril movements), and the fact that we have two fascists running for president right now (not to mention our current president), with groups like the New Panthers showing up in response to open genocide.
Also, recycling enemy equipment during warfare is a very old and commonly-practiced tactic used by militaries across the entire political spectrum. ISIS is an enemy of the US, but how many American military weapons and vehicles do they have? As far as "liberating" enemy drones, perhaps you should look to the Kurdish tradition of hunting with Golden Eagles, and how it's being used now to protect themselves from US drone strikes that are supposed to be hitting Daesh strongholds, yet are destroying Kurdish villages and even Doctors Without Borders-operated hospitals.
Also, correlation does not equate to causation, as you seem to have suffered that logical fallacy in your unsourced assumption that a growing number of armed militias during Barack Obama's presidency has anything to do with his ethnic majorities of militia populations.
Arnament, training, and coordination, does not mean nationalization, except perhaps in fiction. We already live in an overwhelmingly nationalist country.
I could write a long article, with the news being that we already live under the tyranny of a white supremacist, fascist nation analyzing socio-political events, trends, studies, and polls, using "The 14 Characteristics Of Fascism" as defined by Political Scientist, Dr. Lawrence W. Britt, in Free Inquiry Magazine in March, 2003 as a lens.
The real issue to be brought up is how this (noteably old) game being marketed to young men promotes xenophobia, violence, and false nationalism. America was never great.
Awaiting a response, or a request for to write the aforementioned article.

Headline - This Article Is Everything Wrong With America: It Can't Begin To Comprehend Everything Wrong With America

Jared Gonzalez #fundie killscreen.com

All of yall are ignorant, sorry but look up Martial Law declared by Obama start your research from there, you'll realize the game makes more sense knowing these facts. Obama just signed a bill declaring Martial law, all the conspiracies you hear about the government are are coming true and they were all along ..

Here's an idea. Get a real fucking job you art degree toting useless cunt. So sick of you talentless hacks injecting "MAH POLITIKS" in every fucking thing under the sun.

Next week "Sunlight causes Patriarchy". If your entire job can be done by a Sokal generator, find a new career.

The worst part, you don't even have any facts, just pseudo-intellectual deepties and the ramblings of someone one who came out of college stupider than they went in.

Wtf us wrong with this guy? You think people like me are racist white guys who have an "insurrection theory" of government tyranny!? Give me a break!!!! AND yes we are under threat from Government tyranny and foreign nations! You sir are a very very....nevermind.