
kleyau #sexist kleyau.wordpress.com

When I was married, my ex-wife started staying out later and later playing pool. We would have fights when she came back, but I was still too blue pill to understand what was going on. No way she would cheat on me, she would leave me first if she wasn’t happy. Nope. But, I didn’t try to see what was going on, just shuffling forward in beta oblivion.

We left to visit family for the holidays. We drove halfway across the country to visit my family, then drove back to visit hers. We stopped at a hotel to rest for a couple hours and then see her family on Christmas Eve. I started trying initiate sex, when she straight up told me, “I don’t want to have sex with you.”

First time this had ever happened in the relationship. She’d never given me the headache excuse, the too tired excuse, nada.

And then all her behaviors clicked. So, my next response was, “It’s over. I’m done with this.”

I’m sure her family thought I was a total douche bag, especially because of how she spun stories and the fact
that we were still almost a thousand miles from home.

But, I knew the score, and she knew I knew the score.

kleyau #sexist kleyau.wordpress.com

The carousel rider.
These women have tried to kiss the sky, and been brutally burned. They’ve learned to settle for repeated bad sex, or good sex with no second helpings. No woman wants to be just fucked randomly on the weekends. If she has good sex, she wants to keep having sex with that same guy. And even though men love sex, especially with new women, the carousel rider can’t even get a quality lay to come back just to fuck her. She’s only a notch, and she’ll always be a notch.
You can spot her by the intense, false bravado she puts on when she’s in the spotlight, but fleeting expressions of sadness will cross her face while she scans the room. And if you can catch her when she thinks no one is looking, you will see the slumped shoulders and downcast eyes of defeat. These women are usually 7’s and below, and are always an alpha widow. I can fuck these women at will, but I’ve rarely chosen to. And alcohol was the main contributing factor.

kleyau #sexist kleyau.wordpress.com

Dating a stripper should be a requirement for any aspiring alpha. It’s definitely not a long term thing, but you will learn a great deal about women, but even more about other men. Because strippers have stories, and when you’re her man, she’ll tell you all about the rest of the tools in the world

kleyau #sexist kleyau.wordpress.com

Around 28 I started looking around, at all the women I used to find attractive and, they weren’t so attractive anymore. It wasn’t a conscious decision, my dick just said, “Don’t settle, they keep making new ones all the time.” And my dick does have the upper hand in debates when he’s the one that has to stand up and finish the statement. The wall is not kind to women.

Through much of history, this wasn’t an issue, because women just didn’t wait until such an advanced age to get married. And there are wife-goggles, where any women that ages gracefully will almost always be attractive to her husband. But I was single. Women will only be as attractive to you as when you started the relationship. And 28 wasn’t attractive to me anymore.

But wait, there’s more. You see, my dick is a long term planner, despite much evidence to the contrary. And one thing that really started to weigh on my decision making was how quickly a woman was going to age after I became involved with her. All around me I saw women hitting the wall, and even going for a women just a little younger was not going to get me interested enough to stick through that transition. And I started looking at 22 and 23 year old’s in a different light. They don’t even see it coming.