
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Maria Tenebre #sexist deviantart.com

In fact you can do child friendly drag shows. I mean what people like RuPaul, Flip Wilson etc did is in many cases very child friendly. RuPaul even hosted a talk show that was very child friendly and alot of the shows she stars in have been more child friendly.

In fact I hope sexualized media causes little girls to feel bad about themselves and improve their appearance so they don't end up single and alone as feminist cat ladies. Just like boys should try to be Adonises.

Cassandra MacDonald #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

It's so weird that Kamala has no children. Too busy ladder climbing I guess.

I don't believe people without kids should be running the country. No actual skin in the game.

All the Dems who just learned tonight that George Washington didn't have kids are replying.

Ok how is this -- Women shouldn't even be politicians. Women who give up on having children for their careers even more so.

Puupi #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

because they were sitting at the dinner table CELEBRATING the man who was holding her, a 14 year old girl, hostage and wanting to have sex with her against her will...id have killed them all too to get out of that situation...

They were celebrating their marriage. It's normal in their culture.

By the way, are you American? Are you a man? Are you circumcised?

Most (?) American men are circumcised and it is a lot more questionable thing to do compared to arranged marriages, even if the girl is 14.

I see child marriages more acceptable and moral than circumcision.

Those two things aren't remotely comparable, and I'm highly against circumcision of children. How is the marriage/rape of children by adults more moral than cutting some skin off of kids penises?

Mutilation of sexual organs of a baby compared to marriage where you may need to have sex against your will?

You know, there are lots of good things about arranged marriages as well. The girl gets a husband, a man who is feeding, protecting and taking care of her. And the husband gets a wife, who takes care of him. There is more to marriage than just sex.

Shockingly, most people have sex willingly in life. Even do everything they can to please people to get them to have sex. Ultimately, sex drives the whole human society.

So when you need to have sex against your own will - it is a bad and unwanted thing - but it isn't the most atrocious thing happening in the world.

puupi #psycho #sexist #pratt mmo-champion.com

Being forced to take the trash out or being forced to do your homework are a little different to being forced to marry (potentially for life) a man you do not wish to marry, to have sex with him as and when he desires (as is the case in their culture), bear his children without a say in the matter, and risk your life in doing so.

I was forced to go to the military (like every man in my country), I was forced to serve my country with my life (literally).

I don't think those are small things. I would do them without being forced, too. But that doesn't change they are being forced upon me.

I really have hard time understanding the demonizing of sex. Everyone WANTS to have sex in their life, it's the best thing in the world.

Now when sex is forced it becomes the WORST AND MOST ATROCIOUS THING IN THE WORLD.

How the fuck does that kind of switch happen.

Of course I think rape is bad. But I don't understand the polarization. I think there is a lot of hypocrisy, exaggeration and victimization involved.

Not all sexual experiences for all involved parties are pleasurable.

Would you look forward to sex if you were unlikely to orgasm because your partner wasn't interested in your pleasure, or even your comfort? If it was a painful experience for you because you aren't aroused by your partner, would you look forward to doing that again?

Obviously I would not enjoy it and wouldn't look forward to doing that again. But people do other discomforting things, too, because it's part of life and needs to be done. Like work.

I'm not sorry that I had to go through conscription. I, and other men, owe that to our grandfathers. Yeah it's against free will, but as I've said previously, some things in life aren't that pleasurable yet they still have to be done. The result justifies the means.

Well people who don't want to have sex are a very small minority. Asexuality is 1% or less of the population.

vokal kazih, hooked, zantos, #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

[on a 14 yaer old child bride who poisoned her husband and at least 3 of his friends ]

Vokal: “ While I don't agree with forced marriage, killing is killing. She could have just ran away instead of poisoning a dozen or so people. Don't care if she's 14. Hope she fries, or hangs. However they do it.Just like any and every killer should.”


She wasn't defending herself. She felt bad and wanted to make other people suffer like a typical school shooting case. You think she couldn't poison the husband in a different situation? No she wanted to kill as many ppl as possible.

Hooked: “I agree, she is pure evil. “ https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1495017-Child-Bride-Kills-Husband-and-his-3-buddies/page13?p=26405166#post26405166 So she was able to go to the market and buy rat poison without anyone noticing, but couldn't just run away?. I think she wanted to make them all pay.

Zantos: “Exactly. She had every bit of freedom she needed to get away at any time. She had just as much time to kill him by himself then to try and take out as many others as she could with him.”

Technically she wasn't kidnapped, the marriage with this man was most likely arranged by her parents, as that is what the law states has to happen for a 14 year old to be married. Wouldn't you say her parents are more to blame than the husband in question? Would you also condone her killing her parents as well because they arranged the whole thing ?Attempting to kill 14 people because you aren't in love with the man your parents forced you to marry doesn't sound like my kind of justice.

Hooked: “Not only that but her own parents probably also had an arraigned marriage. Nah this girl was just evil, plain and simple.”

Mark Robinson #sexist #wingnut archive.ph

Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for North Carolina’s gubernatorial election, said he wanted to go back to a time “where women couldn’t vote” in a video that resurfaced in the wake of his Super Tuesday victory.

The video, recorded at a Republican Women of Pitt County event in March 2020, shows Robinson when he was a candidate for North Carolina’s lieutenant governor, which he later won.

In the clip, he says that he heard a man ask about the phrase “Make America Great Again,” which he posited implied the America where “women couldn’t vote” and “Black people were swinging from cheap trees.”

“I would say to him, if I was standing in front of him, ‘I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote,’” Robinson said.

Christopher Parks #sexist quora.com

Schopenhauer was extreme but he was right about a lot of things. Women behaving like adult children is one. Whether it’s wining and complaining, the inherent solipsism, the shirking of responsibility for their actions, or the overall lack of an ability to control emotions, women IN GENERAL have a childish mindset which makes sense because women are babied by our society. Obviously not all women but enough to be important enough to bring up in a discussion. Everyone these days are afraid to say anything that can been seen as negative about women because they think they’ll be labeled as misogynist, women haters, and for women “pick me’s”. The truth is women have a tendency to certain flaws just like men have a tendency to certain flaws and as free willed humans we can and I’d even venture to say should work to fix. Schopenhauer does a decent job at pointing them out. Does he seem to have some annimus towards women? Yes. Was he right about a lot of things? Also yes. Both can be true.

Jason Whitlock #sexist #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #fundie angrywhitemen.org

In a bigoted rant, BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock complained that “women are not going to give up their power.” He also claimed that he would rather live in a “segregated society” under Jim Crow than “a world controlled by the alphabet mafia” — a derogatory term for the LGBTQ community

“This is the society women have built, the feminist movement has built,” Whitlock said. “And we’re lookin’ at a handful of Democrat, leftist men that are coming to grips with that.” As proof he cited Democratic strategist James Carville, who, in May, suggested that “preachy females” were hurting the Biden campaign

“They’re coming to grips, these men are,” he said. “And it’s too late for many of them. They’ve set all this stuff into motion. I don’t know if you can dial the clock back. But they’ve set all of this into mo[tion]. They’ve empowered women to the point that women are not going to give up their power”

Whitlock also advocated repealing “the whole 20th century,” including “LGBTQ rights and everything.” This, of course, would entail repealing major civil rights laws, but Whitlock said this would be better than the alternative

“Repeal it all,” he proclaimed. “And I say that knowin’… I’m… This is a fact: I would rather live in a segregated society than in this godless, pedophile, perverted society that we’ve built. I’d rather deal with Jim Crow than a world controlled by the alphabet mafia. Yes I said it. And I believe it”

Matt Walsh #sexist twitter.com

There should not be any women in the Secret Service. These are supposed to be the very best, and none of the very best at this job are women.
12:21 AM · Jul 15, 2024 · 3.6M Views
3,631 Reposts 897 Quotes 39K Likes 1,266 Bookmarks

Men Writing Women Award

"Francine Dubois"/Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I work with women in the healthcare profession. I am a woman, and I find the majority of women today to be utterly disgusting and toxic. What women do and talk about when men aren't present is completely amoral and vile. I have never seen men behave in the disgusting ways that I have seen women behave in a supposed professional work environment.

The forefathers were correct about women's nature and they do in fact, need to be kept under a very tight rein. The matriarchy has gone far enough.
I have come to believe that women actually enjoy being debased. They do it themselves. You only have to look at what they do on the internet. THEMSELVES--no man forcing them. I see it all the time at work.

I also think that sexual harassment was men's way of letting women know they were not welcome in certain environments. There is also the idea that no woman in her right mind would enter a male domain unless she was seeking something to her benefit...primarily sexually. I think all the outrage was a pretense. Lawsuits and payment to be gained.

I have watched women at work respond to men making overt disgusting comments to them. There is no outrage there....they titter among themselves and are mostly amused, even flattered because it is male attention after all. Old men, decrepit men, demented men....doesn't matter. I think the vaccinations have affected their minds.
I am going to add one more observation. When there were extended kin structures, there were initiations into manhood and womanhood. On the women's side, there would have been much more support for all the things women go through and plenty of women around to get strokes and attention....this would also free men up to do what they needed to do without getting bogged down by women and their constant neediness.

Men have created 95% of what is good in our material civilization but they are dismissed as sub human by the homo commie cartel running the show in the West.

Young Dixie #sexist #forced-birth #racist #kinkshaming identitydixie.com

[From “Young Dixie’s Proposals to Combat Feminism in a Free South”]

Upon the agreement of the Young Dixie Executive Board, we have decided to put forward publicly an aggressive platform to defeat feminism in a Free South. The platform below is a work in progress, as we seek feedback from our fellow Southerners

1)Young Dixie seeks a criminal ban on OnlyFans and the seizure of all its assets by a proposed Confederate government. In this measure, we hope to end a parasitic cycle of degeneracy[…]
2)Young Dixie seeks a total ban on abortion initiated on a state-by-state level[…]
3)Young Dixie seeks a ban on “no fault” divorces[…]
5)Young Dixie seeks a total end to alimony, as it is nothing more than legalized theft and violates a man’s honor and rights
6)Young Dixie seeks to raise the voting age for women to 21 years of age, possibly even increased to 29. It should be said, a significant reason for lowering the voting age (in 1971) was that men could be drafted at 18[…]
7)Young Dixie seeks a ban on birth control pills and other associated birth control measures. In this, we seek to reinstate responsibility and consequences to sexual intercourse and decrease sexual promiscuity[…]
8)Infanticide (abortion) will be considered as a capital punishment offence in a Free South. The mother, as well as, any willing accomplice to the act, including the father, medical professionals, and infanticide activists, will be subjected to this judgement[…]
9)Young Dixie seeks to expand the description and definition, including prosecution, of prostitution to include women engaged in commercial pornographic content and thus liable to criminal punishment for prostitution
10)Young Dixie seeks a Southern-wide ban on gender (and racial) based affirmative action schemes in colleges and in the workplace

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) #sexist thedailybeast.com

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) on Thursday accused “the angry feminist movement” of emasculating men and said the U.S. should “work our way back” to 1960 if former President Donald Trump wins in November[…]
Grothman went after supporters of government-funded childcare programs and said President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty “took the purpose out of the man’s life, because now you have a basket of goodies for the mom.” He added, “They’ve taken away the purpose of the man to be part of a family. And if we want to get America back to, say, 1960, where this was almost unheard of, we have to fundamentally change these programs”

Grothman said “the breakdown of the family” was caused by the U.S. government in the 1960s and “people like Angela Davis, well-known communist, people like the feminists who were so important in the 1960s”

“So I hope the press corps picks up on this, and I hope Republican and Democrat leadership put together some sort of plan for January, in which we work our way back to where America was in the 1960s,” he added

Ian Gribbin #wingnut #sexist independent.co.uk

A candidate for Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party has claimed the country would have been “far better” off if it had “taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality” instead of fighting the Nazis

Ian Gribbin, who is standing in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the “sponging gender” and should be “deprived of health care”[…]
Mr Gribbin is reported to have posted on the Unherd website in 2022: “Britain would be in a far better state today had we taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality … but oh no Britain’s warped mindset values weird notions of international morality rather than looking after its own people”

The same month he wrote that the UK should “exorcise the cult of Churchill and recognize that in both policy and military strategy, he was abysmal”

The previous month he criticised women, writing: “Do you think you could actually work and pay for it all too like good citizens?

“Men pay 80% of tax – women spend 80% of tax revenue. On aggregate as a group you only take from society

“Less complaining please from the ‘sponging gender’”

In a separate post, he suggested squaring the inequality “by depriving women of healthcare until their life expectancies are the same as men, Fair’s fair”

In 2021, he wrote female soldiers “almost made me wretch [sic]” and were a “total liability”

In the run-up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he said that President Putin had “shown a maturity of which we can only dream of”

A Reform UK spokesman said: “Through offence archaeology, the BBC has found that Mr Gribbin has made a series of comments about a number of subjects

“They were written with an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths. That doesn’t make them endorsements, just arguing points in long-distance debates

Nigel Farage, MP (Reform-Clacton) #sexist #conspiracy theguardian.com

Nigel Farage has said he is part of a “similar phenomenon” to the misogynist influencer Andrew Tate, as he claimed that there were forces in society trying to “stop young men from being young men”

The Reform UK leader used the last day of campaigning before the general election to appear alongside Derek Chisora, the controversial boxer and Reform UK supporter, in a boxing gym in Clacton, where Farage is making his eighth bid to be elected as an MP

Farage used the visit to speak about what he described as the feelings of “emasculation” among young men, saying: “Look at the football. You know, they’re told: Go to Germany. Please don’t drink more than two pints of beer. You what? Don’t chant at the football matches. You what? Oh, and don’t tell jokes that might offend the Germans. I mean, come on. We are trying to stop young men being young men

“That’s why Tate got the following he got. So maybe I’m part of a similar phenomenon,” he said[…]
Farage defended his appearance alongside Chisora, who was given a 12-week suspended prison sentence in 2010 after being found guilty of assaulting his then girlfriend

Asked if Chisora was a good role model, he replied: “You show me someone who has lived a perfect life and never been in trouble. For these young kids he’s a fantastic role model. He’s got a huge following in the country. And yeah, he is a good role model. Imperfect as we all are”

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

In other words, a good father affirms his daughter's innate femininity. But if he is absent, she compensates by becoming masculine. This of course undermines her future relationships with men.
Feminism is a self-perpetuating form of compensating for father-loss. Its goal is to "overthrow the patriarchy." The word originates in the Latin "pater" or father.

Feminism, like Communism, originates in the Masonic Jewish endeavour to overthrow God and the natural order and impose on mankind an all-encompassing dictatorship. Love, especially for a woman, is an act of faith. Feminism traumatizes young women with tales of how a woman is violently raped every 10 seconds. It teaches that all injustice is due to the "inequality" of the sexes and therefore heterosexuality itself must be eliminated.

Many feminists are lesbian and promote homosexuality. They have passed laws that deprive men of their children and property. Courts and police routinely discriminate against men.

Second-wave feminism is the greatest enemy of femininity. It is part of a larger occult plan to poison the well springs of love and permanently damage the human spiritual ecology. Society suffers from a sourness due to the loss of feminine love, charm, beauty, intelligence, modesty and grace.
In conclusion, a father's responsibility is to build his daughter's trust in men, and thus prepare her for a worthy man. This involves confirming her in her sexual identity, as a capable attractive partner for a future husband.

Males also suffer from father loss. But there is a father that we can know. I am talking about God. We are made in God's image and His image is in our soul. Man in Latin, "vir", has the same root as virtue. It's as simple as always doing the right thing.

In this context, the right thing for a man means creating a healthy happy family based on sound values and a wholesome vision of life.

DavyMichael #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy instagram.com



Weak, low status males love this COVID thing, because it allows them to LARP as heroes by simply wearing a mask, taking a shot, and harassing other people.

They can pretend to be strong, virtuous heroes, whilst being frail, fearful, flabby, pathetic cowards.

(submitter’s note: he has his gun holstered in his pants pointed at his dick)

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Afghanistan: Teen Sluts on Suicide Watch After Dreams of Cock Quest Obliterated”]

Afghan teen girls had one simple dream: to travel the world and get fucked by various men they determined to have high status

Now those dreams are being flushed down the toilet like so many used condoms

The Guardian

Just over three years ago, Asma’s* future contained many possibilities. Aged 15, she was at secondary school. After that lay the prospect of university and then onwards, striding forwards into the rest of her life[…]


She begged her parents not to force her into marriage. “When I told them about my studies and dreams, they laughed and said: ‘Since the Taliban has come, girls will never be allowed to study. It’s better to get on with your life and get married’”

Bitch, that goofy shit is over

War’s over

The Taliban won

We’re going back to normal[…]
I kinda think someone at the Guardian just made these stories up

But overall, they are believable

Women do not have rights in Afghanistan, because Afghanistan is run by the most masculine men on earth

They might not have the highest IQs on average, but they have wisdom and discernment

Frankly, it doesn’t take much wisdom or discernment to see that women being involved in public life is an utter disaster[…]
The story of the Taliban is a story of hope for the whole world

The Taliban existing, right now, on the same planet as us, is proof that a better world is possible

What it takes is strong men with determination who do not believe that power comes from voting for the right politicians

Power does not come from voting

Power comes from the bed of a Toyota Hilux

Daniel Estulin #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger forbiddenknowledgetv.net

And so it’s obvious, what we’re seeing right now the attack is directed against gender, as I said earlier. And so in the pre-modern times, gender was sacred. In other words, masculinity = closer to God, feminine = closer to the Earth. Modern put masculine and feminine on the same level. In other words, we’re equal. So postmodern affirms that equal rights cannot exist for men and women, male and female.

And in fact, again, we’re looking at the dialectic. Postmodern affirms that we have to eliminate gender because the existence of gender is already a pre-modern, a Patriarchal Model.

So according to them, the people behind all this pride, LGBT plus, plus, plus movements, gender has to be like a nation of individual choices, just like as human beings have the right to, for example, cross borders of different countries. People also have the right to change their sex. And not just once, but many, many, many, many times.

Again, I insist. This isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory. These people understand what they’re doing. We don’t understand, because we have no clue, because we’re being brainwashed into believing all this nonsense.
And everything that seemed absolutely unbreakable in the modern structure, that resulted from the process of liberation; from this transcendental verticality, all this, in turn in the Postmodern world is exposed to a deconstruction and change of meaning…And so, if the individual can represent a parliament of organs, then it is not an individual, it’s a “dividual”, not individual. In other words, the individual becomes a post-individual agglomerate.

So again, we’ve gone from humanity to trans-humanity. The next stage is post-humanity. We become a post-individual. And this has to do with the dispersion of personality…and so, instead of “me”, we have this Black Hole that makes itself known via this nebulosity, pulverization of these many different fragments.

Samurai Kenji #psycho #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt runescape.salmoneus.net

my mother was 13 when she gave birth to me and my dad was in his mid to late 20's i CHALLENGE AND DARE YOU to explain why she and her mother and her mother and her mother were all capable of having a succussful relationship with these "Hunters" and now live pretty fufilling lives without any real complaints about there childhood and why this girl can't.

My mother was brought up in a very American culture and had a child with a very American man. He may or may not have just been interested in getting some fresh good kitty! or he may have legitimately loved and cared for my mom none the less he eventually left her and she was forced to care for yours truly all by herself she was left a single mom to a "Pedophile" but within a couple years she got over it moved to the states got a university degree and is now living happily and even ocassionally meets with that pedophilic monster to have a cup of coffee with him when she visits Los Angeles.

Why are these 2 so different? infact the Man in this article is a bit younger then my dad is and is certainly much less mentally developed and my mom was no further ahead developmentally then any other girl her age. Yes 8 times out of 10 things go bad but that means 2 times out of 10 they go right it's a gamble and so long as they know the odds and have some guidance i feel a girl of 12 years of age has the right to decide whether she wants to have a sexual relationship with this man.

DavyMichael #sexist #fundie #kinkshaming instagram.com

A warning to younger men!!!!

‭Proverbs 5:3-9
For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth. Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless.

@connorohare229 #sexist #fundie youtube.com

Egalitarianism has been the cruelest joke on our civilization.

We were taught and brainwashed from youth to worship this man made false idol from birth and told to ignore the God of objective reality, of hierarchy, of a recognition of man's innate inequities, and most importantly, the need of salvation from Him(Christ).

Kaiser #sexist #elitist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia hiddendominion.com

[From “Should Women Be Allowed To Vote?”]

I had two voting-related questions come up[…]
•What are your thoughts on women voting?
•What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?[…]

What are your thoughts on women voting? Should women be allowed to vote?

My answer is no
“Why Not?” is explained in answering #2

What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?

If we’re going to have voting at all in our future political system, the voting system itself needs to change to have these two new components:
The voting system must be oversight voting, not direct voting or representational voting. I.e., we should not vote directly for leaders or laws[…]
Voting must be done solely by families[…]
••To get a vote, one must be married with kids (in a traditional Biblical marriage)[…]
••Divorced? Lost the vote. Single parent? No vote[…]
••Families should only get one vote. A family should be in consensus or it shouldn’t be voting, anyway. Since the Bible says that the man is the head of the household, he should fulfill the family vote requirement. This renders women voting moot[…]
This process is similar, but more formal and voting-based, to how the average people “overseen” the monarchy in many nations during Christendom[…]They “overseen” through rioting, financial rebellion, or other pushback methods against the king. This kind of voting system is a simple way to get that same outcome without the old Middle Ages bloodshed[…]
With this, we could return to the last time our civilization was working well (Christendom). But we’d still be able to incorporate a hedge against totalitarianism[…]
We don’t have to have voting, but I’d prefer it if we structured it like this. Oversight voting by family is the way to go[…]
My sympathies in advance to all those who will be offended: Single men, women, sodomites, the divorced, and everyone else alike. This position may seem “extreme”

Adenso_1 #psycho #pratt #sexist reddit.com

[ In response to a post called “ "leaving a pedo around small children is a-okay" “]
I mean, yeah, nice reductive argument you got there. Do you really think that someone attracted to kids has absolutely no control over themselves? Are you that brain dead? What if that person was born into the same society as you and had the same super "anti-pedo" mindset instilled into them? Clearly they'd see their attraction as gross, and thus never act on it, yet you're such a dumb fuck of a human being as to believe they still would? Are you even real? Like have you ever interacted with a human before? Have you only been constantly raped all your life and that's why you don't think anyone can control themselves? Fucking moron

Prince Caspian #fundie #homophobia #sexist scifiwright.com

On a side note. My cousin's daughter was half paying attention to a cartoon on Nicolodeon. My Grandma was watching it too, but did not really gather what small feats and characteristics about the characters were displayed.

Two college girls were hanging out with each other on a quest. It came to be revealed, they were "dating" each other. And had to break up. The crush between the two girls.

It was propaganda for children to adopt the lifestyle as innocent. Just a mere blush. A certain love like charm, like boyfriend and girlfriend would have.

This is the benign appearing entry into a child's mind and heart. It's the slithering serpent in the Garden. "You shall not die!"

This is a introduction to children to think of romance, crushes. And children have a mind and are intelligent. They are not stupid. They know that this means the terms of endearment which a man and a woman often display. And children come often onto the seen. They understand.

Deviating this with two girls, then tells children that two girls can have those romantic relationships that evolve from a crush. Children are not stupid. Thus, the logic of the cartoon is not innocent, for which it leads to.

Thus, as the authors in the letter above. Surely know, their audience are not stupid. But treat them as Mrs. Sanger loved for her purposes. Referring to them as "feeble minded."

There is nothing romantic about two girls, or two boys loving each other. Nothing!

The love a boy builds an affection for a girl, is willing the good of the other. He defends her. He protects her. He is a Knight! He is a Prince! The opposites attract. The opposites are complimentary. Their completely creative. The girl and girl, or the boy and boy are not. It's dead.

The guy creates a Poem giving her the words that only a Goddess can hear. Goddesses cannot really stand hearing what they want to hear from each other. It's already known.

The boy, the subject of the Goddess, who not like any other as she has known and seen. Brings her delight. She see's a smaller willful subject, unlike her own. He is a strange and unusual creation.

That's the point of boy meets girl.

Girls can live Lesbos if they want. And, they will live for that for a awhile, until a boy awakens their wonder. And find a Prince who slays dragons, and rescues Princesses. She see's him as her complimentary. Not her equal.

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist twitter.com

Women have no business "working" construction and smelling funky!

Those jobs are for men to take care of themselves and their family if they have one.

They're glorifying evil. These women are jealous of men, trying to play "man."

11:40 PM · May 8, 2024 · 14.6K Views
50 Reposts 8 Quotes 384 Likes 15 Bookmarks

New Hampshire State Rep. Jess Edwards (R) #sexist #forced-birth newsweek.com

A New Hampshire lawmaker who opposed a child marriage ban argued that teens are of a "ripe, fertile" age

Republican state Rep. Jess Edwards said last week that a bill banning marriage for people under 18 would make abortion more appealing for young people

"If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are of a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not in fact making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?" he said[…]
Edwards' description of young people being of a "ripe, fertile age" was met with laughter. Despite his intervention, the New Hampshire House passed the bill on Thursday, sending it to the governor[…]
If New Hampshire's bill becomes law, it would leave Maine as the only state in the northeast of the U.S. that allows marriage below the age of 18

Joseph Mattera #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist charismanews.com

With the collapse of Judeo/Christian values in Western culture, people are left to frame their lives through means that are not defined by the biblical narrative.

Thus, presently, there is a free-for-all system where every person defines their own laws, ethics and values. Self-expression is the new ethos, and even if self-destructive lifestyles diminish the quality of a society, restricting it is a great taboo and cited as a form of bigotry.

As traditional narratives continue to be deconstructed, this has also resulted in a loss of the collective metanarrative for understanding the world. This leads to uncertainty, nihilism and a feeling-based morality that determines public policy in which one’s identity trumps psychology above biology.

In the past, people made up for this loss of the biblical metanarrative primarily by deriving their identity from their ethnicity. However, with a rapid acceleration in individualism, autonomous secular humans are left with a reductionist mindset that has further collapsed their existential perspective to mere individual expression.
Corresponding to His ability to subdue chaos and fluidity, God made both male and female in His image to represent Him and to subdue the earth (Gen.1:27-28).

Consequently, it took both a man and a woman to express God’s image to exert dominion over creation; one man or woman could not fully express God’s image and likeness, nor could two men or two women. It takes both masculinity and femininity in covenant marriage to fully transmit God’s image to the next generation to continually perpetuate God’s kingdom influence.

Hence, before any further development of civilization existed, marriage between one man and one woman was the foundation of maintaining order and subduing the chaos in the created order.

Connected to this equilibrium that maintained order is that God originally framed humanity with two genders based on a biological framework, not a psychological one.

cannibalspyre #racist #sexist tumblr.com

women & "feminists" who shut down discussions on how unregulated immigration of *males* from islamic countries *do* pose an additional threat to the safety and freedom of local women & girls are simply spineless.

this is not a "our males vs their males" comparison, which is unnecessary, considering all men harm all women around the world.

this is about opposing the import of potential rapists, which would only add to the existing population of them. they are men who disproportionately leave their women and children behind when immigrating to other countries.

women from islamic countries are aware of how men view the "western woman". we know about their rape fantasies. i will never prioritize my nationality or the comfort of foreign/familiar men over my loyalty to the protection of women & girls.

#radical feminism #radfem #radfem safe #ex muslim #immigration #anti islam #anti religion #.txt

magnificentempress #racist #sexist tumblr.com

to confirm racism allegations: i actually think its okay for any woman to say no to any man, even if she says no because of her 'racism', because any woman can say no to any man for any reason

[several posts later]

thats like, just your opinion bro, and also somehow some women of color told me they understood perfectly what radberryterf meant and also agreed🤔unexplainable phenomenon really

and the original post was about men of color being rapists in the countries that were nice enough to grant them asylum 🧐but saying brown men rape women more often than white men in the said specific countries is raycayyyysm i gotcha

Anonymous, magnificentempress #racist #sexist tumblr.com

ok I do have a slightly bigger dislike to black and brown moids because of my lived experiences, but for my region at least, Russian men, for example had been a cause of terror for years in the past. My great grandmother talked about how they'd hide in stoves and fire places to just not get raped, fathers killing daughters for the same reason (it's unsettling now seeing how honor is above life regardless of how it was tarnished). All I'm saying is moids are moids, they all hurt the same regardless of color or ethnic background.

listen im not saying that some moids are naturally better despite what radblr thinks lol im just saying that in some places laws are enforced stricter and the general feminism discourse has been for longer, so to me it is kinda obvious that women in countries where there are laws against harassment, when there are female politicians etc will do slightly better than women in literal taliban

and trust me i know russian moids are capable of war crimes, like if the ongoing bloodbath has at least 1 good outcome so far it must be the reduction of the most criminogenic group (young moids). thanks nato 💋

but to me it is also tone-deaf to deny that yeah women in some places have a better life. again, not because some men are """better.""" they are just forced to tone down their male shittiness. idk if you saw my post about women in chechnya, just look it up. women from chechnya escape to russian cities and then to europe because they run from chechen moids. but dont they know that all men are equally bad?!?!?!?🧐🧐🧐

and also as redberryterf said (pls if you see it come back i miss you!!), be honest - would you rather walk a street at night in india or in sweden? :)

once again for those who cant read - i never said white moids are naturally better, but some countries are better at beating their moidness out of them early. and some countries actually foster it and exaggerate it. like the literal hamas that boasted about capturing female slaves bruh. are u gonna claim that again, the current russian ivans or swedish svens are just just as bad as moids who were raised among women covered in blankets and that cant even speak up without permission or some shit, and who literally capture female sex slaves. be serious pls

Femonade #sexist #moonbat #conspiracy factcheckme.wordpress.com

To call intercourse “sex” or conflate it with women’s or even men’s sexual pleasure is not simply misguided, but rather, a deliberate and effective means of normalizing female submission and suffering and increasing men’s individual and collective power.


Because PIV and its attendant harms affect all women, across time and place, and is central to our suffering and our political and interpersonal standing, and because men’s political and interpersonal standing increase as ours decrease, intercourse should rightly be seen as the foundation of patriarchy itself...intercourse continues to be very much a political act and a political institution that is supportive of male power, and obviously so: the “Big 3″ of the patriarchal institutions, namely, medicine, religion and law, all attach to women’s bodies and women’s lives at the moment of conception.

jamesradcylffe #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia identitydixie.com

[From “The Simple Truth Behind Cultural Marxism”]

The idea of Cultural Marxism as a byzantine 12-step method for converting the West to economic Marxism is bogus. Marxism, at least in praxis, was an ethnic power-grab. It was primarily foisted upon the unwitting masses of Eastern and Western Europe by a supermajority-Jewish international cabal[…]
The Marxists won. Not just in Europe, but virtually everywhere that had wealth. Jews waltzed into power and affluence. Now, Marxism was a problem. Take from the who and give to the whom?[…]Hence, Cultural Marxism. Within every poor West Virginian coal miner and White guy spinning the roulette wheel, there was a raging White corpo-fascist just begging to become wealthy and suppress the masses

They actually pulled this stunt in Russia, classifying the peasants who didn’t like the idea of communism as kulaks[…]Great minds think alike. Or, maybe they just went to the same synagogue in Krakow

Paleoconservative conventional wisdom holds that Adorno, and the rest of the Frankfurt School decided the masses in the West were just too damn happy[…]and needed to be culturally broken down until they revolted and established Marxism[…]I’ve got a simpler thesis. Marxism already won. They had to change the rules to protect their power[…]
Jews knew they needed some camouflage, so they enlisted women, ethnic minorities, degenerates, and even White men with a taste for bureaucratic or managerial power[…]
As a result of this senior/junior partnership, we have a system where non-Whites, particularly Jews, are free to maintain power and wealth, as they are oppressed, and various Whites, having little power or wealth, are oppressors. We’ve squared the circle (kikel, perhaps)[…]
Cultural Marxism was just the Jews’ way of slamming the door to the command center closed behind them and avoiding getting hauled out and sent to the gulag themselves. If we know anything about history, it’s that Jews really don’t like manual labor

Earsel Bill #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia youtube.com

Shew I get how this kind of humor isn’t productive, but at the same time the world really is too damn woke…I can tell just from playing games, and that’s a problem. Between the ugly ass women in Mortal Kombat, the changed dialogue in MARIO games, yes Mario games, and the….lets just say situation in SpiderMan 2…..ugh I’m so tired of the constant political mind set of both fuckin parties, liberals AND conservatives….like, omg I’d give just about anything if Obama and Trump BOTH were never a thing….mostly Trump, but seriously I’m tired of politics being so out of control that you can’t play a damn game without being reminded of it

Andreas Steinmeister #sexist #fundie #homophobia csv-verlag.de

Doesn’t Matter?
The Gender Hierarchy - a cultural construct or Creator’s intent?

Does it not matter that there are men and women?
Does it not matter that two men enter a marriage?
Does it not matter if a woman stands at the pulpit?

Andreas Steinmeister puts society and congregation to the Biblical standard. What he finds and uncovers is simultaneously disturbing and alarming.
Reformation means bringing back things to their original form. That, precisely, is the author’s goal. He does not leave it merely sounding alarm, but points out a way that honours the Creator first and preserves the people in society and in the congregation from self-destruction and loss.

Original GermanSpielt keine Rolle?
Die Geschlechterordnung - eine kulturelle Konstruktion odder Absicht des Schöpfers?

Spielt es keine Rolle, dass es Männer und Frauen gibt?
Spielt es keine Rolle, dass zwei Männer eine Ehe schließen?
Spielt es keine Rolle, wenn eine Frau auf der Kanzel steht?

Andreas Steinmeister legt den Maßstab der Bibel an die Gesellschaft und an die Gemeinde. Was er herausfindet und aufdeckt, ist beunruhigend und alarmierend zugleich.
Reformation heißt, Dinge in ihre ursprüngliche Form zu bringen. Genau das ist das Ziel des Autors. Er belässt es nicht beim Alarmschlagen, sondern zeigt einen Weg auf, der zuerst dem Schöpfer die Ehre gibt und der den Menschen in der Gesellschaft und in der Gemeinde vor Selbstzerstörung und Verlust bewahrt.