Lost World Museum #fundie lostworldmuseum.com
If evolution was really true, we would have dug up fossils of all sorts of ancient animals who would have started out with only 1 eye, and then they would have later mutated themselves a 2nd eye! We would find fossils of 1-eyed T-rexes, 1-eyed giant beavers, 1-eyed giant kangaroos, etc. — but we don’t! Bilateral organs like eyes prove that evolution is a LIE — because if mutation and evolution were really true, then it only makes sense that any given life form would just mutate only 1 of any given organ like an eye at first, and then later it would mutate the 2nd one! The Cy Kitty is just a reminder that mutating any organ in any way is going to be harmful to the life of the animal, yet evolutionists rely upon literally millions of mutations to have formed all life — and it’s impossible!