
Mando Salama #fundie mando2u2003.blogspot.com

Modern so-called scientists believe in Evolution not that Allah created the universe , so they cann't accept the Geocentric fact!.. Why? .. because if the stars and all the planets orbit Earth and Earth is the center of the universe so the whole universe was created for the intelligent creature that lives on Earth .. Man. They refuse to accept that , they say Earth is a minor planet in the corner of the universe .. a not-that-important planet. and that belief leads to the idea of life on other planets of course! .. They say that as life developed on the planet earth then it may - and very possibly - have developed on one of the other billions. So the idea of geocentric universe gives too much importance to Earth and Man .. and NASA does not want that.

They believe in Evolution : a substitute for Creation and a creator god.
They believe in Planetary Gravity : a substitute for Allah as He holds the Sun and planets not letting them fall on us.
They believe in Heliocentricity : a substitute for an Earth in the Center of the world.
They believe in ExtraTerrestrials (ETs) : a substitute for Man as the center of the universe.

Mando Salama #fundie mando2u2003.blogspot.com

Why NASA and its scientists insist that the universe is not like what the Qura'n says? The HADITH said that the distance betwenn the Earth and the first heaven is 500 years.. not light years but in that age's way of measuring .. walking and riding camels. Now it is said that billions and billions of miles distance us from stars.. then it is said that there is no end to the universe, although it is known in islam that there is heavens and the chair of god and the ultimate ceiling of the worlds: sedrat al-muntaha. those new beliefs made man unaware of his importance. they told us we are just specks of dust.. nothing. That leads to man behaving as if there is no meaning in life.. as if he is nothing that maters. Atheists love this line of thinking.. we shouldn't.