
God #racist newsnet14.com

Alexandra is right.

It is the power of the mass media to shape minds and control behavior. Even if White men are less prone to mating with nig-nog hos, there are certainly some major problems involving fratricidal wars (American Civil War, WW1, WW2, etc.), widespread obse$$ion with niggerball games (which are the ultimate form of nigger worship), drug abuse and alcoholism, White males in ZOG’s “law enFORCEment” gleefully enforcing “integration”—.. thereby guaranteeing that White girls will be in close proximity to, and mate with, niggers. Oh, and the rather large number of White men who mate with ‘female’ gooks, spics, and mongrels.

So what is worse——. the White girl who has been programmed 24/7/365 by the mass media, schools, churches, etc. since day one, to truly believe that niggers are glorious and righteous, and sacred beings of holiness, and that Jesus loves White girls who love the “precious creatures of the Lord”?


The White men who enFORCE racial “integration”, miscegenation, and suicidal “tolerance” among the masses, with glee?

Who was it that murdered Robert Mathews when he tried to start a White revolution?

The old Jewish methods of “Divide and Conquer” are more effective today than ever before. The split between White male and White female is one of the Jew’s most successful strategies for destroying the White race.

The Jew always plays both sides—- promoting feminism, lesbianism, and strong anti-White male, pro-nigger ideas amongst White women. While, at the same time, the Jew promotes hostility, hatred, and aggression towards White women, amongst the White male population, along with faggotry, pornography, etc. etc.

Ron Morris #racist newsnet14.com

The Jews are out to destroy the White race by eliminating the Whites mores and values. Whites can then be reprogramed to breed with blacks and other low life creatures.

The Jews think is is hilarious that they can convince or force whites to commit every deviant form of behavior known to the devil.

This is a Jew thing. The Boy Scouts has long been a thing that promotes White values. The Jews are going to destroy the organization like the Jews destroy everything that whites consider to be good and wholesome.

To be good slaves to the Jews, we have to be deprogramed and then reprogramed. Ethnic diversity, political correctness and other such madness was part of the deprogramming. Taking a penis up the ass and considering it natural behavior is part of the reprogramming.

When this has become socially acceptable, the Jews can then have their sexual deviant ways with our children and us Goy will not object because we will then believe it to be “Natural” and “Normal”.

It is part of the enslavement process.

Hey #racist newsnet14.com

Better just to prepare for when these people finally destroy everything. They have no care for anything but themselves their ritualistic programming by the media, schools, and church only aide them along that path.

Society will fall eventually if part of the original race stays strong. As Hitler explains. The only way for the empire to survive is to create a hybrid race because the original genes are stronger and will overcome the hybrid when it is encountered.

So you can understand this is not only a Jew problem but a problem of those who are in power who also are white but don’t want to lose their power.

They aide and further the destruction of the original white race in America to create a hybrid race. All in the name of keeping power. The Jew just provides them with the means. (Media)

I don’t understand what you people went through 10 years ago but more recent I know it has only got horribly worse. There goal of a hybrid race is pretty much realized.

The first marriage of my high school class was a hybrid ape to a blonde white girl. Small little nigger dumb as shit.

I gave up on women, this is a time for revolution not fucking. But remember in L.A. “they always fuck up”

If you don’t got the status like the great rich Jew or Nigger who can play da niggerball you don’t get the girl. Da nigs can be your slave master and rape your white girls without any harm to come to them.

It’s just a sign of the times. The whole world is feeling it. It is eroding everything in society.

White people have failed as well. They chose the comforts of today over racial safety for tommorow.

I will certainly die alone with a dead or dying white race around me.

Theres no where left to run to. Retreat means dying. Fighting most likely means dying as well, but most will choose the comfort of today at the expense of their racial safety in the future and choose stagnation then dying while leaving behind a hybrid race.

St. Nikolas #racist newsnet14.com

This make me so sick and angry. I see this shit all the time. White girls driving there cars mommy and daddy bought with a black groid in the passengers side. Its utterly sickening. They wont ever learn because all of this is buried by the Jews in the media.
I think the problem is these girls get a free pass in society. They should be shunned and when seen in public with a negro all whites should taunt them and throw rocks and garbage at them. But of course we live in a world where we are all afraid to be called racists, so whites who are pissed off by this kind of thing when they see a young white girl with a black groid in the shopping mall may turn a little red in the face with anger and bite there tounge but they just keep on walking by. Life should be made a living hell for any white and groid couple. We have to stop the disease of white girls mixing with groids now! It used to be only the fat ugly hags of our race you would see with groids, but the MTV propoganda is working. Now i see more and more, beautiful highschool and college aged girls with nasty black groids. we have to stop this thing!