
Fist In the Face Of Misandry #sexist promalecollective.wordpress.com

{Excerpts from the „Pro-Male manifesto“}

Feminism is a hate movement. It has always been such and there is no such thing as a valid feminism. Do not make excuses for that hate movement. All three waves of feminism are based on misandry and disinformation. There has to be zero compromise with that movement. No one expects Jews to compromise with the Nazis and no one expects black people to play nice with the KKK.

You can’t be pro-male and married. It is that simple. MGTOW tackles the controversies surrounding marriage from the narrow point-of-view of the man’s self-interest, but when a man marries, he is maintaining an anti-male institution. This action sells other men out and in turn harms the entire male collective, just for a bit of female validation. Furthermore, singles end up paying for the tax breaks that benefit married couples and fund the social services used by housewives.