
Rob Skiba II #conspiracy seedtheseries.com

In modern times, it is not uncommon for artists, musicians, writers and filmmakers to say that they were inspired by unseen forces. In fact, many openly admit to “channeling” entities in order to write songs, scripts, books and create other forms of art. If this is indeed true, we might do well to look at and listen to what “they” are saying through the artists, authors, poets, musicians and filmmakers of our day. Could it be that through the arts they are expressing their hopes and dreams — and plans — for the future? If so, that is certainly a sobering idea.

Rob Skiba II #conspiracy seedtheseries.com

Back to the new presidential messiah's cryptic "joke" about completing his second 100 days in 72 days and then resting on his 73rd day.

I think we need to look deeper into that. What was really being said there? And if he was just "joking" - of all the numbers he could have chosen - why did he pick 72? Why not complete them in 68 days? Or 81? There has to be significance to his very specific choice of the number 72... and there certainly is!

During his first 100 days, he sure didn't waste much time "remaking America." In less than a month in office, he signed The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the $787 billion economic stimulus package enacted by the 111th Congress).

What's also very interesting about this, is that he signed the $787 billion bailout-bill in Denver, Colorado rather than in the oval office of the White House. Why did he push so urgently for this bill, only to delay its signing just so that he could do it in Denver, on February 17th (which is a date important to the New World Order)? One source suggests:

February 17, 2009, falls upon one of the most important Illuminati astrological ‘signs of great changes’ with the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, and which in its most simplistic sense means,

“With the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, you have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm to take on tasks that would frighten all but the most courageous.”

On his 72nd day in office, President Obama met with the leaders of China, Russia, and Britain while in London for the G20 summit. It was one of his busiest days thus far, one that included everything from reopening talks on nuclear disarmament with Russia to giving the Queen of England an iPod.
By April 2nd (day 73 of his first 100 days), President Obama was "resting" at the G20 Summit, apparently endorsing the commitment of another $1.1 TRILLION in additional loans and guarantees to finance trade and bail out troubled countries. Meanwhile, in public opinion polls, people were asking "Should Obama Control the Internet?" the Brits were freaking out because Michelle Obama embraced the Queen of England and the president's bowing to the Saudi King had raised a lot of eyebrows.
The 100th day of Obama's presidency was April 29th, 2009. Seventy-two days added to that brings us to July 10th, 2009. Obama said that he intended to rest (from his creative labors) on that Saturday. Of course, Saturday is the seventh day of the week - the day Scripture calls the Sabbath. So, the Biblical inference of Obama comparing himself to God is (I think) much more than a coincidence. As stated above, this is not a foreign concept concerning our presidents. But Obama does not even appear to be concerned with concealing this idea any more.

Rob Skiba II #conspiracy seedtheseries.com

According to Jackson's, Dictionary of Scripture and Proper Names (pg. 8), the name Amraphel means: "a sayer of darkness." This dark sayer is going to be joined in battle by a king named Arioch, whose name means "lion-like" (pg. 10). Considering the 1 Chronicles 11:22 Scripture we just looked at above, I have to wonder if Arioch is a predecessor to and an ancient king of the "lionlike men" of Moab! Could be. At any rate, Amraphel and Arioch are joined by another named Chedorlaomer, whose name means, "binding for a sheaf" (pg. 22) and Tidal whose name means, "you shall be cast out from above" (pg. 93). Clearly, this is a motley crew of very dark (Nephilim?) characters. And as we will see in Mose's account of The Genesis 14 War, Nimrod and his evil gang were victorious over the offspring of other giants!

Rob Skiba II #conspiracy seedtheseries.com

: According to the Book of Jasher, Esau cut off the head of Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Osiris/Orion![2]

And they worshipped the dragon
which gave power unto the beast:
and they worshipped the beast, saying,
Who is like unto the beast?
Who is able to make war with him?
[emphasis mine]

Why would the whole world call a man "the Beast" and follow him? I believe this will happen because:

so many cultures already have some sort of connection to him (through myth, legend and/or religion)
something seriously freaky happened - like a mortal "head wound" being healed and
the man was a giant - a beast!
when this 4,000 year old "beast" rises up from under the Giza plateau (out of the water), it will truly be an astonishing, miraculous sight! A modern day, giant Frankenstein, god-man rising from the dead!
Cue the freaky music and the thunder sound effects as the people shout, "It's aliiiiiiiiive!"