
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

John Doyle and Sara Gonzales #racist #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

From a Feb. 14, 2025 episode of Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Sara Gonzales: With all of this — the deportations — you have actual members of Congress who are openly trying to shield these illegal aliens from being deported. So these people are violating federal law, and you have members of Congress — Ilhan Omar, AOC — who are doing that. And I think that it’s a reasonable question to pose: Is this — like, at what level does this become treasonous behavior?[…]
John Doyle: No. And you asked the question, what defines treason? And the beauty is that when your guys are in charge, you get to define treason[…]
They would be so much meaner to us, by the way, like, defining treason, sedition. I mean, the J6 investigation, obviously, the largest in the the history of the DOJ

But if you are actually advocating for illegal aliens to be able to remain in the country on the teat of the American taxpayer, like, yeah, you’re, like, committing treason[…]I don’t understand why Americans allow for foreigners to be elected to positions of political power. Ilhan Omar —
SG: Yeah
JD: –was born in Somalia. She married her brother[…]
The way that she decides to use that power is the way that all of these different immigrant groups have used power throughout the past seventy years, which is they use their political power to establish, like, these ethnic beachheads to facilitate more of people from their country coming over. They accumulate wealth, political power[…]
JD: AOC is Puerto Rican. Ilhan Omar is Somalian [sic]. Go away. Like, you are not part of the club[…]They should all be — they should all — and now that Gitmo is open again, maybe we do have a place to send ’em to, right?[…]
SG: He — I am so proud of him [Brandon Gill]. I am so happy that he is there shaking things up. He actually started a petition to deport Ilhan Omar

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com

Amid a rampant radical madness
insidiously hatched in college campus
incubators of critical-theory-activated
state-of-the-art neo-Marxist hooey;
amid a suddenly-de-rigueur madness
that'd been nurtured in re-purposed unis

strange trains of mind
(having gone off the rails by design)
had left their deftly sabotaged tracks.

In the freshly-sprung rancour factories
that had hijacked higher learning
a hot-off-the-press truly-lunatic version
of a not-so-new crazed way of thinking
had met with success in its scheme
to undermine the spineless system
to the extent
that under cover of maternal virtue
what academia perversely gave birth to
was a vast standing army
of self-righteously intolerant monsters.
As the millions-strong mob
of PC totalitarians spoke
as one
unhinged tunnel-visioned organism
within the echo chamber of woke

few inside noticed the depth and range
to which language had been changed
as a sneaky means to retrain brains
as certain words
were furtively redefined
to discreetly mislead simple minds
As casually sadistic
as they were odiously sanctimonious
the crybully goon squads and mobs
(lost in the throes of collective psychosis)

spared no effort in their quest to quench
their perpetually offended members'
horrifically shrivelled souls
with the blood they spilt
conducting their ever-vigilant
guilty-till-proven-innocent purity patrols.

Their hitherto-hollow mollycoddled lives
having failed to give rise
to anything of notable worth

the flying-off-the-handle
Red-Guard-like vandals
— as if bent on avenging
a learned burning bitterness —
had agreed to scorch the earth

on their manic wasteland-advancing
fealty-demanding mission
to cancel culture rewrite history
and Year Zero the weakened system.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “February 23, 2025: Deploy The Prons 3”]


Panel 1: Slick is in front of a Roman arch of triumph on which is engraved the logo of X
Panel 2: Depicts a statue of Elon Musk doing a Roman salute and clad in a Roman armor on which is engraved X
Panel 3: Slick is walking right behing a croowd of NPC wearing MAGA red hats
Panel 4: a naked woman is under three X
Panel 5: Slick sees Cletus making a speech
Panel 6: Cletus makes a speech attacking the Jews, immigrants and LGBT
Panel 7: right near him, a black truck is appearing
Panel 8: two Shibas dressed as SWAT officers are leaving the truck
Panel 9: one of the Shibas grabs Cletus
Panel 10: the two Shibas are dragging Cletus into the truck
Panel 11: the truck closes its doors on which is written “Z.O.G.E.”
Panel 12: the truck is departing in front of Slick, the MAGA NPC and the Elon Musk statue

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There will be a very powerful planetary etheric leyline grid activation which will be triggered by the Solar eclipse on March 29 th :

During that eclipse, a strong flash of Light will activate planetary Dragon leylines with a quantum leap to the new level, so that the planetary energy grid will be ready for the cascade of events that will follow in quick succession in April and May.

In the next few blog updates I will be able to say more about this very powerful activation process taking place in April and May.

Until then, preparation steps need to be taken and lots of darkness removed so that the Light can finally begin to enter.

First, a clearing process of the deepest part of Lurker subquantum anomaly on the surface of the planet will be taking place between the Lunar eclipse on March 14 th and the Solar eclipse on March 29 th :

On top of that, Saturn rings will be edge-on as seen from Earth on March 23rd :

That configuration usually opens a dark portal between intergalactic subquantum anomaly, Saturn and Earth, and when it happened in February 1996 it was one among the darkest moments in human history:

This time, it will be an opportunity for the Light forces to clear a large portion of subquantum anomaly once and for all.
After March 29th , many key planetary vortexes will experience powerful activations.

The first one is the Jerusalem vortex, which is anchored at the Temple Mount:

During late Atlantean times, this was the main Orion programming and implanting center for the native Natufian population:

King Solomon decided to purify the energy of the area and built his temple there:

One part of his temple was dedicated to the goddess Asherah:

Energy of Asherah needs to be invoked to bring healing and balance to the Jerusalem vortex and the whole region:

Also, to heal the occult reasons for the conflict in Gaza and bring peace to the area, the archetype of the war goddess Anat needs to be purified and healed:

Soul:Ask #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy soulask.com

There are wild anxieties swirling around March 13-14, 2025. Why the panic? This isn’t just another day on the calendar—it’s a cosmic collision of the Jewish holiday Purim and a rare blood moon, igniting the imaginations of conspiracy theorists and numerologists worldwide. But the intrigue doesn’t stop there. The buzz extends to March 15, and the internet is buzzing with speculation.
Let’s break it down: March 15, 2020, marked the dawn of global lockdowns. Fast forward to 2025, and March 13-14 will be exactly 12 years since Pope Francis took office. History buffs will also note that March 15, 44 BC, saw Julius Caesar’s infamous assassination, unleashing chaos in Rome.

March 14 isn’t just a date for lunar watchers—it’s also Pi Day, a quirky holiday beloved by math geeks everywhere. Dreamed up in 1987 by San Francisco physicist Larry Shaw, Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (3.1415926…) at precisely 1:59:26 PM—or 13:59 for 24-hour clock fans who party into the night. Why? Because the date (3/14) and time align perfectly with pi’s first digits. It’s a nerdy delight that’s grown into a global phenomenon.

But here’s where it gets dark. Enter the Belphegor number—pi’s twisted counterpart. Written as 1000000000000066600000000000001, this eerie figure boasts 13 zeros on each side of a devilish 666 core. Named after Belphegor, the “Lord of the Abyss” and one of hell’s archdemons, it’s a stark contrast to pi’s wholesome charm. While math nerds raise their calculators to π on March 14, could shadowy groups like the Illuminati be toasting to Belphegor instead?

Then there’s March 15—day 153 of 2025—a number that’s pure catnip for numerologists. Add up 1 + 2 + 3 all the way to 17, and you’ll land on 153, forming a perfect triangular number that Freemasons adore. Even the Bible chimes in: the Gospel of John (21:11) describes Simon Peter hauling in a net of 153 fish, a detail that’s puzzled scholars for centuries. Coincidence?

An Armchair Geopolitical Analyst #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

Because everyone—as in EVERYONE— is up in arms about the spasmodic Ukraine peace process, it really begs the question: Who and what is behind this epic Khazarian clusterfuck?!
Well, you now know the “Who?” (read: Khazarian Cabal), but how about the “Why?”.

Trust us, it’s complicated. VERY Complicated indeed! So here’s a brief EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for folks to wrap their brains around while we flesh out the skeleton of this epochal Khazarian clusterfuck over the coming week.

First it’s important to properly understand that the Khazarian Cabal set up the original predatory capitalism and kleptocratic communist paradigms during the formative stages of the Northern Italian Black Nobility throughout the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
• For example, the Khazarian oligarchs in Russia have their goals in Ukraine just as the Khazarian oligarchs from the United States and Ukraine do. Then there are the Khazarian oligarchs in Europe who align with Ukraine’s oligarchs, but not with the USA or Russia. Which is exactly why we are now seeing the American Neocon Zionists that dominate the Trump administration make common cause with the conservative Putin administration, which is closely allied with the orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Judaism and their politically appointed Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.

• There are different wars and battles currently raging in this global resource war for land and water, power plants and ports, gold and silver, uranium and diamonds, oil and gas, rare earth minerals and metals, etc. For whoever controls the territory, controls the land, water as well as all natural resources and vital infrastructure. Ukraine happens to have a wealth of all of these things and, therefore, is being subjected to extraordinary pressures by the competing groups of Khazarian oligarchs who each want maximum control and/or ownership of that hapless geographic area.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Pay special attention to those warning that “ALIENS ARE DEMONS”.

If angels are real and want to be seen, then those promoting fear of life outside of Earth are the demons.

If your God created a universe of evil except humans, you’re wrong about both God and humans.

How is it any spiritual sources interpret that ascension is for this Earth and everyone will experience it when our greatest teachers say the opposite?

Try to follow the logic of the soul trap narrative:

We’re not awake until we realize we’re prisoners, but there’s actually no escape from the prison.

Those who have imprisoned us feed on our fear, but it’s important to know we’re victims who can’t escape.
“Jesus didn’t teach ascension”

Of course he did. It’s one of his primary teachings. Jesus is as New Age as it gets. He literally promised a New Heaven and a New Earth.
“There is no way to the father but through me”

First of all, what does this have to do with being murdered for God? Nothing. So why do modern Christians disregard his teachings in favor of a pagan blood s*******e?

Jesus spoke Aramaic. No one tries to research what he really said because it reverses much of what the Church taught.

He said ABWOON (Source) not ABBA (Father). His entire message was about God being within us. There is no way to Source but to go within. His message is the only way, not worship of angry gods ordering murder and slavery (anunnaki). Not once did Jesus refer to Yahweh-Jehovah as God.

Jesus didn’t say he would return to rule this world as a king, he said he’d take us where he is. A place where “many mansions” are prepared (5D Earth).

Jesus didn’t practice blood rituals to God so he couldn’t have been a final s*******e to his own God. He didn’t claim he was going to die for our sins. In the story, he didn’t volunteer, he was betrayed.

He taught that God was within and we will do even greater miracles. Modern Christians mindlessly repeats slogans like “Jesus is King”, and are believe more in the power of demons than angels.

Tommy Truthful #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy truthmafia.com

The Angelic Human DNA template is far more than just a genetic code—it holds the blueprint for human evolution and higher consciousness. It contains 12 double-helix DNA strands, often referred to as the Diamond Sun DNA template, designed to connect us to higher dimensions of existence.

Each DNA strand carries 12 fire letters, which act as scalar wave programs—energetic codes that shape our biology, consciousness, and manifestation of reality.

Scalar waves are multidimensional energy patterns that exist beyond physical matter. They do not move through space like normal waves but instead remain in fixed points, forming the very fabric of morphogenetic fields—the invisible blueprints that guide the development of all life forms, including planets and human beings.

DNA, as we observe it physically, is simply the chemical expression of these scalar wave patterns. Beneath the surface, fire letters control how consciousness and energy interact within the DNA template, allowing the body to transform into pure light during ascension.

Ancient teachings—from Enochian and Hebrew traditions—referenced these fire letters, understanding them as the key to higher evolution and divine connection.
Due to genetic manipulation over thousands of years, many of the base and acceleration codes in human DNA have been electrically reversed. This has led to:

❌ Disruptions in the natural balance between mother and father genetic codes
❌ Scrambled energy patterns in the DNA template
❌ The breakdown of the original Angelic Human DNA structure
❌ Increased physical and spiritual disconnection from Source

In the Homo-Sapien-2 genetic code, fire letters have been misaligned, leading to chromosomal distortions and an imbalance in male-female energy dynamics. This distortion manifests in human relationships, creating division and disharmony on a planetary scale.

Through the process of DNA bio-regeneration, we have the ability to restore our original divine DNA template.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

America woke up to a gut-wrenching headline this week: Gene Hackman is dead. The Hollywood icon, a man whose mere presence on screen could shake your soul, was found lifeless in his Santa Fe home, alongside his wife and one of their three dogs. Just another case of an elderly celebrity passing away? Not a chance.

The mainstream media wasted no time pumping out their pre-written obituaries—talking about his Oscars, his retirement from acting, his quiet life in New Mexico. But here’s what they won’t tell you: Gene Hackman wasn’t just a retired millionaire hiding out in the desert. He was a man on a mission. And now, he’s dead. Coincidence? Absolutely not.

For those paying attention, Hackman’s name has been whispered in the shadows of Hollywood’s elite circles for years. But what most people don’t know is this: he was Jeffrey Epstein’s neighbor.

Yes, you read that right. Hackman, the tough-as-nails legend of The French Connection and Unforgiven, lived near the world’s most notorious trafficker of underage victims. And that’s not all. Hackman also owned an island right next door to Oprah Winfrey’s private getaway in British Columbia.

Gene knew things. He had connections. And he was tired of playing the Hollywood game, where silence is the currency of survival.
Sources close to Hackman say he was working on a book. A tell-all. A bombshell exposé that would have shattered the very foundations of the Deep State, Hollywood, and the globalist elite. And guess what? That book will now never see the light of day.

Gene Hackman’s death is a wake-up call. Another warrior gone. Another voice silenced. But if we sit back and accept their lies, we are complicit in our own enslavement.

It’s time to stand up, speak out, and demand justice.

President Trump is back in the Oval Office. The tides are turning. But it’s up to WE THE PEOPLE to make sure that the truth comes out—before they erase it forever.

Justice for Gene. Justice for the truth. Justice for America.

Donald Trump & J.D. Vance #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger globalnews.ca

Vance: Have you said thank you once, this entire meeting?

Zelenskyy: A lot of times. Even today.

Vance: No, in this entire meeting.

Zelenskyy: Even today.

Vance: You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who’s trying to save your country.

Zelenskyy: Please. You think that if you will speak very loudly about the war—

Trump: He’s not speaking loudly. He’s not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: Can I answer?

Trump: No, no. You’ve done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: I know.

Trump: You’re not winning. You’re not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out, OK? Because of us.

Zelenskyy: Mr. President. We have stayed in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war when being alone. And we are thankful, I said thank you.

Trump: You haven’t been alone. You haven’t been alone. We gave you, through this stupid president, $350 billion. We gave you military equipment. And your men are brave. But they had to use our military. If you didn’t have our military equipment, if you didn’t have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.

Zelenskyy: In three days, I’ve heard it from Putin. In three days. This is something—

Trump: Maybe less. It’s going to be a very hard thing to do business like this again.

Vance: Just say thank you.

Zelenskyy: I said a lot of times, thank you to the American people.

Vance: Accept that there are disagreements and let’s go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media when you’re wrong. We know that you’re wrong.

Rob Wasinger #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

President Trump’s recent announcement that he was seizing control of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by installing himself as head of the Center’s board of directors and long-time confidant Ric Grenell as interim executive director was met with predictable howls of outrage from the cultural left.
Trump had evidently had enough of the embarrassing woke circus.“I have decided to immediately terminate multiple individuals from the Board of Trustees, including the Chairman, who do not share our Vision for a Golden Age in Arts and Culture,” he tweeted out on Truth Social. “NO MORE DRAG SHOWS, OR OTHER ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA, ONLY THE BEST …Ric shares my Vision for a GOLDEN AGE of American Arts and Culture, and will be overseeing the daily operations of the Center.”
In another sense, however, politics can, and does, shape culture. The popular culture of the Camelot era of the JFK presidency was heavily influenced by Jack and Jackie Kennedy’s White House and its somewhat self-conscious emphasis on sophistication, high culture, and the arts. Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” politics of patriotic optimism and American renewal characterized much of 1980s popular culture in America, from movies such as Indiana Jones, Rambo, Rocky, Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Ferris Bueller to musicals like Big River and television shows such as The Dukes of Hazard and The Cosby Show.

Despite the sneers and jeers of our cultural elite, the prospects that President Trump’s takeover of our premier cultural platform will lead to an American cultural renaissance are actually relatively high. If not a full-fledged return to the “golden age” of American dominance of the popular arts, it at least augurs the end of an aggressive wokeism, whose very measure of success is the degree to which it offends popular taste and the commonly held values of Western civilization.

Danlboon/Lyman #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

<Danlboon> Those that want to keep their lifestyle better not try the Med Bed as it may just remove what they changed to in the recent years and not what they were when they were born.

Some people may think those in the L***Q community have mental issues and the Med Bed may just ignore what their thoughts are and cure them for those even though they came in for some other treatment.

Do the Med Beds have options to be imputed into the software to correct a certain illness, ailment or other disability rather than diagnosing what the patient should be cured for with just a scan?

Would the Med Bed scan the people first before taking any actions as like presently a doctor diagnoses a patient before operating on them to make sure the correct procedures are done?

Would inmates be required to use the Med Bed if they committed harsh violations and may have a tendency to do them all over again while incarcerated as it would remove their thoughts, and also they could live to be over 100 years of age to live a life sentence and that would then be too extreme?
Would the Med Beds be built to fit any size of person, like those that are just too large?















Grandma Eileen #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy pittparents.com

The transgender ideology IS indeed an evil cult. I looked up the definition for cult: "A cult is a group requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society, which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader (Satan????) who tightly controls its members. It is in some contexts a pejorative (expressing contempt or disapproval) term, also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or their common interest in a particular person, object, or goal. This sense of the term is weakly defined – having divergent (to be different or develop in different directions) definitions both in popular culture and academia – and has also been an ongoing source of contention (heated disagreement) among scholars across several fields of study. " I was a bit surprised how closely this "cult" definition sums up the transgender ideology!

In many ways we are all living our own Hell on Earth. Just listen to any news station and the evil in this world is everywhere. Our own government is at war amongst itself, there is no peace on our land. Senseless killings, attempted assassinations, sex trafficking, kidnappings, rapes, and high crime is an everyday issue. This is all due to evil mindedness as the devil himself has poisoned the minds and souls of so many people. Look at the homeless population problems in every city, with so many people mentally ill, or drug addicts and alcoholics. Satan once again has his evil hand in all of this to keep people in bondage. Now we have transgender ideology flooding our world and influencing our youth and stealing the innocent lives of our once healthy and happy children. Satan has once again come up with a new scheme to destroy mankind.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From “The Trump Revolution”]

Hat tip Yarvin’s butterfly revolution
1.Get the oligarchs on side, and threaten any Republican traitors with big money primary opponents ? Done
2.Defund the left. Under way. Notice how, once Musk seized the inner sanctum at USAID, the Democrats found themselves unable to put a river of meat on the streets[…]
3.Purge the bureaucracy. Begun, at least in the notoriously criminal, vicious, depraved, and dangerous Department of Justice. But there has been a retreat on the first attempt to purge the CIA, who are still working on government payroll to spy on and overthrow the Trump team[…]
4.Men with guns. Trump has the US marshals and now has the secret service. Pete Hegseth is wooing the NCOs and the grunts. Trump needs to have the FBI, and as yet they are still controlled by his enemies
5.Pardon the victims of lawfare?Done
6. Ignore the courts, which is begun, but the Trump team is still going through the motions of judicial reverence. The Judiciary still have a lot of soft power. When Henry the eighth dissolved the monasteries, he first had to dig up the dirt on them. It is not only senior civil servants who have been getting strangely wealthy, strangely fast. What needs to be done is get the dirt on the judiciary, destroy their soft power, and then either purge them, or better, replace the corrupt and woefully slow and expensive judicial system with something else, as Davao Mayor Duterte did[…]
7.Tanks in Harvard. Universities are inherently a religious institution, always have been, always will be. Professors are priests, always have been, always will be. The question is, which religion? Tanks are not enough. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. We need men in charge of Harvard who meet Saint Paul’s requirements for the priesthood: Christian, free from scandal, married, married to only one wife, and successfully raising well behaved children. Personnel is policy

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

The following video is a GOOD discussion about DISCLOSURE and questions just how transparent Trump and team are so far and how they are going to reveal the truth going forward. Again, we seem to be playing the waiting game while whistleblowers continue to be falsely discredited and the true narrative is distracted by BS .... A lot of grandstanding but no real answers. Transparency? No. NOTHING TRUTHFUL about the Drones, or the UAP incursions into our airspace going on for decades... The SSP (Secret Space Program) no one mentions that RUNS OUR WORLD... and continues to plan psi-ops against the people to shut them up and keep them in a fear mode.

Congresswoman Luna… will head a “task force” but seriously the KENNEDY ASSASSINATION? Now (62 YEARS LATER) we have a task force when really after all these years all they need to do is just name the killers, the CONSPIRACY PLOT BEHIND THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, LIKE 911, LIKE THESE WEATHER WARS... it’s an INSIDE JOB...Don't you get it?

WE DON'T EVEN NEED TO SEE BIGGER SHIPS HANGING AROUND IN OUR SKIES. Battles in our skies are hidden by CHEMTRAILS...HELLO? Don't you get it THEY ARE STILL LYING. THE CHEMTRAILS, which, if anything, are WORSE than ever. WHY ARE THEY worse? Because there are more ships than ever visiting our dimension our Planet and our skies and our SSP/ SSG is continuing to ATTACK OUR COUNTRY FROM WITHIN..To keep you weak and uninformed. To steal your land and destroy your livelihood. To CONTROL YOU and put you back into a hand to mouth living on the edge existence..Because that allows them and their REPTILIAN OVERLORDS to continue to RAPE, EAT AND MAKE SLAVES OF YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. HELLO????? Or do you need a "task force on that?"

Rav Mortichai #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Bags of Gold Shekels, The Sneaky Jews

[jews harp soft entry with feeling]

Bags of gold shekels,
Never reaching the bank,
Goyim I’ve swindled,
Never meaning to prank

Coins that roll near me,
With these eyes I see,
And my olfactory sense,
You know I can’t miss

‘Cause I’ll jew you
Yes, I’ll jew
Oh, how I’ll jew you
[6 million shofars blasting in background]

Gazing at goyim,
With my hypnotic stare,
They’re under my spell now,
And don’t even care

Some try to escape me,
Their people defend,
They all learn to bend knee,
And will in the end

[Musical interlude played by cries of enslaved goyim]

‘Cause I’ll jew you
Yes, I’ll jew
Oh, how I’ll jew you
[6 million shofars blasting in background]

‘Cause I’ll jew you
Yes, I’ll jew
Oh, how I’ll jew you
[6 million shofars blasting in background]

Repeat first verse then chorus twice.

Clif High #crackpot #racist #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy substack.com

In the ancient past, as in the last Yuga cycle before humanity descended into the Kali Yuga, which we exited in 1700 CE, humans had a far better knowledge base about everything. At some point just before the Kali Yuga, the space aliens, the ELohim, who the Pharisees worship, invaded. The ELohim set about breaking our ties to our history such that we would be more easily controlled as their ‘herd’, their source for meats, fats, and adrenochrome.

Before the ELohim invaded, and conquered much of humanity, we had a far greater understanding of ourselves, our nature, this Matterium, this Universe, and the place of humanity within it.
Obviously, as it is THE dominant emotional complex within our personalities, Love, in all its forms was extensively studied, and known. As humans do, we reduced, and labeled the parts of the complex for greater understanding.

Modern fucktard mind control that is labeled as ‘education’, or ‘schooling’, is neither, and has deliberately done everything possible to obscure, and blind humans from exploring their real nature. Reality scares evil. Reality is to be fought, as has been recently seen with the rise, and now, fall, of Wokonianism which is a designed mental state derived from the philosophy of the Pharisees (aka judaism, the ELohim worship cult).

It’s time to go way back, in order that humanity can go forward into the emerging SciFi world. The world of the ‘singularity’ which is the emergence of the concepts of the Eternal Now, the event-stream, and the 'ontology’. Humans need to retrieve our ancient understanding of ourselves. If you don’t know yourself, your understanding of our common shared reality will be flawed. You will be an impediment to others as they have to deal with your ignorance. They will likely call you ‘tarded’ in their exasperation.
No mean, suffering, self-loathing man ever built anything worth having. Civilization comes only from the Romantic. Get wise to reality. It’s where you will spend this body’s Life.

Chris R. #ableist #conspiracy ageofautism.com

This is why I won't shut up about the damned vaccines!

These are my twin daughters J and A. They were born normally a month early for twins, in 1985. Except for medical hernia issues that J had since infancy, they were happy and bright! You can see it in their eyes. They were in normal school and had lots of friends and lots of activities! Our dreams for them were optimistic and beautiful.

But then something happened in 1998, when they were 12 years old. They had the Hepatitis B shot for school. 20 minutes later, it was followed by anaphylaxis, blue lips, projectile vommitting, and seizure-like flailing of the arms and eyes rolling back. The doctor yelled at me on the phone when I called her, and insisted that it was not from the injections that she administered 20 minutes prior at the office.

J's life was immediately set back and changed after this. She never ever functioned at her full potential ever again after that shot. She was finally diagnosed with Autism in her teenage years. Complex medical issues followed her throughout her life.

A, on the other hand recovered from this episode, after a week or so, but did go on to have occasional black outs and would fall unconscious. The doctors called it Syncope, and one of her spinal tests confirmed that it could be Guillian Barre Syndrome. A continued to work very hard through all of this. She was even on the Dean's List in college, but continued to have the blackouts. In 2008 A ended up in the hospital needing blood transfusions and her life went downhill fast after that. She was eventually diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers.

Today, both A and J are totally disabled, have extreme difficulty with communication, wear diapers and are incontinent and need 24/7 care. That spark in their eyes faded a long time ago, and so did our dreams for their future.💔

Allison #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

Here in rural Canada recognizing Trans ideology started with a parade and now its an entire month. Many stores put authorized/ official Trans posters up in the store. Some churches remove the Canadian flag replacing it for the Trans flag. ( They even include the colours for MAP - pedophiles aka minor attracted persons!) Next June I plan on contacting the stores displaying this support and insist they refrain or I will make a point of boycotting their store.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Timothy Leary was a key operative of cultural Marxism, proclaiming in 1967 that a new race will evolve to replace the old. After urging Congress to make drugs like LSD illegal, he shows up in the San Francisco area preaching a Madison Avenue style message of “tune in, turn on, drop out”. The idea was to focus rebellious energies on navel gazing.
The scene’s movers and shakers rarely, if ever, suffered any serious legal consequences for their rampant and very open use of — and sometimes trafficking of — illicit drugs. The question posed is why, if these people were really challenging the status quo, did the state not use its law enforcement powers to silence troublemakers?

Other promoters were (((Abbie Hoffman))), who said, “Kill your parents.” (((Bob Dylan))) (aka Robert Zimmerman) preached a “reorganization of culture.” To quote Dylan, “I have to go within.”
The fonte of this modernity struggle for ethics and morality started in earnest with denazification after WWII. This was the opening to implement it on large populations. The OSS hired a large number of native German speaking European Jews (such as Henry Kissenger) to run intelligence operations against the Axis powers. This gave these players a big toehold after the war when the “denazification” program was instituted. These Jews were then given carte blanche to undertake whatever schemes their hearts desired.
(((Herbert Marcuse))) took this repression theory and wrote more gibberish in a book called “Eros and Civilization.” The short version is that Eros (pleasure principle – leisure and pleasure) and hedonism should flourish. Cultural Marxism, also known as Critical Theory, was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, small scale non-monopolistic capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnic identity, convention and conservatism.

Logan B #crackpot #racist #quack #ufo #mammon #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

If President Trump comes forward and says that med beds are completely his doing 100 million people will refuse to use them. They will not trust him. This includes the 6000 patents.

On the other hand if RFK Jr says this was his idea then no problem. Everyone loves him and his make America healthy again campaign. They will trust him that the beds are safe to use and do what they claim.

We want everyone to enjoy the benefits that med beds provide and I hope President Trump feels the same way by staying out of it. President Trump’s job is to rid America of the unmentionables, invite the Galactic Federation to the surface, announce NESARA and release the RV. Anything else that requires that people personally trust him he needs to steer clear of and give someone else credit for.

I am speaking of this from the majority of Canadians and a large contingent of Americans. Do not think less of Canadians who love the American people but live and breathe every word that our lame stream media tells them about President Trump.

I don’t know if President Trump will ever announce NESARA because that may require him to step down and I don’t think he has any intention of doing that.

Remember if President Trump does not do the job we expect him to do then under the Restored Republic constitution you can demand his resignation.

Let’s just get this transition done, erase the history of pretty much everything before it like they did to Tartaria and forget but never forgive what the unmentionables have done to us.

Alex Stein and Jake Lang #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On the Feb. 20, 2025 episode of Prime Time with Alex Stein, BlazeTV host Alex Stein interviewed Jake Lang — a violent Jan. 6 rioter who was filmed attacking police officers[…]
While awaiting trial on charges which included civil disorder and assaulting a law enforcement officer, Lang attempted to organize a militia from his jail[…]
Lang, along with nearly 1,600 other criminal defendants, was ultimately pardoned for his role in the Capitol attack[…]
Lang attempted to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), but claims to have been turned away. On Stein’s show, Lang appeared via video to complain about his treatment, and lambast the event’s organizers, including Matt Schlapp, as RINOs[…]
Alex Stein — who had another Jan. 6 rioter, Adam Johnson, in his studio — introduced Lang as a “political prisoner” and a “friend,” and asked why he was kicked out. Lang replied that “there was no reason other than us being January 6 political prisoners that cannot be bought off by the establishment uniparty”

Lang also claimed to have purchased 22 tickets to CPAC for fellow Jan. 6 participants, some of whom were in the car with him as he spoke, like Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin

“We love cowboy Couy, thank you for — thank you for storming the Capitol,” Stein exclaimed. “I really appreciate it. Thank you for that. We all should’ve stormed it. I’m actually mad that I didn’t storm it”[…]
He also said the only way he and his fellow rioters would return to CPAC would be if Matt Schlapp’s wife, Mercedes, cooked him pancakes at his Airbnb while dressed in a French maid outfit. “And then we’ll all go to CPAC happily ever after,” he said. “And we’ll pretend they’re not RINOs”[…]
“So Jake, I’m gonna be in touch,” Stein said. “Thank you for everything you did. Thank you for storming the Capitol. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to back you up. I would’ve been. And I would’ve shat all over Nancy Pelosi’s desk if I had the opportunity. So, you’re the man. Thank you”

Jordan Henderson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy jordanhenderson.substack.com

Replacement immigration views are tightly interwoven with white guilt and beliefs about: white people, about Western civilization, and about the Christian tradition. So this essay will be a whirlwind tour of how I came to recognize that I had unwittingly accepted a whole ecosystem of what I now regard to be anti-white beliefs, and related ideas.

This essay will also illustrate how changing my mind on those related ideas allowed me to see that yes, the Great Replacement is an observable, ongoing phenomena, happening in real time, and to see that no, it is not a good thing.
I’ve always heard about white flight but never thought much about it. And certainly never read about it. When I did read about it I learned that whites were concerned about their physical safety because crime actually did go up as a consequence of the demographic shift in their neighborhoods.
Two more major turning points for me were first, reading the The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson where he makes the point that if every other racial and ethnic group can and does organize on behalf of their group but it is taboo for whites to do so, then the groups that take their own side will take over and whites obviously will lose.

For whites to even notice that many minority groups are not working for high minded universal ideals (despite proclaiming those ideals) but instead are working for their own group’s interests, along racial, ethnic, and religious, lines is an immediate charge of being a Nazi.

For example, Hollywood is dominated by a certain minority. It’s no coincidence then that Hollywood produces an endless stream of movies and shows about the thing that is best for portraying that minority in a very sympathetic light – the Holocaust. If we accept the Holocaust narrative, and it’s accompanying numbers, at face value there are still plenty of other tragedies just as brutal, and sometimes at a much greater scale (Soviet and Maoist crimes against their people.)

remymang #conspiracy #racist reddit.com

I was reading this post below earlier and it had a lot of great links on some big players involved in excavating large oil and gas fields to obtain for Israel's control. I wanted to see if you had any info on who researched and found those gas reserves in Gaza. I remember reading a story mentioned in the title on this Canadian geologist who found the reserves but went "missing" afterwards working for you know who. Bonus if you have info on Rothschilds working with Chabad Lubavitch (Synogogue of Satan) in controlling Israel furthermore global finances.

<link to an old reddit post removed>

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #quack #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, March 3, 2025 – MAHA in CRISIS as RFK Jr. pens article advocating mass MMR vaccine injections during measles SCARE PSYOP

- Crisis in the MaHA Movement Over RFK Jr.'s Article (0:00)

- Historical Context of Measles and Vaccines (3:22)

- Critique of RFK Jr.'s Article and Vaccine Theories (6:43)

- Potential Reasons Behind RFK Jr.'s Article (15:39)

- Impact on the MaHA Movement and Future Actions (21:37)

- Broader Implications and Calls for Action (31:41)

- Global Political Tensions and Military Actions (42:18)

- Historical Context of NATO's Secret Armies (59:52)

- The Climate Gate Scandal and Its Implications (1:08:30)

- Conclusion and Call for Vigilance (1:16:45)

- Health Ranger's Product Promotion and Introduction of Sheriff Richard Mack (1:17:08)

- Introduction of Sheriff Richard Mack and Discussion on Trump's Actions (1:22:23)

- Debate on Constitutional Rights and Due Process for Illegal Immigrants (1:25:16)

- Trump's Actions on Foreign Terrorist Organizations and Law Enforcement Actions (1:28:44)

- Accountability and Investigations of Federal Authorities (1:31:31)

- Defunding Planned Parenthood and the Fight Against Abortion (1:39:04)

- Fight Against Government Corruption and the Role of Sheriffs (1:49:56)

- The Importance of Non-Violence and Peaceful Resolution (2:11:25)

- The Role of Sheriffs in Supporting Constitutional Rights (2:11:53)

- Final Thoughts and Call to Action (2:13:17)

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy brentcates.substack.com

Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency has been operational for less than a month and already the DC Power Corridors are shaken to their core.

After Elon and about a dozen young engineers laser focused on a Federal Agency called USAID and revealed a long hidden FOURTH BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT.

They empowered that bastion of NGO’s with a direct conduit of unchallenged payments directly from the payment system of the US Treasury.

That has been in place FOR DECADES.

Elon and President Trump are talking about “clawing back” over two TRILLION stolen taxpayer dollars from which they are contemplating giving every American Taxpayer a $5,000 DOGE Dividend.

This debate has caused many of the GOP Wing of the UniParty and a bunch of FAKE-ASS MAGA Influencers to pop up and shout that that is a very BAD IDEA!!
Trump had been DARING these Ghouls to kill him for years. And in Butler, PA on July 13th, 2024 Our Enemy went ALL IN. A carefully planned, set up and initiated INSIDE JOB complete with a patsy who would conveniently die on site.

Orders had gone out.

Personnel carefully placed.

CAMERAS at the ready to capture every gory moment of Trumps and MAGA’s “inevitable” downfall for the Elites later enjoyment at one of their “parties.”

Letting us know all hope to change America’s disastrous course was OVER, as orchestrated, astroturfed acts of violence sprang up overnight to “avenge” our fallen hero, the government would be FORCED to lock down and punish MAGA and America First as all of their assets, from ANTIFA to Patriot Front would be wreaking havoc IN TRUMP’S NAME dressed in MAGA gear…just like January 6th.

This is why Trump sailed into that overwhelming mandate in November.


Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #wingnut #racist #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed for space>
The Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors:

Musk is asking himself, where are the aliens?
As Elon Musk is not very familiar with the role of gold in the occult economy, I need to stress that density of gold (19.28 g/cm3) is very similar to density of much cheaper tungsten (19.25 g/cm3) and many gold bars are actually tungsten bars coated with a thin layer of gold:
The easiest way to distinguish between real gold bars and fake tungsten gold plated bars is by an ultrasound tester:

As it is very likely that much of “gold” in Fort Knox is actually tungsten, every single gold bar there would need to be tested with an ultrasound tester when the audit is made.
The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.

These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker, now the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.

Main locations of these reservoirs were under Rome, Paris, London, Kiev, Odessa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona, Urumqi and Beijing.

Although those reservoirs were cleared, the above mentioned locations are still one of the main focal points of the dark forces.

In Europe, Black nobility and their minions want to continue the war in Ukraine:

Judith Kusel #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Today three mermaids appeared to me at the beach and showed me how huge movements are occurring in the ocean floor and oceans.

They showed me the under water volcanoes on verge of eruption, the ocean floor ripping open at places, especially between South Africa and Antarctica as old landmass reappears from the original supercontinent which once held parts of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom, extending to South America and New Zealand, especially South Island.

Then the Pacific, where huge movements are occurring and the Mediterranean sea, where the two undersea volcanoes are about to erupt.

Add to this the Pacific offshore of Chili and Easter Island, Mexico and California regions.

Old buildings, structures, pyramids etc. which sunk under sea, will reappear.

With new fresh water resources will suddenly appearing with intensified flooding all over the world, even with earthquakes and volcanoes erupting.

“This is the purification of water, air and fires,” they said, the clearing of the pollution, and clearing of trauma which is clogging up the arteries and energy grids of the earth, the meridians and acupuncture points.”

The Mer people are assisting, with the dolphins and whales and holding steady, with the elephants on land and other species, the elementals and those who have arrived from all over the universe and others to eat the pollution and clearing with the fire, water, air and earth dragons.

Things are going to happen on all levels now and they are asking all Lightworkers and Starseeds, ground crews, to hold the light steady and increase it and to send love to all sentient beings on earth, within and without.

This is indeed a huge transfigurstion process from the third density, into the fifth and seventh.

They send their love and greetings.

Fresh_werks #ufo #conspiracy reddit.com

The YR4 asteroid will possibly hit earth 12/22/2032, the Mayan calendar ended 12/21/2012. Maybe the Mayans were off a couple decades almost to the day, it’s estimated the calendar came to be in 3114 BCE. 20yrs over a 5100+ yr timespan is 0.4% which would be incredibly accurate given where technology was at the time.

Henrik Palmgren #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

Kevin MacDonald received his Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Sciences and is Professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach. MacDonald is the author of seven books on evolutionary psychology and child development and is the author or editor of over thirty academic articles. His research focuses on evolutionary psychology and on ethnicity and ethnic group conflict. He is the founder of The Occidental Observer, an online publication presenting original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the west.

In the first hour, we’ll begin on the speculative Khazar theory of the Jews and although not supported by empirical basis, it is used for political purposes. The theory reached a wider audience when Arthur Koestler published “The Thirteenth Tribe” in 1976. More recently Prof. Shlomo Sand published “The Invention of the Jewish People,” that further argues that the “Jewish people” is an invention, forged out of myths to justify Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel. Then we move on to discuss the long historical animosity between Jews and Western culture. Kevin talks about politics motivated by hatred. Later, we discuss the big business of immigration.

In the member’s hour, we contend how it’s no accident that pro-European films are not being made, nor is media focusing on any positive aspects of Europeans or the West. Then, we discuss change in government that could have an influence on media and culture. We’ll also speak about the situation in California as demographics have drastically changed and tensions are mounting. Later, we comment on the Scottish independence referendum and voting fraud claims. The hour ends on the new kind of rebel emerging, antifa violence and the absurdity of Whites rejoicing the death of their culture.
[Note: This is from 2014]

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Emotionalism was conquering reason, rationality and even reality right up until the inauguration of Trump 47.

Next to Darwinism, Freudianism is the best friend Marxism every had. Everyone in worlds of entertainment, journalism, politics, corporate America, etc., who has the bucks to afford it has laid down on the couch of a psychoanalyst, poured out his emotional problems one by one, and after each problem was asked, "And how do you feel about that?"

Every problem, including non-problems, are emotionalized today. How you feel about something is more important than what something is.

Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC and the bitch, bitch bitch squad, along with practically the whole news media and most of Hollywood nobility, are trying hard to enrage the Marxocrat Party voter-base to violence, at least assassinations if not an actual revolution against Trump, Elon Musk, the whole new Cabinet an all of us MAGA voters. To overthrow the election and the government.
Emotion has been driving Protestantism since 1517 at least, as shown in the Emotionalizing Religion treatment. Now, following on the heels of the Destruction of Liturgy, widespread Treacherous Cronyism including Crony Catholicism, the new Protestant Mass, and all the mostly homosexual clerical sexual abuse scandals, we see a Pope and what appears to be a majority of Bishops preaching Emotionalism rather than Christ.

They love, "walk-with", "affirm", "accompany", and welcome into the Church, to all the sacraments, to the Communion Rail, abortionists, sodomites and the whole menagerie of the LGBTQ+ "community".
The USCCB and the Francis Vatican are in cahoots with the Marxocrat Party to smuggle in dope, sex traffic victims, gangs and terrorists into America, and the Francis Vatican is in cahoots with the UN, the WEF and the EU to do the same thing to Europe and the UK.

They will feel better, emotionally, when the whole world is DEI, Woke and LGBTQ+, like them.

Mothers Grim #transphobia #conspiracy margox.substack.com

The announcement of AIDS/HIV in 1982 opened the floodgates for an orchestrated “born in the wrong body” campaign. “TQ+” followed LGB for the “civil right” of living in medical drag. LGBTQ+ are inseparable in the eyes of industry. Countless industry leaders launched careers from AIDS. The LGBTQ+ juggernaut is now their master. Robert Garofalo, Caitlyn Ryan, and A.C. Demidont are among them. The media and tech sectors were poised with emerging tools to spread industry messages. The point was not always to tell the truth.


Executive orders on day one of the new administration are positive signs. Day two handshakes with technocrats and talk of Oracle are not. Oracle is one of 26 benefactors of HL7 International. They are involved in developing interoperability standards across digital platforms. Capturing the sex binary for “Gender Harmony” is happening. It is a model where social determinants of health, LGBTQ+ data and more, are collected for a global model of healthcare. The model will serve global corporations who view man as nothing but specimens in need of the rising one health model of care.

Things did not end well for members of Heaven’s Gate or the Peoples Temple who followed leaders to untimely deaths. Sons and daughters across the world are being hunted for an evil global “gender” program. Parents and citizen journalists have exposed untimely tragic deaths of the “gender” indoctrinated. May they rest in peace. Ending youth “gender medicine” is only the beginning.

Candace Owens #conspiracy twitter.com

Emmanuel Macron arrives into Washington D.C tomorrow.
President Trump and VP Vance should bring me to the table.

Macron is a groomed weakling who should not be welcomed anywhere that adult decisions are being made.

Better to deal with his perverted husband.
1:59 AM · Feb 24, 2025 · 3.6M Views

Indian in the Machine #fundie #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy indianinthemachine.com

Well, the antichrist doesn’t really hate, as much as despise.

He knows he needs inferior people around him, because THAT is the source of his power… THAT, and money.

He will only consider you to be worthy, if you support him and listen to him.

You may notice something about the antichrist that has been obvious from the beginning:

There is no joy, in that kind of power.
There is no money that is enough.
He’s not really putting US, first.
It’s getting rather annoying, and now outright dangerous.
Folks… the man who rules the world, is not chosen by other humans, nor by himself.
It is ridiculous and childish, to think one inherits the earth via capitalism and colonialism.

Now you want to know what the antichrist finds delicious about your death?

Pretty much nothing.

Dead inside, you see.

Nothing is enough.

No tears are shed.

Lack of feeling.

A numbness.

If your life is shitty it’s your fault.

If you traded in your DNA for a donut, your fault.

If you believed the sales pitch for the mystery needle, your fault.

He’s got really no remorse.

Millions maimed from the jab he promoted… not one tear shed, not one fuck given.
A parasite doesn’t experience regret, for attacking the host.

One can think of the ultimate non-living parasite to be a virus.

A virus is nothing but faulty computer code.

The antichrist is running on faulty computer code.
He already turned the military into androids… the ones he claimed to lead and to put, first…. soooooo I hope you are getting the picture, at this point… the drone army is just over the horizon and either you will own nothing and be happy, or you will be dealt with.

His friends turn people who disobey, into happy meals… the ones who obey will eat you.

And you think I’m being negative to point this out?

Nope, it’s positive to help people free themselves from genetic slavery, mutation, financial terrorism, bioweapons and nanoparticles…. things the antichrist just never gets around to talking about.

Rebecca Brown MD #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Why Many Bad Things Happen to Good People...

The Problem
Are you one of the many victims of an unbroken curse? Today, countless Christians throughout the world are plagued by unexplained poverty, calamities, and a variety of adverse circumstances. Their lives are tragically filled with heartache and desperation as they continuously struggle against overpowering temptation, physical and mental illness, and a myriad of catastrophic events. Usually, they are unaware that their plight is the result of an unbroken curse that has been placed upon them and perhaps upon their families.

Some of the Causes
Hatred and jealousy
Trespassing on the devil’s territory
Handling unholy things
Inherited curses
Breaking vows to God

The Solution

The Bible specifically instructs every believer to avoid curses and to recognize and break them. Yet, an astonishing number of Bible-believing Christians have either not read or do not remember these essential spiritual principles. Thus, many believers live under the affliction of unbroken curses. This book will show you the necessary biblical steps to recognize, prevent, and break every type of curse.

AnthonyOfBoston #conspiracy reddit.com

Here is a remote viewing of a Russian document circulating Russian diplomatic channels outlining what they are planning against the United States. It's massive and will cripple the United States permanently
(A comment by OP on his own post that goes on to explain what was “found in said document”):
As we know, the implications involving the threat of western hegemony on our respective national security has led to proposals involving a series of coordinated measures. Over the course of the last decade, our security efforts have met surprising challenges, but have also made incredible strides overcoming many obstacles. For this reason, we continue to assert the necessary resolve. Our liasons have reached out to the appropriate parties and have solidified a mutual understanding of the next steps which need to be taken in order to ensure the security of our respective national interests. Our sacrifices on this matter underscore the magnitude of what is at stake, namely of which is the threat of bad actors encroaching our longstanding soverign territories, along with the uncertainty that follows, both in regards to our interests and existence. These matters cannot be taken lightly, considering the historical struggle of our populace.

Our allies in the pacific and the middle east have already signed off and ratified the accordance. Our liasons are in contact with our latin american partners and will certify the final agreement which will be enacted no earlier than June.

Tartarian Talisman #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy tartariabritannica.com

In the Bible, Noah receives a message from God to build an ark to save his family and two of each animal.

God said to Noah,

“I am going to destroy all flesh because the world is full of violence. Build an ark of gopher wood, with rooms inside, three decks, and a door. Cover it inside and out with pitch.”

The notion that his ark was built in the Middle East starts to unravel here. There are no gopher wood trees in the Middle East—gopher wood can only be found in a small area in the southeastern United States.

So, did Noah’s ark float all the way to Turkey, eventually landing on the mountains of Ararat? Or did it end up somewhere else perhaps one of North America’s great mountain ranges, like the Rockies or the Sierra Nevadas?

Perhaps this is why Noah’s ark has never been found.

For some time, there have been rumors that America was the true ancient Egypt. Now, this is purely speculation.

But this does lead me to wonder about the ancient red seas of California. Could Le Mar Rouge, cataloged by Battista Agnese and early cartographers, be the very sea that Moses parted all those years ago?

Let’s look at the similarities between the promised land and America.

It’s an interesting thought. Let’s examine this area and see if there are any biblical references.

Interestingly, we see “Canaan“ appearing in relative proximity to the Great Salt Lake—the alternative name for the Promised Land now surfacing in an unexpected location.

Look at this fellow, E. E. Callaway, a researcher in the 1950s, who believed there was:

“Unimpeachable evidence, which conclusively proves that the Garden of Eden was located east of the Apalachicola River, between Bristol and Chattahoochee, in Liberty and Gadsden counties, Florida.”

I’m not saying biblical events took place here in America. But I will say this the evidence is compelling enough to suggest they may very well have. Perhaps the “cradle of civilization” has emerged more than once, in more than one place.