
Allender #conspiracy sgtreport.com

When the president is known as, “Bathhouse Barry”—(gay)—and the “First Lady” is a man named Michael (former collage football linebacker)—you know the Zionists have won.

Trump is a dead man walking. Too much truth.

Jeff Berwick #conspiracy sgtreport.com

On May 12th, the “WannaCry” ransomware attack was covered widely in the mainstream media, immediately proclaiming it to be the “the worst cyber attack of all time.”

Is that really the case? How did they know so quickly?

The entire ransom collected so far, mostly from idiots and moronic government agencies who still use Windows XP and don’t update their software, is a total of $70,000. Is this really the worst attack of all time?

The attack gained worldwide attention 11 days after May day. May day, or May 1st, is the anniversary of the Bavarian Illuminati which was formed on May 1, 1776. Or, 1/5/1776. Which, when added up, 1+5+17+76 equals 99.

Within minutes, the media seemed to already know how many countries were hit by the attack. The number? 99.

“Wannacry” in gematria, which the globalists use, is the number 99 in “English ordinal” and has all 9’s along the bottom row.

So, this already seems to have all the markings of a globalist hoax or false flag.
But, where did this virus come from? Surprise, surprise, it came from the National Security Agency (NSA). The virus is called EternalBlue and is an exploit generally believed to have been developed by the NSA.

So, what we have here is a virus developed by the US government which apparently set off the “worst cyberattack of all time” which affected 99 countries, and only received ransoms of $70,000 but was portrayed as an event of grave international importance.

If this was a false flag, what was the goal/target?

Well, here’s the thing. The ransom was collected in bitcoin! And, voila, bitcoin is demonized yet again. As though no ransom in history was ever collected in dollars.

Craig Escaped Detroit #conspiracy sgtreport.com

Barrack doesn’t have one either.

Trump has Balls & Guts.

“Bath-House-Barry” has none of those. (Perhaps Mooshcelle has got them though.)

And “Rub-a-dub-dub, 10 men in a foam party tub” (Marco Rubio) is another squirrel with too many nuts in his cheeks.

Ted Cruz is another “Goldman Sachs” candidate (just like Hillary). Funny how Ted’s wife is listed as a “BAKER” (instead of “baNker”). Perhaps BAKER is correct. She (and her master) are COOKING the BOOKS.

SGT #conspiracy sgtreport.com

CNN’s Jake Tapper (Jacob) Tapper (Tapperman) likes to malign #SpiritCooking and #PizzaGate as “fake news” without ever bothering to address any of the troubling FACTS and circumstantial evidence that suggest a penchant for pedophilia among the ranks of Washington DC’s elite.

It’s certainly a strange coincidence that almost a year ago (February 6, 2015) Tapper’s wife Jennifer professed her love for Comet Ping Pong and Buck’s Fishing and Camping, naming them specifically as her “favorite date-night restaurants”, which is weird because both establishments have been named by Pizzagate researchers as worthy of further investigation. And perhaps even stranger, Jennifer Tapper also told Washingtonian magazine that Comet Ping Pong is her “favorite restaurant with the kids.”

Small world. It kinda makes you wonder, just how close is Jake Tapper to John Podesta’s inner circle, and what exactly is lurking in his closet?