
nobody #fundie stranniki.blogspot.com

Invention = Murder

Civilization develops not from Abel, but from Cain the murderer. The very word "civilization" derives from the Latin word for city. It is the leisure time, community organization and specialization of labor in the first cities that permitted the emergence of the arts and technologies we think of as the hallmarks of civilizations. The first city, according to Genesis, was constructed by Cain, the inventor of agriculture-a technology that requires a fixed abode. And it is his descendants, the sons of Lamech, who invent both "artifices in brass and iron" and musical instruments. Metallurgy and music-technology and art-are in the line from Cain. And the passions that lead to murder do not abate: Lamech says, "For I have slain a man for wounding me, and a young man for bruising me; if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold." The connection between murder and invention has been with us ever since. Both derive from agriculture and civilization. p.64 Dragons of Eden, Sagan

nobody #fundie stranniki.blogspot.com

Obadiah 4

Those people who believe they can jet here, or jet there, or otherwise fly around in any aircraft/spacecraft, these people all have another thing coming to them. For the Holy Prophet Obadiah at line 4 declares the testimony of God saying that He will bring all such people down.

"Though you ascend as high as the eagle, And though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down," says the LORD.

Anytime I see an aircraft or spacecraft my shout of reminder is

"Obadiah 4."

nobody #fundie stranniki.blogspot.com

The printing press was first used by heretics and from the beginning people of good conscience have considered it evil and of the devil. Russia was the only Orthodox Christian Empire left, so when the printing press first arrived in Russia from the western heretical lands a good thing happened. The Russians in Moscow destroyed the printing press and the machine operators had to flee due to this unwelcoming happening. I have personally owned some of the first printed books made for Orthodox Christians and have found where entire pages had to be removed, in one way or another, because of the various types of unchristian content.


Printing is inherently wicked and worldly at best.


nobody #fundie stranniki.blogspot.com

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ruin & Misery

All modern buildings are toxic and ruined
So I'm homeless
I would like to build godly shelters

All manufactured clothing has harmful chemicals
It's so miserable I'm considering wearing rags
I would like to weave healthy clothing

All food is poisoned
So I go hungry often
I wish it were allowable to have good food

All water is contaminated
So I go thirsty and rarely bathe
I'd use good spring water if accessible

More illegal drugs are on fake USA money than others
So I took a vow of poverty years ago
If there was real and clean money I'd use it more

There is no honest or safe work anymore
So I have been unemployed for many years
If I found reasonable work for trade I would

Cities and towns have the most polluted air
So I avoid them, especially the low lying areas
I wander the countryside or mountain wilderness

All worldly government is Antichrist
So it is difficult for me to participate
If it were more peaceful I would accept it more

The same goes for the following, transportation, communication, education, religion, physicians, recycling, etc. etc. etc. basically anything having to do with industrialism.