
SwytheQ #conspiracy swytheq.deviantart.com

Fair Using

Had a hard time verifying permissions for the painting. Then I saw it across multiple Catholic and Lutheran sites (and I remember this being on one of my former Church's bulletins), and as a free wallpaper and decided to risk resubmitting it. The base work is called "Jesus is a good Shepard" (I think, it gets around a lot) and I decided to alter it change the message to make a point. Third upload, kept pulling it because I wasn't sure.

At this point if you think the Russian connection is true, you are a sheep.

Donald Trump broke no laws by giving Russian's access to classified information about ISIS using laptops as bombs in airports. Ironically, if anyone was paying attention to the news, one would remember a few articles circulating last week sometimes about airports considering banning laptops. Why? Because they might've seen the public videos of ISIS doing this. So, Trump hands the Russian's previously classified reports of openly published threats to innocents, and the WA Post treats it like its an impeachable offense.

Trump's now in control of the situation and the media is reacting. Democrats last week lost their footing by admitting multiples times there was no evidence, and Comey's firing forced them to freak out. Now, picking some rotten cherries, the media is looking for anything to make a scandal and bail out their fellow partisans. They play right into the escalation towards their downfall as the average person is suffering from fatigue.

There are really only two options:

Democrats drop the issue, resulting in embarrassment and failure, and the attempts to build a case for Trump's impeachment to collapse apart as well. As no one will give their party to popular mandate for at least a generation anymore. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome will be the end of them.

Democrats push for an independent investigation, where Comey sings and Trump releases the recordings he claims he has. The end result is Comey's credibility collapsing in court and the discovery of Comey's obstruction of justice that he has done. Email-gate will potentially be reopened, and Obama, Clinton and Podesta, along with some of the democratic party buddies could land themselves a nice jail sentence.

Either way, Trump wins. The end game looks like an effort to put the Russian nonsense to rest.

I see others doing pictures on media literacy, good.

The body of the TV-Man is Chuck Schumer.