
Brian #fundie thelastpsychiatrist.com

Feminism was born when lesbians, who didn't have a husband to provide for them, were frustrated by not being able to find a good paying job. Eventually heterosexual women were duped into believing that they too were disenfranchised in not having the same job opportunities as men.

heres reality #fundie thelastpsychiatrist.com

As a result of this, we see an agregation of traits where many, if not most males prefer children for sexual partners (13-17) over women in their mid 20s, even though women in their mid 20s are far more fertile and have healthier babies. The reason why is males genetically benefit from virginal (but minimally fertile) partners, even though very young females are not very fertile the odds are so much better that if she does get pregnant it will be your offspring because 13 year olds only have sex when they are bought/sold/traded off by parents/raped.

heres reality #fundie thelastpsychiatrist.com

This also probably explains the disproportionate prevelance of pedophilia in males. Pedophilia is just a hop and a skip away from normal male sexuality (to be attracted to barely pubescent children), and probably represents a sort of "extreme male brain" defect similar to autism. Meaning, normal male brain development went wrong, and woops, now you want to screw on 10 year olds (instead of 14 year olds, like a normal man). The reason we have such common occurances of pedophilia and not gerontophilia, is because pedophilia is a defunctional expression of an otherwise adaptive sexual drive. Gerotophilia on the other hand, is completely unrelated to any sort of normal sexual behavior. Similar to homosexuality (an abnormal expression of normal sexual behavior - preferring the same sex instead of opposite) pedophilia is an abnormal manifestation of otherwise normal male sexual drive and instinct, to go seek out virgins.

The incredible genetic benefit to male genetic spread via mating with virgins also explains why throughout human history in every single culture, female virginity is protected prized and bought and sold like commodity.

This of course is all very much common sense to anyone with a brain, but brains are apparently verboten if you want to be a successful social sciencey bullshitter such as Allen Frances, MD, prominent duke psychiartist.