
Unknown author #conspiracy washingtonsblog.com

Below, we’ll show that 9/11 could NOT have been an inside job —


IV. No One Could Keep Such a Big Conspiracy Secret — Someone Would Have Spilled the Beans

If Americans were somehow involved in letting 9/11 occur, someone would have talked.

Some jerk would have had too much to drink, and bragged about his dastardly deed at a bar.

True, military analyst and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg said: “Secrets — can be kept reliably — for decades — even though they are known to THOUSANDS of insiders.”

And many other huge projects involving many thousands of people were kept secret for many years.

But that can’t be true for 9/11 (even though government officials say that 9/11 was state -sponsored terrorism).

V. Our Government Wouldn’t DO Something Like That

Third, there’s no way government officials, military or intelligence personnel – who are sworn to protect and defend America – would do something like that!

True, the U.S. government officials have admitted that they’ve repeatedly carried out false flag attacks.

But 9/11 was obviously different.

VI. But the Whole Controlled Demolition Thing Is Bullshit

Whatever you else you may think, the whole “bombs took down the Twin Towers” thing is bullshit.

True, the collapse of the third World Trade Center skyscraper on 9/11 – one that was never hit with a plane – makes no sense. But that building, World Trade Center 7, is not one of the Twin Towers.

And admittedly, thousands of engineers and architects and scientists (and see this) think that the Twin Towers themselves may well have been brought down with high-tech explosives.

But they’re obviously all high on drugs.

VII You Don’t Want to Be Labeled As Crazy (Or Worse) — Do You?

If – after reading the 7 facts above – you still question 9/11, then you might need a friendly warning —

If you don’t knock it off, you might be labeled crazy — or a terrorist.

VIII We Have to Censor the Conspiracy Theorists

After all, we’ve got to censor those darn conspiracy theories.

We hope that the above-described essay disproves – once and for all – all of the crazy theories going around the Intertubes, and that everyone will shut up once and for all about 9/11.

WashingtonsBlog #conspiracy washingtonsblog.com

The Whole POINT of the Internet of Things Is So Big Brother Can Spy On You

No One Wants the Internet of Things —

No one wants the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Washington Post noted in 2014:

No one really wants a “smart” washing machine —.


If you’re wondering who would want to buy an Internet-enabled washing machine, you’re not alone. Even Whirlpool’s not so sure.

“We’re a little bit of a hammer looking for a nail right now,” Chris Quatrochi, Whirlpool’s global director of user experience and connectivity, said last week at a conference hosted by tech blog Gigaom. The buyers of web-connected washers, more than a year after launch, are still “not at all widespread,” he said. “Trying to understand exactly the value proposition that you provide to the consumer,” he said, “has been a little bit of a challenge.”

It’s a big concession from one of the most notable champions of the buzzy “Internet of Things” —.

As Digital Trends blogger John Sciacca put it: “Have we gotten so pathetically lame that you need to be notified by an email that your laundry is done?”

Wired jokes:

Now it seems every kind of thing from dishwashers to doorknobs require an Internet connection, since after all, we all know our dishwashers have long harbored a pent up desire for scintillating conversation with our doorknobs.

— Except Big Brother

The government is already spying on us through spying on us through our computers, phones, cars, buses, streetlights, at airports and on the street, via mobile scanners and drones, through our credit cards and smart meters (see this), television, doll, and in many other ways.

The CIA wants to spy on you through your dishwasher and other “smart” appliances.

Carl Herman #conspiracy washingtonsblog.com

The Huffington Post Bloggers Club is offering up to $25,000 for hard evidence that the June 12 Orlando massacre was staged (consider here, here).

The attack fits the same pattern observed dozens of times over the last several years; in particulars, the summary execution of the suspect and disbelief of those who knew him best, including his family.

Yet again, the timing of the attack combined with the demographic of the alleged victims and the demographic of the alleged gunman, dovetail too well with the domestic and geopolitical agendas in Washington. The Orlando shooting is simply perfect for at least six top priorities of the Obama regime:

?push the Gay agenda,
?repeal the Second Amendment,
?justify Orwellian surveillance,

?embolden the police state,
?fan hatred of Muslims,
?intervene on behalf of terrorists in Syria while pretending to fight them,
?distract from the most influential American Muslim of all time: Muhammad Ali.

MrLiberty #conspiracy washingtonsblog.com

ALWAYS begin with the assumption that it is a false flag. The agenda of disarmament is way too critical to the powers that be, especially as their destructive central bank policies of inflationary theft of the wealth of nations begin to be revealed in national and economic failure. The common man cannot be allowed to defend himself - especially against the compliant sheep that populate the government. Mass shooting, shooter dead, Islamic terrorist connections....all way too convenient and way too scripted to be a random event. Thankfully the alternative media will stay on top of the truth. Sadly the sheep will believe only what the mainstream liars feed them.