
Thomas Horn #fundie worthynews.com

According to some experts a pattern is emerging reminiscent of Jewish persecution in post war Germany. "Isolation of, and discrimination against Christians is growing almost geometrically" says Don McAlvany in The Midnight Herald. "This is the way it started in Germany against the Jews. As they became more isolated and marginalized by the Nazi propaganda machine, as popular hatred and prejudice against the Jews increased among the German people, wholesale persecution followed. Could this be where the growing anti-Christian consensus in America is taking us?"

Angela #fundie worthynews.com

So, in the cases of rape and incest it's okay then to scapegoat the unborn child, make it a human sacrifice?

That the female having been raped and/or when incest is the cause, we find a limit on just how much scapegoating, human sacrificing, we'll allow by doing it in cases of rape or incest but not before?

Murder is okay but when the results of the crime a perpetrator commits keeps on happening even to the birth of the only innocent left to us, newborns, we go ahead and kill the child? How does that make us a 21st Century enlightened society? If I never steal $1 million but only $100,000 that's okay then. The crime is less so it's okay.

Killing the unborn is killing. And when we go to all the trouble of checking into a facility to have it done, it's murder. Okay, if the mother and child's lives are endangered by the pregnancy, if one or both will die anyway, that's what we can dispute and put to a vote. Not the rest.

You know, if the Catholics and "Orthodox Christians" would leave their St. Mary holy cards and pins/medals at home, we could all show up to picket abortion clinics together. There is a lot of support staying home because the RC's keep selling (promoting) Maryology at Abortion Clinics/hospitals instead.