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Nature: The Fascist

Fascism is the application of science not only to matter, energy, nature and the animal kingdom but to human beings as well. It has been said that nature is the ultimate fascist. You see, fascists believe that humans are an animal on this planet like any other and we must follow the laws of nature like any other. You’re probably thinking that modern leftists do too. No, they don’t. They don’t and they don’t even realize it.

The glaring hole, the massive blind spot, the fatal flaw, the ultimate act of double thinking hypocrisy of the modern Marxist Western world is refusal to address or even acknowledge that the inescapable laws of nature and evolution create biological variety. To vary is to be unequal. Every time I’ve asked one of them to address this they shut down and become a broken record spouting the word “racist” like some priest trying to exorcise a demon.

In the same breath these people will acknowledge evolution as absolutely true, say there is no god and declare all human beings perfectly equal to one another. They will acknowledge that there are different breeds of other species and that you can breed better or worse offspring of any species through selective breeding. We’ve been doing this to the animals we’ve domesticated for millennia. They have no issue with the reality of natural selection and survival of the fittest. However, somehow when it comes to human beings we are magically exempt from all of this. Thousands of years of divergent evolution be damned. We’re all equal, shitlord! And they claim they’re not religious. Heh.

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