
TB777 #fundie mbd.scout.com

BTW, microevolution, sure, no problem.

Macroevolution? Uh, no. No proof at all of this, and nothing in nature showing it to be true. A big ol fairy tale repeated often by the church of Evolutionary Thinking and the Church of i am.

It would be easier to believe Jim Tressel could become Charlie Weis if only given enough time and let volcanoes, sun spots, radiation, gravity, meteors, and cows passing gas do their work. That wouldn't even be macroevolution since they are the same species, but you have to admit pretty unbelievable for Jim to ever become Charlie.

TB777 #fundie mbd.scout.com

Evolution takes billions of times more faith than Christianity. Few Evolutionists agree with one another on many of the basics of Evolution.

Many of Darwin's initial key theories have been totally debunked, bu tall that has led to is more and more strung out theories that over time continue to get debunked.

Evolution is no less of a Religion than any other. The whole premise to keep the lie going is to deny God ultimately. Countless scientists have admitted as much. They have admitted due to the findings over the last half of a century that Evolution as commonly taught is impossible, but the only other possible alternative is something they could never agree. That is there is a God they have to answer to. I have watched many of these scientists admit they knew evolution was not true, but no way were they going to submit or believe in any God that created them. That is the real issue my friends. It has nothing to do with science, but rather it all has to do with Lordship. The Evolutionists have propped this false theory up so that they can remove guilt, and in the process can make themselves their own little gods of their own world.

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