
David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Kindly, Mr. Kupelian is either woefully ignorant or a highly paid liar! What he is really saying is that the Bush administration made some innocent mistakes, sincere blunders and it all just kind of happened, but there was no intentional plot by the Bush administration to blow-up the World Trade Center. LIES! LIES! LIES! Any person, even with a low IQ, can easily see that the three WTC buildings were bombed and imploded to the ground with professional explosives, by a professional team. Since it takes months to plant explosives for such a large undertaking, it would require access to the buildings in the months prior to 911. Look no further than young Bush brother, Marvin Bush, who headed an Electronics Security Company for the two years leading up to the September 11, 2001 attacks. There's your culprit! You couldn't make this stuff up!

Marvin Bush is never mentioned by the mainstream newsmedia, because it is one of the smoking guns exposing THE TRUTH about the 911 attacks of the World Trade Center....

The day after Bush took office in 2001 Marvin was handed a $50 million plus contract to handle security of the Twin Towers and Dulles Airport. He had absolutely no background to indicate he could handle such a contract, or the job it entailed, but this is how all the Bushes got rich, with government contracts given to them by other Bush family members. Marvin was in charge of security on 9/11 at both the WTC and Dulles. You can look it up on line, Google Marvin bush and you will find out a lot about the "other Bush brother" that absolutely no one in the press will ever discuss or talk to the Bush family about, or ask the hard questions of George W. like, "what qualifications did your brother have that gave you the right to award such a huge contract to provide security at the WTC and Dulles airport to him?" Have you ever heard the press ask this tough question of W? I didn't. In fact, the press NEVER discusses Marvin, the other brother, or Neil, the thief brother.

SOURCE:What Qualifications Did Marvin Bush Have?

As the editor of Whistleblower magazine, he sure isn't doing a very good job in my humble opinion. Anybody with an objective mind and heart, can see that there are literally hundreds of major inconsistencies, outright fraud, blatant lies, hindrances to justice, and treason concerning the 911 attacks.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

The level of “corruption” (a gentle word for massive treason, mass-murder, trillions of stolen taxpayer dollars and numerous heinous unthinkable crimes) is staggering in the U.S government. Of course, this is all sanctioned by Zionist lobbyists and the Frankfurt Illuminati Jews themselves, since they are the perpetrators behind it ill. ...

My friend, the Rothschild-led International Banking Cartel is behind every subversive agenda eating away at America today, particularly the morals and stability of our youth. As you just read, the banking cartel control the media and entertainment.

This is why Taylor Swift started off as a good girl, wearing long dresses, the kind of girl most parents would like their daughter to be; but now she has stripped down her clothes, opening her crotch in her recent video, “BAD BLOOD”! In the video a perverted man is looking up her skirt, as she sticks her private area in his face! This is the sicko trash being pushed off on our youth today. If that offends you (and it should), then this will shock you. The Illuminati (aka, Freemasons, Rothschilds, Wall Street, international banking barons, Zionists, Communists, et cetera) are behind the moral subversion of the United States. They are behind the legalization of same-sex perverted unions (they're not marriages in God's eyes). Why do this? It is because a Godless society is a vulnerable society, easily recruited to serve the state, big government, the Antichrist, and not the Lord Jesus Christ.

Trotsky corroborator and Marxist-insider, Christian Rakovsky, openly said that Christianity is the biggest enemy of the World Revolutionary Movement. “Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences,” Rakovsky, says. (Griffin, p. 264). ...

You won't learn the truths I am sharing with you from most history classes, nor will you learn this in a public institution of indoctrination. In Karl Marx's 10th Plank of his Communist Manifesto, he called for a public school system to enable the state to indoctrinate the children. Marx's 5th Plank called for centralized banking (aka, the Federal Reserve banks). America is largely a Communist nation today. Research and you will find that only homosexual men rise up in promotion in the military ranks of power. Our U.S. military is a cesspool of Sodomites and sexual degenerates!!! It was in December of 1011 that President Obama passed NDAA< which now permits sex with animals (bestiality) in the military. I'm not kidding, see for yourself!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

NOTE: Jack Kennedy [also known as John F. Kennedy], during his term of office as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to "repent," he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the "borrowing" of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States. It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be "assassinated."

We have every right to demand the truth from OUR government because everything they do, they do in OUR name and with OUR money, and with OUR children in the military. Hence, it is OUR business. It's not the unanswered questions that should worry us as much as the unquestioned answers. Tragically, public outcry which used to be considered patriotism is now being redefined to mean terrorism. They're the terrorists. Americans are now the terrorists. Homeland Security was instituted to secure the homeland from patriots, caring Christians and constitutionalists. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism; but our nation's law enforcement is being trained to recognize dissent as terrorism. It is evil.

We are having an electronic prison built around us... internet monitoring, license-plate scanners, surveillance cameras, face scanners, thumb scanners, biometric driver's license's, passports with R.F.I.D. chip inside, millions of telescreens to monitor everyone. The perpetrators behind all these fascist evils are crooks, murderers, trash and filth.

Our country has been stolen blind from us. Our economy is being hollowed out, pillaged, and robbed. Something big and bad is coming. Over 26,000 ministers have been recruited to lead their congregations to lay down and submit to government tyranny when the economy implodes. They're called Clergy Response Teams. God pity the minister who is so gullible, ignorant or cowardly to submit to this. This is mind control. Every professional is being approached, taking the bait to join Homeland Security. They want everybody to spy on everybody.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Video games are becoming totally demonic, spying on people in their homes. We're all under mind control to a certain extent. MK Ultra mind control is being used on the American people. The demonic controllers know exactly what they are doing. People need to turn the TV off. The plan is to kill most of us. With all the talk about population control, is it that hard to grasp the reality that the criminals ruling over the United nations would plot to kill off billions of people? Not at all. A society that can murder 50,000,000 of it's own children by abortion is capable of any abomination!

We the people have become we the sheeple!

President John F. Kennedy said: “They who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” Our founding fathers knew that firsthand. That's why foreign troops are now being trained to police the American people. This is why a $27,000,000 prison was built in Hardin, Montana in 2009 to imprison Americans. The new facility is still unused, plain evidence of it's future purpose. When our economy implodes and the American people revolt, the complex will be filled to capacity. Wake up America!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

A day will come when money will be blowing worthless in the streets of the United States of America! Already, the U.S. dollar has lost 30% of it's worth since the year 2000. I've already mentioned that the entire stock market is a big mirage (something you see that is NOT really there). It a mirage of false wealth. The big bubble could pop in one day! Gold has real value! This is why China is wisely buying up the world's gold supply. Gold retains it's value, stocks do not. A commodity has real value! I can eat corn or bacon, I can't eat a stock.

Listen friend, the entire stock market is a big fictitious man-made invention of arbitrary numbers which mean nothing if you give it even a little thought. It's a big scam!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

At some point everything is going to give-way and the truth is going to be sudden, cruel, brutal, and a severe shock to the American public. There will be rioting in the streets, massive theft, crime will skyrocket, and people will financially exploit others increasingly in every possible way.

Already, we see exploitation all over the internet, trying to make a buck, shoving ad after ad in web visitor's faces. It has polluted the internet. It will be a cold day in Hell before I'll use ads on my ministry website to attract visitors. Acts 8:20, “Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.” The love of money is the root of all evil, evidenced by the millions of people in this world who commit the evils they do for profit. Take away the money and Hollywood, SIN CITY Las Vegas, MTV, and Walt Disney would all disappear.

All recent U.S. Presidents since the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been pre-selected, appointed to office through voting fraud and the lying newsmedia, and are mere puppets of the organized criminal establishment that has hi-jacked the White House. You're a fool if you vote Republican or Democrat and think it's going to change anything. They're all on the same side, i.e., the New World Order. People have such a difficult time accepting the term, NEW WORLD ORDER; yet the term has been mentioned by the pope, all recent U.S. Presidents, leaders of the world, heads of corporations, and by the who's who in nearly every field and profession. The worst gangsters of the past century are the Banksters!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

You need to understand my friend that the Zionist-controlled newsmedia and everyone involved with them is lying to you. The first two questions I ask when looking at a media source is: 1) Do they support Zionism (the lie that present Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy; thus, they support Satan's Israel as being of God); 2) Do they deny THE TRUTH that 9/11 was an Inside Job? If they support fake Israel, then they won't tell the truth!!! The Illuminati reward those who favor them with lucrative jobs and promotions. Due to all the media hype and whitewashing of the Clintons, they're still as popular as ever, even though they're presented as criminals on the June 2015 cover of WHISTLEBLOWER magazine. Go figure!

By providing controlled resistance to the criminal activities of the Illuminati, the Illuminati can carefully manipulate and shape public opinion, deciding what they want people to be upset about (open borders, no weapons-of-mass-destruction in Iraq, Obama's birth certificate, lying politicians, et cetera), but they will NEVER expose Federal Reserve banking fraud, 9/11 being an inside job, prior knowledge to 9/11, Freemasonry, or the fraud of Zionism). Mormon, Glenn Beck is controlled opposition. Rush Limbaugh is controlled opposition. MSNBC's Rachel Madoff is controlled opposition. Joseph Farah and Whistleblower magazine are controlled opposition. The best way to avoid the darkness is to stay in the Light!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

The first misconception that most people have is that the Federal Reserve Bank is a branch of the US government. IT IS NOT. THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. Most people believe it is as American as the Constitution. THE FACT IS THE CONSTITUTION FORBIDS IT'S EXISTENCE. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution states that Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereof, NOT A BUNCH OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS! Today the FED controls and profits by printing WORTHLESS PAPER, called money, through the Treasury, regulating its value, AND THE BIGGEST OUTRAGE OF ALL, COLLECTING INTEREST ON IT! (THE SO-CALLED NATIONAL DEBT). The FED began with approximately 300 people or banks that became owners, stockholders purchasing stock at $100 per share - the stock is not publicly traded) in the Federal Reserve Banking System. They make up an international banking cartel of wealth beyond comparison. The FED banking system collects billions of dollars in interest annually and distributes the profits to its shareholders. The Congress illegally gave the FED the right to print money through the Treasury at no interest to the FED.

The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and charges U.S. taxpayers interest. Many Congressmen and Presidents say this is fraud. Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well kept secret, has been revealed: 1. Rothschild Bank of London 2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg 3. Rothschild Bank of Berlin 4. Lehman Brothers of New York 5. Lazard Brothers of Paris 6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York 7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy 8. Goldman, Sachs of New York 9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam 10. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.

These bankers are connected to London Banking Houses which ultimately control the FED. When England lost the Revolutionary War with America where our forefathers were fighting their own government, they planned to control us by controlling our banking system, the printing of our money, and our debt.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Professional liars fully understand the art of lying. It's not hard to do. You begin with a truth to win the trust of the victim, and then you insert a lie to distort the truth in order to push an agenda. First it's Al Qaeda. Then it's Tim McVeigh. Then it's Ron Paul supporters who are the terrorists!!! Homosexuals use the same lying tactic. They'll begin by talking about the unconditional love of God (which is true); but then they'll insert the gay rights agenda, claiming that churches ought to display God's unconditional love by accepting homosexuals. God's love has absolutely NOTHING to do with gay rights. No one has a right to be immoral. God says that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:24-32; Leviticus 20:13). Yet homosexuals are slick, changing the truth of God's Word into a lie (Romans 1:25).

Our criminal corporate government is brainwashing Americans through agendacized movies. Hotels are spying on guests. Garbage collectors are spying on citizens. Public teachers are spying on parents by having the children write essays about their home life. While U.S. families are prosecuted and ruined over trifle matters, the entire system is massively corrupt. Our tap water is poisoned with fluoride and multiple other chemicals. We have become a bootlicking country of slaves. Literally, America is now the home of the cowards and land of the slaves.

Our government is now run by a criminal syndicate of offshore bankers. The mainstream newsmedia is their primary weapon against us. It's all lying propaganda. Hollywood movies are saturated with Homeland Security propaganda. Music is saturated with sexually-degenerate lyrics, promoting fornication, homosexuality and divorce. The hidden agenda is to destroy gender identity, eliminate courtship and marriage, and to reduce parents into mere incubators to produce servants of the State. Homosexuality leads to moral, economic and spiritual bondage... and likely AIDS. Do you know what gay stands for?...


David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

It is a joke to call Bill and Hillary Clinton, “America's First Crime Family.” There are many crime families, thousands in America's political history, but none so sinister and destructive as the Bush family. Former U.S. President and CIA kingpin, George H. Bush defines evil. I encourage you to spend some time researching the internet for “CIA Nazis,” and “CIA drugs” and “CIA George H. Bush.” Also, look up “Bush crime family.” The Clintons (although they are murderous thieving criminals too) are Sunday School teachers compared to the mafia Bush family.

It was the Bush family who gave us the 9/11 attacks and murdered 1,455,590 innocent people in Iraq, not to mention the poor 2,745 innocent people murdered in the World Trade Centers and amongst the First Responders themselves. 343 New York City firefighters were murdered on 9/11, trying to help the victims of a heinous terrorist attack against the United States. I was absolutely sickened to learn that the treasonous Bush criminal gang have been given immunity from prosecution and lawsuit, when we still haven't even had an honest investigation into what really happened on 9/11. The reason is blatantly obvious, that is, 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB! ...

• Evil Federal Court Gives Immunity To Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice and Others For Illegal Iraq War!
• Department Of Justice Bizarrely Claims Bush Criminal Gang Just Doing Their Jobs To Plan And Wage Iraq War

The Department Of Justice (DOJ) is compromised, controlled from the highest level of power by the Illuminati (Freemasons, Zionists, Rothschilds, Wall Streets banksters, key politicians, owners of the Federal Reserve, complicit corporations, et cetera). These powerful men meet regularly at Bilderberg meetings, Bohemian Grove, some are members of Skull and Bones or other secret societies, all doing the works of darkness for their lord Lucifer (Satan). When the DOJ speak of “justice,” they really mean “JUST US!”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

I'll highlight a few evidences that 9/11 was an Inside Job:

1. How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? No plane ever struck WTC building #7 a block away. Yet, WTC 7 imploded in classic symmetrical alignment in just 7 seconds. Thermite explosive charges were used.
2. Literally, thousands of professional architects and engineers (2,353 so far!) have signed a petition testifying that it is impossible for jet fuel to cause a building to implode, let alone 3 buildings in one day. There are hundreds of incidents of skyscrapers burning up in savage flames, without even one partially crumbling to the ground.
3. U.S. President, George W. Bush's younger brother, Marvin Bush, headed-up a security company which oversaw all the WTC buildings for 2-years leading up to 911. Marvin Bush And The Planting Of Explosives.
4. The culprits used mock terrorist attacks as a cover for the real attacks talking place. A national day of testing was never announced prior to the 911 War Games. This same type of deception was used during the 2007 London train bombings. By deliberately creating confusion for air-traffic controllers and emergency authorities, it provided the perfect cover for the actual attacks. The Devil is in the works!
5. First-responder rescue workers and firefighters said they heard multiple bombs going off. 32-year NYC firefighter and police investigator veteran, Rudy Dent, has gone on the record as saying that 911 was an inside job. Shamefully, corrupt judges in New York City threatened firefighters with imprisonment and loss of career and benefits if they refused to shut up about what they heard and saw at Ground Zero. 911 Was An Inside Job! The FBI told firefighters who found two airplane black-boxes to SHUT UP! Criminal Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey Handed Down Gag Order To Silence 9/11 Firefighters. 343 firefighters were murdered on 9/11, and not one 9/11 perpetrator has ever been arrested or indicted. Oh God in Heaven, I pray for justice upon the wicked who have done this great evil against the world!!! I pray for George H. Bush and his murderous family to be brought to justice!!!
6. Please watch 911 Mysteries: Demolitions. The truth never has to be defended, because it exists! It is fraud and lies which must continually be defended. THE TRUTH speaks for itself!!! The video link I just shared with you points out plain evidence that a child could understand. Only a fool, who desires to protect evildoers, would dare disagree with evidence that they haven't even investigated for them self. Many people are afraid to learn the truth, because then they must deal with it.
7. Prior to 9/11 President George W. Bush signed executive order w199-eye, which forbade the Justice Department from investigating the suspect Bin Laden family. The actual attacks were carried out by thugs from Saudi Arabia, buddies of the Carlyle Group and friends of the Bush crime family. The Bin Laden family and accomplices were the only ones allowed to fly and leave America on 9/11.
8. No plane ever struck the Pentagon on 9/11.
9. All of the twisted metal from WTC buildings 1,2 and 7 were immediately shipped out to China for destruction, and no metallurgical testing was ever allowed. This one fact PROVES that a rogue group within our government (The White House, FBI chief, CIA chief, FEMA chief, et cetera) were behind the 9/11 attacks.
10. There has never been a legitimate investigation into what really happened on 9/11. Six of the ten members who concocted the Official 9/11 Story have come forward admitting that the official story is a BIG LIE!!! If the government sincerely wanted to find out what happened, they would welcome all opinions, evidence and help; not arrest people, put gag orders on them and demonize anyone who dares to ask questions. Anyone who dared to call 9/11 an inside job was labeled by the newsmedia as “Anti-American” and a “conspiracy nut.” The greatest conspiracy is that there are no conspiracies. I can't wait until God judges all this wickedness. Hebrews 4:13, “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” In eternity, the newsmedia will be punished for their lying. They're all going to whine like sniveling little cowards, saying that they were only “Doing their job,” and God is going to cast them into the Lake of Fire in their sins without Christ forever and ever.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

I used to promote the World Net Daily (WND) website, but stopped because of their worldliness, promotion of Hollywood and association with fools like Ann Coulter. ...

To the Illuminati, Coulter is being used to destroy the religious right by making them appear as so stupid and ignorant that no one with more than one or two brain cells would join them, and it's working. With every hate-spewed tirade on the news shows, she is destroying conservatism and elevating the NWO just a little bit more. The Illuminati's war on our psyches is being fought on multiple fronts. First, they are training us to believe that an immoral liberal agenda is the correct ideology while simultaneously convincing us that embracing morals and religion is the equivalent of idiocy. Ann Coulter serves as a vital weapon in the Illuminati's all-out assault on conservatism. She is an infiltrator at the highest level, and too many are blind to her true motives. [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Ann Coulter and The Illuminati

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Alan Colmes, Bill Maher, Rush Limbaugh, Joseph Farah and thousands more fools are stooges for the global elite, manipulating and shaping public opinion. In return, they are paid incredible salaries. For example: FoxNews pays Bill O'Reilly $18,000,000 a year. O'Reilly's net worth is $85,000,000. Ann Coulter has a net worth of $8,500,000. Sean Hannity has a net worth of $60,000,000. His sidekick Alan Colmes has a net worth of $12,00,000. Disgusting huh? Religious salaries are just as disgusting. Pastor John MacArthur of Grace To You pays himself $246,586 a year!!! Peter Popoff has a net worth of $10,000,000. On judgment Day in eternity, every one of these shysters will give account to God for fleecing the public. Just because you can take advantage of people, or because everyone else in the charity racket is doing it, doesn't make it right in God's eyes. IT IS VERY WRONG!!!

World Net Daily (WND) publishes a magazine titled, “WHISTLEBLOWER,” in which they downplay the 911 attacks being an Inside Job. May I say, I DON'T TRUST liars! Anybody with a working brain, especially someone in the information business, can see that the 911 attacks were an INSIDE JOB, orchestrated by the Bush administration. The evidence is concrete, overwhelming and damning against The White House, Pentagon and Wall Street (aka, the Military Industrial Complex).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

Shame on those pastors who support tyranny. It's easy to support the killing, oppression, and destruction of other people's lives, just so long as you have it good. Well our day of reckoning as a nation is coming. I care about the victims of 9/11.

I care about the victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing. I still remember hearing the day of the OKC bombing that local authorities had found two undetonated C4 explosives. Then the federal government concocted a bogus cover-up that a van with fertilizer caused all that damage. No, it was the C4 that did explode that caused all that. When the 12 security videos were finally released in 2009, they had missed the bombing entirely because it was claimed that the security tapes were being changed at the exact same time as the bombing. Then why did it take 14-years to release those videos to the public? What a massive cover-up!

God's people errantly attributed the most awful crimes to being God's will in the Old Testament...

Jeremiah 7:8-10, “Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?”

They actually committed adultery, beared false witness, murdered, stole, and burned incense in idolatry to pagan gods and claimed it was God's will for them to do so. Nothing that has been done over in Iraq is God's will, nothing!

The 9/11 attacks were not carried out by Islam, by some nutcase with a laptop hiding in a cave. You've got to have a really low IQ if you believe that garbage. And Osama Bin Laden's staged death in 2011 was a total fake. They killed him and immediately dumped his body to the bottom of the sea? Right, and I'm the Jolly Green Giant. (remember those old TV commercials?)

It is television and the fact that the architects of the NWO have bought up all the networks to control the mainstream newsmedia, that have given them so much power. Pastor Lester Roloff is correct... next to the Word of God, the newsmedia is the greatest power in the universe. Samuel Z. Batten lays the burden (and rightfully so) at the feet of Christians to preach the Gospel and teach men to hunger and thirst after righteousness to thwart the NWO...

David J. Stewart #conspiracy lovethetruth.com

The criminal Global Elite (often called the “Illuminati”) love to mock their victims, showing just how naive and controllable humanity is. They are the super rich power elite who desire to create a slave society. Umpteen books have been written exposing the international banking cartel.

The TRUTH is the TRUTH, even if no one believes it; and a LIE is a LIE, even if everyone believes it!

As a blatant telltale sign that 911 was an inside job, the New World Order gang has left their mark at the scene of the crime. This is unbelievable! Truth is surely stranger than fiction. Just as the creepy Masonic pyramid and Eye of Horus appear on the back of every U.S. $1 bill, so also do we see the occult Eye of Horus now displayed at ground zero where the 911 attacks happened. It's their way of saying, “In your face America!” It's all part of a grand deception to divide and conquer humanity. Read, THE BIG PICTURE.

The truly shocking part of all this is the woeful ignorance of most Christians, who have bought into Satan's lie, still believing several years later that Islam was to blame for the 911 attacks. In the tract “Who Cares?,” religious artist Jack Chick blames Muslims for the 911 attacks. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although Saudi Arabian friends of the Bush family were deeply involved in the 911 attacks, it was the New World Order gang that pulled off 911, not Islam fanatics. George Bush's younger brother, Marvin Bush, was on the board of directors of the electronic security company which oversaw the Trade Towers in the 2-years leading up to the 911 attacks. 911 was an inside job! Wake up!!!

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